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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Microchipping & National Pet ID Week

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)


microchip infographic-national check your chip day

Woman holding a microchip between her index finger and thumb


  • Jenna Hunter

    I appreciate your comments on how a microchip is the best way to prevent a pet from getting lost because it goes into a national pet registry that any shelter or vet can scan for. I am thinking about getting a dog for my family and think that I would want to do anything I can to make sure it doesn’t get lost. I will definitely look into microchipping if I do end up getting a dog.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Thank you Layla for yet another wonderful, informative post!!!
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Kathie

    My 4 cats are all microchipped. I wanted to share my story in hopes of advocating microchipping because I know first hand that it works. Last fall, a scrawny, starving cat showed up at our house. I knew he was not feral because it didn’t take much coaxing for him to allow me to approach him. We already have 4 indoor cats and my husband was adamant, no more cats. I didn’t know what I would do with him because none of my friends or family would take him and the only local shelters who would take him are kill shelters. I would never risk an animal’s life taking them to a kill shelter, just can’t do it.We live in a rural area and people tend to drop off unwanted pets near our house, so I assumed he was unwanted or abandoned by owners who moved since people are constantly moving in and out of our subdivision. By the second day, I was starting to get attached to this sweet cat, so I knew I had to figure something out. Without much hope, I put him in a carrier, took him to a local shelter just to get scanned on the off chance that he was microchipped. I was so thrilled to find out that he was indeed chipped! The shelter called the company who gave all the phone numbers to reach the owners. I made several calls that day and the owner cried when I talked to her. She was so happy. She told me that he had been missing for 4 months and her family had looked everywhere for him, putting up posters. He lived merely 6 miles away! I took him to his owners the same day. I also want others to know that no matter what condition an animal is in, don’t assume they are unwanted or don’t have a home. If you find a stray (not a feral, be sure to learn the difference), always get the animal scanned for a microchip.

  • Melissa & Truffles

    French Fry (love that name!) sure has an incredible story! I really do need to talk to my vet about having Truffles microchipped since she refuses to wear a collar of any kind. She’s an indoor cat but accidents happen.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    YAY !!!! veree happee ya finded yur way bak two yur peepulz french fry đŸ™‚ ♥ we noe they R veree happee az well….

    when sauce & eye leeved de shelter we came frum we left with chips, registrationz info brochures/cards anda tail sa loot ta de staff….

    grate post two day doodz & N


  • Bev Green

    Wonderful Tigrette was reunited is always a good idea to take your pet to get their chips scanned prior to moving house also..we get the girls chips checked at annual vet visits and if we are putting them in boarding we get them checked at their boarding vac visit..the pups too..reason being when we moved and we now live 3 hours from where we were before..Marbles chip had moved…no trace of had to be re done..the vet checked all over..imagine she escaped in a new area no chip…scary..hugs Fozziemum xx

  • The Island Cats

    Thanks for all this good info on microchipping. We’re not microchipped, though we do wear collars with tags. The mom says she is going to get us chipped but she keeps forgetting! We’ll have to remind her again.

  • easy rider

    YAY for Tigrette!!! Thanks for this post, I hope so much that all pets get such a chip. It’s the best chance to find the way back to your crib. It’s required by law in the most european countries…but sadly some peeps ignore that fact, althought the vets have have special offers for chipping…

  • Pawesome Cats

    We sure are on the same page today – GREAT MINDS as they say! We’re glad that French Fry had a happy reunion, sadly all cats are not that lucky. See ya soon in Nashville – I’m on the countdown.

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