Caturday Purr Power
It’s a short and purr-filled Caturday with Domino leading the way with a feline quote de jour. These images were taken three years ago in his wild, feral days and fit this week’s photo theme of “plant” at Saturday Photo Hunt If moss doesn’t grow on a rolling stone, we’ve had a remarkably moss-free week.
I’m delighted to announce that I’m a new contributor at Our first piece is about celebrity cat LIL BUB. Visit Pet 360 to read and please share as you like.
Our latest fun, kitty astrology or cat horoscope at is all about the Libra cat. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them in the comments.
Tomorrow we have an exclusive Q & A with cat expert John Bradshaw, an anthrozoologist and author of the extraordinary new book Cat Sense: How The New Feline Science Can Make You A Better Friend To Your Pet.
Two lucky Cat Wisdom 101 readers will win copies of Cat Sense! To enter, simply leave a comment before 11:59pm EST tonight at our post and book review. We’ll also include all comments here as entries. To learn more or to order, visit Amazon.

I love your feline quote, Domino! So true!
Matt - Live music photographer
He kinda looks too mad…
Good looking car! I love the black spot on the nose.
And Austin has very LOUD feelings!! Great quote Domino!
Ann Staub
Look at those big jowls! Concats on becoming a contributor to Pet360 – will have to look out for some stuff by you.
Domino is one wise cat! And handsome, too! 🙂
I loved your Little Bub piece. Congratulations again on your gig as a Pet360 contributor!
Looking forward to the John Bradshaw interview. 🙂
Have a great night!
Tillie and Georgia
Too right Domino 🙂
Many purrs to you too.
Congrats on the 360 gig 🙂
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie
You got it going fur sure Domino! We will pass on the giveaway, we’ve read Cat Sense and it is darn good!
feeling beach
Domino looks great!
Domino Wilde is very clever! To know that purrs are what feelings sound like! Yay for Domino Wilde~
Skeeter and Izzy
The Purr is one of the most beautiful languages spoken any where! Concats on all the new ventures Layla!
We just want to update you on Twig and Peanut…both are with us and having some issues with bowels but we are going to worm and start them on some lactose free yogurt and some Acidophilus supplement on the advice of a wonderful lady here that has many years of experience with the feral cats. When they are more stable we will do the spay/neuter and start looking for homes. We want to place them together. They may wind up staying here MOL. Twig is warming up to the human thing well but little Peanut is the severely compromised one as far as weight goes but is the quientessential model of a scrappy,tough little feral cat.
Purr for us! Peanut and Twig
Luvs to all Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
LOVE Dominos quote <3
Happy Caturday 🙂
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Domino looks right at home in his jungle. Concats on becoming a Pet360 contributor. We’ll head over to read your new article now!
Angel Abby
Domino is such a gorgeous boy! We love the quote. Concats on becoming a new contributor to Pet360! That is fantastic! We’ll pop right over there. Looking forward to the interview tomorrow.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I’m sitting here visiting all my favorite blogs with a purring kitty on my lap… gives me such a sense of calm and peace… Have a great weekend and cheers to your remarkably moss-free week!