Mancat Monday Cinco de Mayo Not!
It’s a festive Cinco de Mayo in the U.S. but not at our house. You see our mom Layla is leaving us again! First she goes to Grumpy Cat’s birthday party last week,
and on Wednesday she’s taking the big metal bird to Vegas.
Why you may ask? To go to Blogpaws, the social media conference for pet bloggers where’s she a judge and speaker. That’s okay but we heard there will be lots of d o g s, other critters and even a few cats. Can you imagine leaving us to gallivant with all these strange animals? We say Cinco de Mayo NOT.
We were having such fun in the garden and everything is blooming. Violets, lupins, dandelions…She’s blooming crazy to leave us, right?

Your Nellie Bellie
Merlin! Mes is having a most wonderful Cinco De Mayo now that mes seen some pictures of Beautiful Yous!!!
So sorry that Layla is leaving yous at home and going to Las Vegas…But shes will bes home before yous knows it!
Extra Special Kisses
YOUR Nellie Bellie
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kisses to Nellie but this is a #TBT post from 2014. Layla is staying put to be close to Merlin at tis critical time.
Well being a siamese, you are very very good at plotting things. It’s in your nature. Granted she hasn’t left, but you can plot and that will make you feel better.
Hope you had a good dayof sunshine today and your right all this blooming is beautiful!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, this is a #TBT post from 2014. Layla is staying put to be close to Merlin.
Yep, she’s bloomin crazy to leave you. But she will return. With swag for bribes.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Guys, this is a #TBT post from 2014. Layla is staying put to be close to Merlin.
Skeeter and Izzy
It will be ok Merlin……………kitty parents always feel guilty when they go away so they always make it up BIG time when they return!!!
Happy Cinco De Mayo any way!!!!!
PS if you need us just call 1-800-HELPME!!! We’ll come as fast as we can!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
yes, but she will be bringing home presents!
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…while de mice iz a way de catz will play….partee at yur place …we will bring de coals, grill & 98 cases oh perch !!
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Don’t worry Merlin, think of all the yowling and yelling at her you will get to do when she returns!! MEWHAHAHA!
My human is looking forward to seeing your human at BlogPaws!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Connie Marie
Merlin, I don’t like those big birds either.
You’ll have more sunny garden days with Mom.
prancer pie
Ours is making meatloaf to make it up to us, er, Daddy. MOL!
Happy Mancat Monday!
Merlin, I feel your pain. Big metal birds are not fun for kitty boys, but Cat Mommies fly in them because they’re fast. If Layla had to walk or drive to Vegas, it would take a lot longer, especially if she were walking, although she might take you with her, but nobody would have any fun.
She will be back soon!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Don’t remind me. Once for enough for this old boy 😉