Lucky New Moon #AdorableAdorable Cats Vanna & Uma
This week’s Shelter Volunteer spotlight is focused on the new moon and the Chinese new year tomorrow. It’s a time of auspicious new beginnings and I hope some wonderful new homes for shelter cats.
Our foster gal Princess Nou Nou is indulged in a good way (okay, maybe a little spoiled). There is lots of love, communication, play and environmental enrichment. She’s a very quirky but bright Gemini who thrives on variety. She sometimes has a raw breakfast in bed and rotates between several sleeping spots. Having spent seven months caged in a windowless room, it took her a while to understand windows and how to to climb. She now likes sit in a south facing window but won’t climb any higher three feet, so far. She’s a natural Cinderella but she has two sisters who are not so lucky. But luck can change in a twitch of a whisker with something as small a sharing this post or images.
Nou Nou’s other sister Vanna is at least out of cage living in the New Rochelle Humane Society large cage-free room. She’s come a long way and is getting friendlier but will need a quieter home and a patient person. I believe she and Uma can turn around just as nicely in time. None are bonded with each other and can be adopted separately.
The jumbo-sized boy has been named and it’s Buddha as in Buddha belly. The sweetest boy I’ve met in ages at the shelter is on a diet and will need a home where his weight loss will be monitored. Here’s his Petfinder profile
We’re joining the Blog hop at Blogpaws today.
Ellen Pilch
I pray they get their forever homes soon.
Bev Green
We wish them all well in finding new homes…I had made another comment but it told me it was spam hahhaa …really it was not at all anything other than wishing them well 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and no worries. My spam filters can be tricky.
Cathy Keisha
I’m gonna share. There seem to be many Russian Blue mixes in shelters. I don’t understand cos we’re beautiful. Paws crossed that they find that purrfect someone.
Will share this!
They are lovely. I hope they get their home together.
Like the Island Cats, I am getting the 404 again. It is not a problem, I just have to remember to go to the post from your homepage to comment. It only happens when I try to comment when I get to your post from Feedly.
We think it would be wonderful if the girls found a forever home together…….everybody deserves a FOREVER………….
Hugs, Sammy
Brian Frum
We hope those forever homes are on the hunt right now!
Uma and Vanna are such lovely blue housepanthers. We get a very good feeling from their photos .. they are so ready to have a home of their own. Paws crossed that it comes soon.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I so hope you’re right.
Sue Brandes
So pretty. Hope they find forever homes.
da tabbies o trout towne
best fishes guys, which in R case iz trout, that each oh ewe iz lookin at de shelter …frum a reer view mirror…az ya drivez a way…. two yur new for everz home….by months end ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Love that image!!!
Big paws crossed for a new forever homes for these beauties.
Nou Nou sure is a lucky kitty. I hope good luck will be on Uma and Vanna as well.
And I hope Buddha’s diet will go well. He will be much happier with less weight!
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Uma and Vanna are beautiful twins, I love the idea of having twin sisters! It would be pawesome if they could find a forever home together, after all a pair is twice the love and fun.
My angel ladycat Livy was a survivor of a hoarding situation, not as large as the one these three sisters came from but just as traumatic. She and her sister, 4 other cats, 4 bunnies, and numerous guinea pigs were crammed together in a small one bedroom apartment where a woman thought she was ‘saving’ them, despite the fact she could not afford to feed or medically care for them. Her eviction ended up being the saving grace for all, as they were medically treated and found new forever homes, 2 year old Livy with me.
Having to fight for the little food given to 6 cats, Livy had to learn to eat in small amounts slowly or she would gorge her food without barely chewing it and then promptly throw it all up. The first two months she lived under my bed, over time coming out at night to join me.
She slowly adjusted to life in a big two story house that she had free range of and a big back yard, and even became loving friends with the family dog. She was a bright, inquisitive, playful kitty who although was 2 yrs old, the vet thought on her first vet visit she was a kitten. Less than 7 lbs, she was the tiniest of all my fur kids, her growth stunted the vet believed from her not getting enough to eat in her early months of life.
She was incredibly intelligent and clever, always figuring out where the drawing tools my sister used as an architecture student were hidden, stealing them once again to play with. She even stole a 2×3 poster board to be used for a class presentation, dragging it down a flight of stairs– what she wanted it for we never knew but still laugh reminiscing the story!
Watching her find her true spirit and discover the world around her like a newborn kitten was heartwarming and amazing, which made her unexpected and traumatic early passing all the more devastating and sad. For many years after her passing I felt she had been robbed and anger still emerges to this day, almost 12 years later.
Livy’s being taken too soon is a conflicting incident for as much as I would have given anything to have her here with me now, if she had not passed I would have never been inclined to look to adopt again. If I had not had the opportunity to adopt again I would have never known or had the joy of knowing my best girl Ms. Phoebe or my panther ladycat ÄŒerny.
Neither might have lived the 9 and 11 years longer than they did had my sister and I not agreed to devote the time, emotional ups and downs, finances, and care for two chronically ill and one emotionally traumatized abuse survivor cats. The experience and awareness for cats with such extreme special needs changed me in ways for the better, and inspired me to pledge to adopt cats who were older or with special needs in the future. When the girls had passed, they sent my Clovebud to me. How can one reconcile the longing for one taken too soon became an event that gave you three remarkable souls you may have never known otherwise? It is one of life’s difficult questions we may not be meant to know or understand the answer to, that is just something to accept and be grateful for. Those who belong to a certain faith may see it as a plan given forth by their higher power, but those of us who do not subscribe to any faith I guess are left to find our own answer.
Paws crossed Uma and Vanna find their forever home(s) soon and enjoy a long and happy life fellow hoarding survivors like Livy never got as much of a chance to.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much for sharing your adoption story of Livy. Every hoarder cat is different and luckily Livy found you. I’m so sorry she passed suddenly but so happy you’ve opened your heart to Clovebud.
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Thank you, I hadn’t meant for the post to end up like a book! I do not regret and am thankful for the time I had with Livy, her life and ironically death brought great change, knowledge, and love to my life. I did not get in to the cause of her death, as that is a book all on its own and left a bad taste of the legal system in my mouth. I will have to share it with you in a PM or email sometime.
Nou Nou is a jewel, those blue kitties have something special about them that has always made me turn to mush- that fur I would love to rub my face in!
I shared on Facebook. They are so adorbz. I am glad that the New Rochelle Humane Society keeps them until they’re adopted.
Growing up, we got our family cats from my dad’s lab, which got their cats from the pound.
There was always a tradition of getting cats from shelters in my family. Sometimes, we bred a litter and gave it away in the newspaper.
Layla Morgan Wilde
They are a no-kill shelter and really try hard to adopt all their pets. What did use the cats in your dad’s lab for?
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Surely a big Buddha kitty like that isn’t part of the hoarding cats, too? We’re purring that someone up in New York can open their heart and home to such beautiful kitties.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Buddha, arrived alone so I don’t think so.
The Island Cats
Such beauties! They deserve a home soon.
(pee ess…we’re getting the 404 error again after we try to post our comment.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
After? But you’re able to post.
easy rider
i hope for a wonderful home for uma and vanna… and for buddha, of course …
I hope these kitties find homes soon!
Pawesome Cats
Paws crossed the girls find their forever homes soon… they’re adorable!!