Cat Guru Wisdom
Good day dear cat lovers. It’s your friendly neighborhood cat guru, Merlin. Just kidding. I’m no guru but I was inspired by my garden and a song by Van Morrison called Into the Garden. It’s a beautiful song about how I’m feeling these days. There’s no video and it’s blissfully ad-free I hope you find it a lovely way to ease into a new week and it’s a new moon tomorrow, a time of new beginnings.

Merlin you are in your own magical garden. Enjoy the smells and warm breezes.
Thanks for the great garden pictures, wish mine looked so……..green! The drought is killing everything here but I watered my veggies yesterday and they are going to pull through I hope. I’ve got flowers to plant but the soil is so hard I can’t dig. Can’t wait for the promised rain tomorrow! Yay
Layla Morgan Wilde
We’ve had so much, it’s like a jungle and gladly will sent some your way :-0
Well, the rain didn’t come today either! But they say there’s a slight chance we might get some tomorrow morning. Please, please, please??
Sue Brandes
Never heard that song. Very pretty. Merlin you are very special. Love seeing you in the garden.
Hazel Marie
I Live you Merlin, you’re beautiful and wise
Thank you for the inspiration, wise Merlin and Layla!
Skeeter and Izzy
It all began in a garden and if we are truly lucky it will all end in a garden.There is beauty everywhere my heart can see.
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Youre’ a guru to me.
Ditto what my bro sez.
We don’t know whether or not you are a guru, Merlin, but we think you’re pretty darn wise (and handsome, too)!
Have a great Monday, friends.
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
Yes, a new moon and a new month on our calendar over here – Elul!
Happy Monday Merlin, bro!
You are very special Guru Merlin!
Your garden is beautiful with colorful flowers and green grass! I can see why you are inspired. But the garden is complete with you walking there 🙂
Cathy Keisha
Love those tiger lilies in your garden Merlin. I mentioned you in my blog today.
Sam and Pam
Merlin you’re magic AND a guru all rolled into one….oh – and my personal hero as well! Happy Monday..loved the song – it was purrrrfect!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…it IZA full moon two morrow…..frank lee itza full moon two day az well coz eye just eated way two much kibble N then drinked way two much water… sew itz in me gut now… all sponge like….yez, eye am a ….full….moon
happee day ta all
tuna of moon ~~~~~~~~~~~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tabbies, do you have a different moon than us?
I love Merlin.
Dear friends, so sorry for our absence! We LOVE this song, thanks for sharing it. We hope you have been well – we will be back again soon. Have a wonderful day!
~ Coccolino the mini pig
You undersell yourself, Merlin. You are a guru!!! xx
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Beutiful pictures on Merlin in the garden !
My mom-person love that song too 🙂
Happy Monday to you !
Cherry City Kitties
OMGoodness…Mom loves this song. Thank you for sharing Merlin, have a beautiful Monday.