Cat Wisdom With One-Eyed Cat Odin
This post Cat Wisdom With One-Eyed Cat Odin by Layla Morgan Wilde is published at CatWisdom101.com exclusively.
Since 2011, Cat Wisdom 101 has been all about sharing wisdom. Whether the blog posts are serious or silly, wisdom is our middle name. For many years our patriarch of cats, Merlin ruled with his special flavor of cat wisdom with his Mondays With Merlin

After he died, the others tried their hand but when Clyde came along, he continued the kind of wisdom that comes from age. After all, true wisdom is born of life experience, right?
comes from learning, but
Comes from life.
Dear Clyde created a new path and new direction when he became a blogger at the ripe old age of 16. A brilliant feline late bloomer who rocked this blog until he died at age 20.
Now that Odin has turned 12, he’s racked up enough to life experience to follow in the huge paw prints if Merlin and Clyde. I think he’s paid his dues. Odin is the only original member from 2011, He’s been the original and most prolific product tester.
Looking back over the years, I see his progress from the early days. A little goofy or simple, he was no sage early on.
Sometimes he’d quote Rumi or a Zen Master but it was like a kid trying on their mom’s clothes which didn’t fit. Slowly, his own wisdom in his own words developed.
Humor has always been his middle name.
And a certain sweetness. Year after year, like all of us, he’s changed. That’s life.
Odin has lost so many dear cat friends, endured the loss of an eye and recently many vet visits for two aural hematomas from tangling with Big Black Bart, a neighborhood nemesis. Some days I look at him and sigh. He’s not a cute kitten anymore. Some days he looks old! He still is as curious and adventurous as ever but more cautious and tempered by life.
I believe there is wisdom born from aging and I think Odin is ready to share his own brand of motivational wisdom. Can you relate to this one? I’ve known some gorgeous cats and more homely cats but you’d never see them comparing or picking apart their features. Same goes for you: DON’T Compare.
Life is as stressful as ever. That’s nothing knew. When you look back 5, 10, 20 or more years, there was always something to stress over. What’s different is the need for healthy self care more than ever. Cats are experts of self-care napping as nature dictates.
This is going out later than usual so we’ll wish you a good night or good morning depending on where you live or when you see this. Did you know by simply looking at a relaxing image, triggers a relaxation response in your body? I can’t think of anything more relaxing than looking at a sleeping cat like Odin. He would probably agree.

Marjorie Dawson
Odin is a wise cat with wisdom to share. He looks a sweetheart too!
Brian Frum
There is no doubt about it Odin, you’ve got the wisdom to share!
Skeeter and Izzy
Wisdom is often times something that comes not form the mouths of babes but from the aged ones. That said I have also encountered the young that have that wizened aura that is just a natural part of their being and are as wise as the ancients. (Both Cat and Human) Listen to all, they might just surprise you with what they have to say…….
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang and the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
True, there are some younger wise ones I think of as old souls xox
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
Oh ODIN!!!!! He is PRECIOUS and oh-so-wise!!! He looks as if he could be Roary’s brother. I don’t think he looks old, he looks adorable!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, I think Odin might be a long lost naughty relative of Roary’s! xox
Odin is a wise and beautiful kitty. It’s indeed very soothing to see him relaxed and blissed out!
Erin the Cat
A lovely post. So many truths and wisdom. We should all be more cat, and Buddhist 🙂
Odin, you are getting to be ‘furmouse’ and yes, you do have some wise words and admonitions!! Petcretary wishes she could sleep in such bliss as you…or any kitty for that matter!
Amy Harlib
Before Astor, I had Fiona, a fluffy Persian/Maine Coon tortie mix who was gorgeous and blind and who never acted as if she had a disability (she lived to be 15 and died July 2019) – she knew her way around the NYC apartment with ease.
Cats have natural wisdom and instincts and much to teach us!
Ha! You made me yawn with those sleepy photos. Such wisdom imparted here. I don’t compare myself to others or even stress out about my looks. I know I’m a good person and that’s what’s important. Good night!