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Cat Daddy is in Da House!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

The Cat Wisdom 101 crew had it easy this week except for Layla who is working like a dog! Spring blew in hot and fragrant as summer’s dream. Odin went exploring his in his man cave aka uprooted tree…

quote-Odin-exploring-roots-garden-cat wisdom 101
and Layla solved the Mystery Miss conundrum. It turns out MM lives nearby and goes by the name Cachete, which is Spanish for cheeks. We are very relieved to finally get to the bottom of the mystery. In the interest of being good neighbors we will refrain from passing judgement on their cat care-taking.

With the unusually warm weather, Layla worked on the porch while her assistants loafed on the job.

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After lolling about, it’s time for exploring, playing, tree climbing and other adventure. It forces me to take a break, stretch my legs and keep an eye on things. We have a neighbor with seven cats including two blacks cats we’ve nicknamed named Lunesta and Ambien. Odin chased Lunesta away, his tail bristled and thick. I was a good fifty feet away at the time and it tested his training. Thankfully he stopped and didn’t follow her.Odin-cats-black-lunesta-cat wisdom 101

Meanwhile, Domino who used to chase her has mellowed and looked on from the sidelines, filthy from a good roll in the dirt. Another good roll in the grass and he’s snowy again. And just as well since I don’t relish the thought of bathing the big bruiser.

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Dirty? Who ya calling dirty!

Merlin was very excited about Jackson Galaxy’s new book. He met the cat daddy himself last year when he came to our house. Having the book is the next best thing! This is what the uncorrected manuscript ARC looks like. It will be available on May 10 but you can pre-order a copy from Amazon. See the link in our sidebar. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to read our interview with him and see what Merlin had to say about him.

Cat Daddy-Jackson Galaxy-ARC-Cat Wisdom 101


  • Bernadette

    So that’s where she is from–I read your note on Zee & Zoey but somehow missed your post. Perhaps she is asking for refuge! It’s too bad, she is so beautiful, but I have done the same thing, acquiesced to an unsavory neighbor…until some time later I *somehow* end up with their cat.

    Love to see your guys outside. I’m still working on these, interviewing for a new backyard kitty to accompany me.

  • Abby

    We look forward to your review and we are so glad you were able to solve the Chachete mystery.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    Interesting how we were on the same wavelength with neighbors today… kismet. I sure would love to be able to share a cup of joe with you and your gang in person.

    I guess it is good news you found out where MM lives, but I will refrain from saying what I sense. Anyhow, I hope her ear will be on the mend and I look forward to your Jackson post that you and Merlin are doing!

  • Cheysuli

    I am quite excited. My human was asked to review the book and I hope that it smells like him! He is my hero for getting the Male to pay more attention to us. I get to play and play and play and can you believe I am a nine year old cat because I am so active and always playing now?!

  • Marg

    Oh that is so great that you found out where MM lives and that her name is Cachete. That is kind of a neat name. Hope they are going to do something for her ear or that someone is. Looks like all is normal with all kitties asleep and human working. Take care.

  • Julia Williams

    Isn’t that just like cats to nap while humans slave away! But it seems they take their guard cat duties seriously, anyway. My cats love a good roll in the dirt too — funny story: my long-haired black cat got so dirty that I glanced over and thought there was a stray gray cat in the yard! MOL.

    • boomermuse

      Julia, MOL re:cats to nap while humans slave away! Isn’t that the truth.
      @Marg, it’s all good. Purrs to you and your kitties!
      @Chey, we look forward to your review.

  • Kathy Thompson

    Odin says that one female allowed on the property is EEEEEEEEENOUGH! We are glad that you now know for sure where MM lives…..hopefully all will be well with the level of care if they realize that someone is paying attention. I love the names you have given the two black cats. Mayhaps they are from the land of Morpheus. I had a friend whose little girl wanted to name her new kittens Viagra and Propecia this was at the time when both of these drugs had just came out and the little girl had no clue what they were. Wishing all well and sending love to Jackson Purrs SkeeteR and Izzy >^..^<

  • Ingrid King

    How nice to hear that Mystery Miss has a home.

    I would like to add Tarcher/Penguin will donate $1.00 for every pre-ordered copy of CAT DADDY to the cause of saving homeless cats.

    So, click through on the link in Layla’s sidebar, then simply e-mail your receipt (or a photo/scan of your receipt) to:

  • Pam Kimmell

    Ahh! The boys are getting into the swing of spring! Odin’s man-cave is cool – Sam wants one too! Good for you solving the mystery of MM…..

    Happy Saturday!
    Sam and Pam

    • boomermuse

      Lots of dogs too. I’d say 50/50.
      @Kathryn, the garden is springing back to life like magic.
      @Pam, Sammy’s maple could be his man cave.
      @Ingrid, thanks the additional info about receipts.
      @Brian, purrs to you and your fur gang.
      @Kathy, MOL. Morpheus is a great name too.

  • Kathryn

    Ah! Chachete! What a gorgeous yard and a terrific bunch of kitties. kitties always make me smile. Can’t wait to read tomorrow.

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