Man Cats Gone Wild
Summer is over and this week all the boys wanted to savor the last sights and smells of the garden. Odin went a little wild. Okay, a lot wild. One look at his one crazy eye and you know nonstop mayhem was on the menu. All I do is play referee and thankfully he races into my arms when I call him indoors.
The older boys enjoyed hanging on the porch this week, basking in the warm sunshine. Everyone is getting along famously and Domino is beginning to venture inside briefly for food and massage. What’s not to like? Every day is one step closer to a formerly feral identity.
Gris Gris kept an eye on Merlin who has turned into Mr. Cranky Pants again. He’s doing his nocturnal vocalization again and has zero tolerance for Ling Ling. One evening, I held my breath as all four lounged in bed with us until hiss boom ba. Merlin smelled Ling Ling and yowled her away. Part of the reason is she hates Gris Gris and Merlin is his best pal. I didn’t want to undo the behavioral progress, and so Ling Ling is separated again during the night, for now. She’s so sweet most of the time and has made great strides but
Merlin’s wishes have to take precedence. After all, he’s going to be 17 in October. He’s still doing daily garden strolls but napping 101 is his forte.
Meanwhile, Odin and Domino are crazy about each other and are…
They love wrestling, playing tag, hide ‘n go seek with each other and with live prey.Odin caught a chipmunk (his first) who was more fun to play with than any catnip toy or Domino. I wrested the chipmunk away from Odin without bloodshed, but not without his indignant mood for the rest of the afternoon. He leaves no tree or stone unturned. Everything is his toy in his personal playground. Curiosity is his middle name and unbridled joy his birthright.
It’s fun and good exercise for both of us, except when he climbed onto on the porch roof and discovered a short lived new game: Climb onto porch. Run and sniff. Make mom run inside to bedroom window. Open window mom. Open. Go half in and run out again. Ignore come command. Run to other window. Back again. Come command gets louder. Mom’s hair gets wilder. Run inside. Mom is convinced cats can laugh.
Dad hacks branches leading to porch. Game over.
Milo and Alfie
Sorry, I know we shouldn’t larf but “Dad hacks branches leading to porch. Game over” is hilarious. We LOVE all those pics.
Oui Oui
I can just see Odin with his chipmunk! At our old house, many mice would come in at this time of year and the cats had a field day catching them. Carl held the record with 4 in less than an hour. I always loved how their whole demeanor changed. Clearly so proud of their accomplishment and possessive of their treasure, I really felt like a kill joy taking the mice from them (believe me, the mice were beyond anyone’s help). I bet Odin was like that too!
Sometimes it’s hard when you have a bossy cat and a meezer. Meezers know they are top cat! The boys are looking happy!
Great pics and love the captions. I do think Odin is like Austin; very mischievious and cheeky! Has mom’s hair regrouped yet? lol
Can you imagine the mischief they’d get into together? Hair is back to normal, whatever that is.
Katnip Lounge
I think the desire to play with Odin will lead Domino in…for good! Of course Cats can laugh, why else would they choose to live with loud naked apes?
I haven’t had a cat like Odin for a long time and I love reading about him. You may THINK you are the referee, but you are really just one of his props! He just runs from one experience to another, but they are all having their own adventures.
LOL, Bernadette you may be right. He does know when he’s “out of bounds” though.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I am sorry to hear that Ling Ling continues to stress Merlin out, but you are right, age does take precedence and Merlin needs his respect. It is kind of you to understand what Merlin is saying to you Layla. We are grateful the chipmunk survived, sorry Odin… you’re just gonna have to sulk over it, but I’m sure something will come along quickly enough to distract you! Loved the pictures – great job!
caren gittleman
this was completely delightful! love the “purr softly and carry a big stick” and I have a special affinity for Merlin because I am born in October as well, I can relate to being old lol.
Oh and YES cats CAN and DO laugh 🙂
Love those boys!
Ingrid King
Fabulous post and wonderful photos! I particularly like the one of Gris Gris and Domino on the porch – purrfect caption!
Fuzzy Tales
Trying again to comment. 🙂
We think “mom” must have a grey hair or two after Odin’s adventure(s). Ha. Goddess knows our mom certainly does, after all of Nicki’s escapades.
BTW, our mom’s starting to long for another girl kitty, but doesn’t want to upset the dynamics of the household–she doesn’t think she can handle another hellish Nicki/Annie relationship again, with all the daily hissing/growling/fighting. It’s nice to have a peaceful house.
Such a beautiful kitty family, they are all so special! Hey, Pawty in October?!?!?
Yup, next Saturday!
Wow you guys have been busy, so many lovely photos, I especially enjoyed those of the Mancats Gone Wild (phew for the chipmunk though!) 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
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Amazing adventures!