Merlin The Cat Turns 21 & PetSafe Giveaway
This is revised from a cached version of the original post.
The biggest feline birthday we’ve ever celebrated is Merlin’s 21st. What is there to say about a cat who for 20 years has behaved more human than many humans? He’s my soulmate cat and when my husband asked me to marry me I told him, “You do understand that Merlin will always come first?” He agreed and that’s the way it’s been. Our 15th wedding anniversary is at the end of the month and I often think Joe loves Merlin more than I do.
If I had to imagine Merlin as a human it would be like this or as a movie star. He’s been an old boy for as long as I’ve been blogging so no one knows just how charismatic he was in his younger years. He could command a room of students or dinner guests with a glance and have them fall instantly under his thrall. And now my baby boy is an old man. For twenty years he’s been my faithful sidekick, brilliant muse and fur pillow. Whip smart, elegant, wise and noble, he could crack up a room with a monologue in loud Siamese. He could do no wrong even when he’d get into mischief. In an imperfect world, every whisker, hair and claw of his was perfection.
Our birthday boy needs nothing but love and okay adulation (he’s still shockingly vain). If you’d like to make a birthday donation for less fortunate cats, please do and leave a personal message for Merlin there .[wpepdd name=”Help Cats in Need” price=”5.00″ url=” https://catwisdom101.com/path. “]
As a thank-you to Merlin’s many fans, we’re having a special triple giveaway. We’re big fans of PetSafe and for the first time, we’re offering readers a choice of products. The lovely folks at PetSafe are offering one Cat Wisdom 101 reader a triple prize of: 1 water fountain, 1 Bolt Cat, Dart, Pounce, Flik or Cheese Cat toy and one small cat toy of your choice. Visit the PetSafe website page FOUNTAINS, the PetSafe page for Cat Toys to select the 3 items you’d like a chance to win. Please note: The Sedona Fountain is not available.

Brian Frum
Happy Birthday from all of us Merlin! You are our hero pal!!!
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….de best oh fishes, mice creem dishes & happee day wishes two ewe ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪
we hope yur dayz rockin awesum mega kewl sooper grate FUN, eat perch pizza & bloo gill cake like itz never been made bee for & itz de best thing sinz butter…ewe iz now lee gull ta get inta de pubz; sew we will see ewe at one short lee….& heerz ta manee dayz oh happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Birthday again, sweet boy. Just keep on celebrating, Merlin!
xxoo -
Sue Brandes
Happy Birthday sweet Merlin. May your day be blessed with love and joy.
easy rider
Happy Happy Birthday Merlin, my mentor and the master of all feline wisdom of this world… hugs to you and the biggest mouse-cake of slice earth :o)
Deziz World
Happy Meowday Merlin. Weez not know ifin da give away is still goin’ or not so weez’ll check back later to see. Hope yous birffday mumff be purrfect.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
We have adored you and your family since the great day we discovered your blog four years ago. Ms. Phoebe was an immediate fan of you and your brothers and especially how your wise ways influenced and inspired your fur sibs and Mom. Your zest for life she identified with and admired, your birthday celebration this week was bittersweet as I thought a lot about my best girl.
You are quite the mancat dear Merlin, we wish you a fabulous 21st year filled with many happy and healthy days. Thank you for the generous giveaway, how exciting!
We would choose the:
SlimCat Interactive Feeder
Drinkwell Zen Fountain
Cat Dart Toy
We already are subscribed too!
Thanks again birthday boy, you rock!
Love always,
Clove, Kaspars, & Mom