Look Who Adopted Marco the Rescued Hoarder Cat
Sometimes all good things come to those who wait. Marco, a cat we’d featured multiple times, finally got adopted. The handsome tuxedo boy rescued from a horrific hoarding incident near me in May 2014, adjusted to shelter life easily. Everyone thought he’d be adopted quickly including my friend and fellow volunteer Leslie who fell madly in love with him. Time passed, Marco turned around, but then regressed. More time passed and he graduated from a cage to the small cage-free room which normally holds up to five cats. The shifting roster of kitty roommates, some friendly towards him, some not so much all got adopted.
What’s not to like about a young, healthy and handsome tuxedo cat? If human, he may have wondered, what’s wrong with me?
Shortly after arriving the shelter (renamed Humane Society of Westchester at New Rochelle), I had high hopes for Marco after creating this adoption PSA on June 9, 2014. At that time, he was one of the more adoptable cats from the hoarder cats. Many needed major veterinary care and socialization. It prompted me to volunteer at the shelter, both hands-on and with social media.
I tried my best to create enrichment with a variety of textures, cardboard boxes, scratchers, catnip and other toys in his and other caged cats. Volunteers have little power in the shelter setting and it proved an on-going battle to provide the sorely needed enrichment like these enrichment tips suggested by the ASPCA. While I’m currently unable to volunteer at this shelter, I will continue to advocate for shelter reform which is sorely needed across the U.S. I’m grateful Leslie still volunteers and provides Reiki for the caged cats.
Adoption PSA #2 in August, 2014.
Adoption PSA #3 on Nov. 15, 2014.
From that point on I’d recycle old graphics or mention him to no avail in 2015. It baffled me why my adoption PSAs proved successful for everyone except him. Other cats took precedence and in the never ending cycle of new intakes, Marco got lost in the shuffle. That is until the Zaidan family felt Marco was “the one”. We’ll never know why it took this long except to say, there are cats who have waited much longer than Marco and are still waiting. Rememeber: Adopt Don’t Shop and if you can’t adopt, consider fostering.

Dogs N Pawz
So happy for Marco!
Thank you, Layla. Once again your blog has cheered me when I really needed it. Thank you for following Marco’s story and allowing us to witness the heartbreak and joy of his story. I don’t think you really know just how much good you do with your blog. Without dressing them up in super cute graphics or costume and using adult language and inflection, you show cats in all their feline beauty. You’ve shown us the young, fit Marco as he waited to begin the next, joyous phase of his life and the elderly, wise Merlin as he waits to cross over in to his next adventure. It takes a unique talent to to hear the message these sentient beings need to covey. I learn a great deal from your blog. So, again, thank you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dorothy, thank-you for your kind words. I try to stay true to my message even though there are far more popular blogs than mine.
Cathy Keisha
Is that Leslie who adopted him? I wish him all the happiness in the world in his furever castle.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, and that’s not Leslie but she’s very happy for him.
What a lucky guy! Shared.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for sharing Sue!
That is wonderful news for Marco. I hope he will be very happy in his new home.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Flynn, I think so and nothing is better than a real home.
Harvey, Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew
Sat here smiling and cheering. Good one Marco – your time has come!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Fate always does 🙂
The Island Cats
Yay for Marco! We hope he’ll be very happy.
Darlene Arden, C.A.B.C.
What a relief! I have watched your posts about him thinking, “Now! Now he’ll get a home of his own.” Finally, he has one. Thank you for keeping up the good fight for him. Hopefully, he was just waiting for THIS home to come along. I like “happily ever after…”
Layla Morgan Wilde
Everything in its time :-0
What a WONDERFUL update! I’m so happy for Marco….his Mom looks sweet and excited and I hope Marco’s forever is beyond his expectations!!!
Hugs, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, and they may be interested in adopting a kitten playmate too!
Ellen Pilch
I love happy endings, I wish every kitty could be so lucky. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog about the passing of Stinky. XO
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, I didn’t expect you to stop by so soon. Thinking of you continued purrrrrrs.
I’m so happy that Marco found a forever home after such a long wait! I wish all the happiness with his new family. And I hope other shelter kitties who have been waiting for a long time will also find homes soon!
Layla Morgan Wilde
We hope so too! xo
da tabbies o trout towne
DOOD !!!! we iz buzzed happee for ewe…we wish ewe all de best in yur new foreverz N manee gotcha dayz frum heer on out….all de best in 2016 & pleez ta stop bye everee now & then with de scoop on yur new place ♥♥♥ HOORAY !!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, thanks and hopefully many gotcha days ahead!
easy rider
Marco I’m so happy with you… and I wish you the bestest time ever with your new furmily. Sometimes the world is a good place and it feels so great to read about such a wonderful happy end.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy endings are the best and give hope when sorely needed.
Sue Brandes
So glad he got adopted.
Timmy Tomcat
Yay Marco! We are soooo glad he has a furever home
The wait may have been long but it finally paid off and I bet he is LOVING his new family
Layla Morgan Wilde
He’s a shy guy so it may be a little while 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
We are sooooooooooooo happy for Marco! If it means the purrrfect home then the wait is meant to be. We are just so glad that he was in a place that at least allowed him the time to wait.CONCATS MARCO & Zaidan family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
I think this home was worth the wait 🙂
I’m so glad Marco has a home! Sometimes fate has its own schedule.