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Clyde The Black Cat’s 19th Birthday Wisdom

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

It’s our dear Clyde The Black Cat’s 19th Birthday with a little wit and wisdom, cat art, extravagant cake for your to enjoy and prizes.

It feels like yesterday that we were celebrating our angel Merlin’s 19th birthday. It was a big milestone for a cat with kidney disease and the thought of him turning 20 seemed remote and turning 21 a miracle. He almost made it to 22. Cats are forever surprising us with their comings and goings. Elderly cats or those with chronic illnesses tend to rally in waves of wellness between the depths of “is it time to go?” Some cats fight longer and harder to hang on tooth and nail.

Clyde is one of those panther warriors who came to us ill at age 16 with kidney disease and diabetes. If you haven’t read how his life did a 360, start with this blog post. He’s carved out a new life as muse, author and blogger on Mondays. Despite the odds, he’s coasted with remarkable grace through more ups than downs. The past couple weeks things shifted and it’s time to monitor his quality of life and the balance between good and bad days.

He had another hypoglycemic episode that left him wobbly and unable to jump onto the bed. Corn syrup mixed with water in his food worked its magic and he bounced back. Not only did his blood sugar stabilize but the next day he jumped up without assistance onto the bed in a rumble of happy purrs and headbonks. I’ll leave the birthday boy to say a few words of his own.

19th birthday cat


Well, it looks like I made it to the big 1-9! I’m kind of stubborn and yes, I am very demanding. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Honestly, it was touch and go this week. When I’m feeling under the weather, I go under the bed. I hadn’t done that in ages. It’s no fun having diabetic neuropathy and plantar stance. It makes my hind legs flat like a bunny. You can see them in the photo at the top. It first showed up two years ago but vanished with Methyl-B12 (aka Methylcobalamin) is a special form of vitamin B12 that can be absorbed in the spinal fluid. I was doing so well my humans stopped it but I’m on it again. It must be working because it makes me want to dance and..

Savor All Flavors of Emotional delight called happiness

Cats are masters of living with intention. We have a direct connect to Spirit moment by moment (better than any WIFI) without the complicated human notions of worry, wool gathering or wondering “what ifs”. As an old cat (19 is 90+ in human years) I’d like to think I’ve accumulated some wisdom. You know how they say older is better? I disagree. Older is wiser but not necessarily better. With some humans older isn’t always wiser either. At least I accept what is. For the cat god’s sake, I’m not three anymore. My old bones say be careful and if it hurts, stop.

I’ve not been able to jump much higher than my height let alone what the stats say how high can a cat jump? There is a deep firm cushion making the jump to my mom’s bed easier on my joints. I have a new feeding station with a raised optimum height and my favorite litter box is moved a few feet closer for easier access. That’s all most considerate but I’m thrilled to be able to go up and down stairs several times at day.

I’m pleased as punch for small pleasures, want for nothing and grateful for the black cat love at @blackcatsofIG


I’m also grateful to live with three exceedingly polite and tolerant cats. Odin does steal up to my third floor lair to nibble on my food and piss in my litter box because he can’t help being an asshole territorial. We kiss hello and have an understanding. I know they wish me happiness in an old-fashioned kind of way. They respect that I’m a vintage cat who loves vintage cat art.



When life is upside down, celebrate the new perspective.

My birthday prizes for our dear subscribers include:

1) Would you and your cat like to be featured on our blog? Submit two photos and few lines about your cat and their name to The first one will be presented on Monday barring acts of god and full moon madness

2) An pawtographed copy of our book with a surprise gift. It has something to do with my story in the book. If you think you know, email Layla with the answer. The first right answer wins.

Big black loving purrs,


P.S. I’m not asking for any birthday gifts but I’d love you to buy someone you love our book. Did you read our fantastic 5 star reviews? Our affiliate link to Amazon


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