former feral cat Birthday

FIV+ Former Feral Domino Turns 12!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Domino Birthday cat turns 12

Not too many feral cats reach the ripe old age of 12, but our former feral Domino has and he’s FIV+. We’re celebrating his 12th birthday today. It’s his wish to spread the message that feral and FIV+ cats can live healthy lives. Domino lived as feral for seven years on our property and for the past four years as an indoor/outdoor cat who loves cuddles and sleeps next to hubby’s head. He’s doing well and honestly couldn’t care less about birthdays. In past years, I’ve done birthday parties and I think this how he really feels.



It’s business as usual chez Cat Wisdom 101. I caught him having a dirt bath. So much for being a dapper dude. In 12 seconds, watch him stop when he realizes I’m watching him, make a split second escape and cavalierly stroll off as if nothing happened.

  • All the cats did a happy dance over the sudden summer hot weather.
  • Nou Nou discovered the wonders of window whiffies. she’s not a good candidate for leash training so we’re thinking of making a catio for her.
  • Odin caught a baby bunny to play with but not kill (at least not for awhile) I didn’t take any chances, I chased him with a broom to let it go. Poor thing shrieked bloody murder while the cotton-tailed mom, streaked across the lawn. Bunny escaped unharmed under the bushes while I scooped Odin into my arms and brought him inside.
  • All the excitement aroused Domino from a nap who located the baby under bushes. He pawed at it but didn’t pounce. One yell from me and Domino ran away giving baby a chance to get to safety. For how long, who knows. The mortality rate for rabbits is high. It’s more likely though that one of our many crows would kill this bunny than my cats.
  • Merlin and I shared picnic blankie time. Bittersweet bliss. I was feeling so nostalgic, I used a photo from three years for this card. Odin hasn’t changed much but Merlin is a shadow of his former self. Still, he basked in sun, investigated the bushes on his wobbly legs and gave Domino a birthday head butt and smoochie.

funny cats birthday



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