Cats Approve of National Puppy Day
Cats Approve of National Puppy Day by Layla Morgan Wilde
The world has turned upside down and what better time to bring unity to the pet world. We are cat-centric at Cat Wisdom 101 but love dogs and who can resist a puppy? We need more reasons to smile and we have a furry bunch for you.
There is a National Cat Day, a National Dog Day but now there is an official National Puppy Day Check out the link for more puppy cuteness and things to do other than adopting of fostering a pup.
And let’s put that old myth about cats and dogs fighting like you know what. Just in my own black cat Instagram community alone, there are many adorable fursibs who get along splendidly like @captain_lorca_cat
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If you are considering adopting a puppy, please consider visiting your local shelter. Retail “pet shops” selling expensive pure bred puppies and kittens are from puppy mills. Reputable breeders do not sell pets in a retail store.
With so much free-floating anxiety during our global pandemic, the collective message from pet lovers is how much they are helping us cope. That said: dogs or cats are a huge, long term responsibility. Think wisely before making the commitment.
Humor is one of the best ways to cope during these uncertain times as illustrated by Scott Metzger.
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Stay safe and hug your cat or dog. Do tell: do you have a cat and dog?
Lot’s of furry love,
Layla, Odin, Nou Nou and Angel kitties
FTC disclaimer: This is a sponsored post

Sweet Purrfections
I grew up with dogs, but have been owned by cats for the last 40+ years. I do think puppies are adorable.
I would have never guessed 😉. You’re such a cat person.
Skeeter and Izzy
We are so on board with the humor thing!!! If we cannot laugh we might as well hang it up! (Some people get down right nasty about some of us using humor as a coping mechanism)
Toilet paper, alas my kingdom for a roll!!!!!!
We have also had dogs in our life as well as many other kinds of creatures. I have had two that were my canine soul mates. Both have crossed the bridge a long time ago but I still miss them!
Every one stay safe and lavish your fur kids with extra love. I would be soooooooooooo lost without my “tribe”.
Luvs,Purrs and Prayers to everyone. Stay safe and remember frequent and thorough hand washing is one of the first and most important front line forms of limiting transmission of contaminants!
Luvs to all!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Glad you’re onboard with our lighter fare 😻. I would never have pegged you as a dog person! Stay well xoxo
The Island Cats
We love puppies…as long as we don’t have to live with them. 😉
Ha, we adore dogs but Odin would never approve.
Yup, shelters locked down around here too.
I am glad we have our three furry ones to entertain us during these days of Covid19. They have no worries, and their antics are way better than anything on TV or even the internet…oops, I didn’t mean to offend you Layla! MOL!
Stay well and safe!
(Petcretary is on semi lockdown herself, since she works in healthcare and she IS Needed!)
Sending extra purrs to your mom. Please stay safe xo
Brian Frum
We used to have to be doggies here (they are at the Rainbow Bridge now) and gosh, I loved to snuggle with those pups.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I would have never guessed. I suspect we have quite a few dog-loving cat bloggers 🙂
Haha. That cartoon is hilarious. We love dogs. 🙂 I’m sure you’ve seen that lots of rescues have stepped up their efforts to find adopters and fosters for the animals in their care in light of COVID-19. PAWS has been doing so. There are less animals living there now; few enough that the skeleton staff can take care of them and give them love and attention during these times. Stay safe, and stay well, dear pal. XO
I was wondering about PAWS. Shelters here have closed and no volunteers admitted. That’s less enrichment for all and that troublesome. We’re okay and happy to cocoon xoxo