Take Your Cat To The Vet Day: With More Purrs Less Hiss
August 22nd is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day and before we go any further, please note: there is no Take Your Dog To the Vet Day. Why do cats get the unwelcome holiday? Sadly, it’s because cats get taken to the vet about half as often as dogs and only when a cat very ill. Why? Cats go to great lengths to appear well (it’s a survival instinct) and avoid discomfort. That includes the stress of being corralled into a carrier, a bumpy car ride to the vet in their portable prison, a foreign place with strange smells and sounds like dogs barking, being examined under bright lights by a Dr. Stabby and reverse the fun, winding back home. It’s no fun for the one doing the coraling, carrying, driving and worrying either.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can have vet visits with more purrs and less hiss.
Look at how lovely this sweet kitten’s first vet visit was. It’s none other than Marmalade of video fame and the positive experience paved the way for future easy vet visits. Note the calm, positive energy of the vet, staff and cat parents.
Read my extensive post on making vet reasons easier or my quick tips below.
- We don’t expect you to actually take your cat to your vet today but how about making an appointment or researching a new vet with mobile or a feline-only practice or feline-friendly practice. A vet who makes house calls or one with a mobile clinic solves most of the stress issues. Most cats feel less stressed in a feline-only clinic. Enter your zip code here and find one near you from The American Association of Feline Practitioners. Not all vets are created equal. Some are better and if you’re not happy with your vet, find one who is a better fit. We love the convenience of our mobile vet but love our new feline-only vet too. And yes you can have more than one vet plus specialists, just as you would with medical care for humans.
2. Be prepared. Be Prepared. Be prepared and don’t forget to breathe. Whether it’s a routine vet visit or an emergency, reduce stress by preparing a carrier in advance.
- Store carriers in easy to access locations.
- Before leaving home, be sure the pet carrier is clean and in good condition with no broken zippers, faulty hinges or locks.
- For pets who hate going into the carrier, consider turning an ordinary carrier into a cozy, everyday hideaway. Place a plush pillow and toys inside and cover the carrier with a stylish throw to match your decor. Leave the entrance door open.
- Top loading carriers are more convenient for resistant cats.
- All carriers should be roomy enough for a cat to be able to stand up and turn around.
- To avoid carsickness, don’t feed kitty at least an hour before leaving home.
- Have a pet ID with collars ready even for pets who normally don’t wear collars. Many cats have escaped from cars to the vet’s parking.
- Place a cozy old towel or t-shirt with a familiar scent into the carrier. Spray the interior (one spritz per side) with calming Feliway or other pheromone-based “feel good and safe” spray.
- Other calming alternatives include homeopathy products like Rescue Remedy or flower essences. Toss in a favorite little catnip toy.
- Have all pet info handy including meds, supplements, dates of last visit, vaccinations, and insurance especially if this is a first visit to a new vet. Yes, there an app for that. Pet Veterinary Records.
- In the winter, heat the car in advance. Some carriers come with heating pads or use an old, wool sweater with your familiar scent. I like to place a folded puppy pad on the bottom of the carrier making it easier to clean in case of vomit or other liquids.
- Remember your checkbook, cash or credit cards to pay the vet bill.
- Before leaving the clinic be sure you have all your paperwork, any instructions, meds and receipts safely placed in a handbag or bag. Check the carrier before heading to the parking lot. Tell your cat they were a wonderful patient and give them a treat if it’s a routine visit.
- If indicated, give them another treat and play with them once home.
- If other cats are waiting at home, they may notice “vet” smell. The foreign scent may cause inter-cat aggression. Allow the cat to relax or recuperate away from other cats for a few hours to lick or groom the foreign scent away. Give the room another spritz of Feliway and place the carrier in its usual location, ready for the next vet visit.
- Book a wellness visit well in advance and stay alert to subtle changes in your cat’s mood and behavior.
- Give yourself a treat for being a responsible pet parent 🙂

Pawesome Cats
These are great tips for making the vet visit less stressful – Charlie has seen the vet a few times lately, I should have thought to give the carrier a quick spray with Feliway first!
Charles Huss
Good advice. I brought Puck to the vet on Wednesday and I should have brought some treats with me. The vet had treats in the room for dogs but not cats.
easy rider
I agree with you, a lot of people with cats only visit the vet in case of a need. our neighbor said, she has an indoor cat so she hasn’t to see the vet regularly (hisses on her!) Wish that wimmen would read your post ….
The Island Cats
Great advice! We don’t like going to the vet, of course. We wish we could find a vet that would come to our house, but there aren’t any in our area.
Austin Towers
Very good advice, not all of which is done when I go to the vet!! The human says the last one is the most helpful!!!! mol
Great tips, Layla. What a coincidence … we just took Moosey to the vet yesterday. He is so good about going. Goes right into the carrier, rides quietly in the car, purrs for the vets and staff, and climbs right back into the carrier when its time to go home. And yes, we DO realize just how lucky we are with him. MOL. 🙂
Colleen Walsh
Thank you for these tips, especially about the hormone spray. I am going to try this with one of my cats who is SUPER scared of any small space.
I have a soft-sided carrier (with a shoulder strap) that I carry across my chest. It’s like I’m carrying the cat around in my arms and I hope they feel safer because of this. I started doing this a few years ago when I realized how “exposed” my cats must feel when I held the carrier by the handle hanging down by my side.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Colleen for your comment. Yes, it would feel more secure vs. dangling and swinging by the handle.
The Swiss Cats
Great reminder ! We have a yearly check up at the vet. Mum loves the last point on your list ! Purrs
Jenna Meow
Great reminder! I need to take my kitten to get spayed soon. I was wondering how my adult cat will react to her being gone, then coming back, “altered” and all that comes along with that and smells. I will make sure I am there for the first 24 hours to monitor.
What a great post with some fantastic advice!
Skeeter and Izzy
Great advice as always!!! We try to stay calm and have plenty of time before the appointment to get loaded and on the road.
FYI I have not received two of the latest posts in my email . I don’t know if anyone else is having issues or not.
Thanks for another great informative post!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for sharing. Post have gone out normally but will check.
Ellen Pilch
Even when I fast them the night before, Spooky ALWAYS gets diarrhea-it stinks, quite literally. 🙂
I have to do double vet duty – not only do I have to go for my own checkups, I have to go when one of the other cats does too! Not because of any vet smells (luckily Sparkle was the only one with that issue), but because it’s “practice,” at least that’s what my human says. She tries to get me out of the house whenever she can. I wish she would come up with trips that are more fun, though!