Friday 13th Luck With Black Cat Art
Friday the 13th and black cats are intertwined in myth and superstition. It’s been our passion to counter negativity with positivity and have every year since 2011. This year I’m posting a bunch of fun black cat vintage art to reframe the truth. Here are a few Friday the 13th from our archives. Enjoy and share the love.
xo, Layla
Friday The 13th Shelter Cats: Lucky in Love?
Friday the 13th or Lucky Black Cat Day
Friday the 13th Lucky Cat Charms
Best Friday 13th Full Moon Lesson From A Cat
Here’s some Friday 13th black cat luck for you! Horseshoes are a traditional lucky symbol.

The British during WW1 and WWW2 used black cat postcards to bring cheer to soldiers.

I have zero problems with 13…I am born on a thirteen, as was my mother and my hubby, and a good friend, as well as many others I know and love. My MIL and angwel Pipo were born on a 26, which is 2×13…so is that double the luck??! LOL!
Those are cute cards, and I love black cats, too.
( I only had oriental kitties because I wasn’t allergic to them. Else I might have been lucky to be owned by a black kitty or two! Go figure.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
that’s so interesting, thanks xox
Oh! We positively love these. We have always, always considered black cats to be the very best of luck. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, preaching to the converted fur sure 😉 xox
Amy Harlib
I just adore all of these pictures and poems!
I feel lucky that Layla shares them!
Thank you!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Amy! I’m lucky to a have fan like you xo
Cindy Hall
Hello Layla! I enjoy every one of your catwisdom101. My husband and I have our cats and foster cats. The foster cats and kittens we have almost every day, and we have so much fun seeing the beautiful mothers and their kittens. It is hard to see them leave us when they are ready to go back to the local shelter, but there are always more cats and kittens waiting to come into a quiet home.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Always lovely you hear from you and Cindy, thank you so much for fostering xox
Ellen J Pilch
I love all these designs. I am superstitious of all things except black cats and Friday the 13th. XO
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, that’s a purrfect response xo
Memories of Eric and Flynn
I have never considered Friday 13th to be unlucky, but we have a friend who won’t go outside the door on that day. Love the black cat pictures. The first one though, never hang a horseshoe upside down or your luck will fall out!
That’s interesting and true about horseshoes!