Cat Behavior 101,  cat photo quotes,  Feline Fine Art,  Mondays With Merlin

Dark Night of the Cat Soul

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)


Most Mondays, Merlin our wise, old Siamese shares his wit and wisdom with Mondays With Merlin. Other Mondays, the rest of our man cats chime in about cat life with Mancat Mondays. Today, we feel great sadness in our hearts and haven’t much to say. There have been many unexpected new arrivals at the Rainbow Bridge recently and we wonder why. Why some have to go so young and others so suddenly. We know about karma and fate, God’s will and Universal Law but it doesn’t soften the blow or fill the cat-shaped holes in our hearts.

Loss is change and loss is as much a part of life as death. Even as we walk in the lush, summer garden, the first dead leaves of autumn crinkle under our feet. The days are growing shorter and the truth is: we are preparing for a big loss in our cat family and yet there is no way to prepare. There is no way to move forward on our path except one step, one breath at the time.


  • Cynthia Southern

    Layla, I will keep you, Merlin and your kitty cat family in my thoughts and prayers. Cats are members of our families and it is so tough to have to tell them goodbye as they fly to the rainbow bridge.

    • Carolyn

      indeed – and this website will be a wonderful legacy; It’s gorgeous thank you Merlin! few cats leave such pawprints. We too have been preparing for a big loss – our young kitty has wet FIP and boy is the bridge traffic heavy in that lane, considered hopeless but my son says he has stopped listening to me about the fall of doom some weeks ago and the two of them just get on with enjoying their days – carpe diem đŸ™‚

  • Oui Oui

    Layla, you are in our hearts. We have walked this path, and its a painful one. On the other hand, a loss like a bolt out of the blue is just as painful. It is the price we pay for welcoming these lovely little souls into our lives and basking in the joy they bring us. We are purring for both Merlin and you, that you experience peace when the ends comes. My mother passed on last week, and the manner of her death was a comfort to me. I hope for the same for you.

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Our hearts break right along with yours Layla. We mourn the loss of every purrfect, beautiful little soul no matter the age or cause. Our hearts break for the loss of those we love so deeply and purely. There is nothing to make it easier or hurt any less but it is our pain to endure time and time again because we will always make room in our hearts for one more that needs us and we will have another little set of paw prints on our heart to help close the wound. We love you Merlin and we send our purrs to help you cross the bridge when it is time and we will see you on the other side one day. We purr for all to have a gentle crossing and find their peace and rest on the other side. With all of our love to you all. We will be here when you need us. Skeeter ,Izzy and Kathy. >^–^<

  • Tamago

    There have been too many new residents at the Rainbow Bridge. Every time I see the sad news I cry, even if I’ve never known them. You are right, we are never prepared for our big loss.

    We sure enjoy every moment we spend with our fur babies.

  • Abby

    There is no amount of preparation your mind can accommodate to ease the heart of it’s own knowing the unthinkable. We know with great love comes great sorrow. We know too the only way through is forward. We ache knowing the possibilities, but remember that kitties only live in the now and now is truly what all of us possess. Holding you all in our prayers Layla.
    ✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.

  • Ingrid King

    My heart goes out to you. As you well know, there is no way to prepare for such a significant loss. There’s only the present moment, and trying to cherish each moment while you still can.

  • Tinch Richmon

    Excuse the typo – it should have been “heart,” although the heat here is hurting me and I think you are having problems with it on your coast, too.

  • Cheysuli

    Sometimes it’s harder for humans in this loss preparation. For those who live in the moment (as old cats do) there is always something wonderful in the moment–the right patch of sun or the rear end of another cat pressed just so or a cuddle with a person we know loves us.

    But we do know what mean about all the other losses, which can magnify our own.

  • Glogirly and Katie

    We’re so sorry your heart is hurting. Preparing for loss is just as hard as the loss itself.

    We’re also sorry we’ve not been by to comment for a while. Glogirly’s life sometimes gets in the way. Don’t worry, I’ve mewed with her about it. She knows. ; )

    love, Katie

  • Jane

    So sorry for your pain and heartache. There is a wonderful FB page on pet loss, Angel on my Shoulder. All pet lovers have big hearts and I feel your pain today.

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