BlogPaws Senior Pets Month & Remembering Abby
One of our favorite blogger cats, Abby from ManxMews has flown to the Rainbow Bridge. We’ve dedicated our post to her at our other blog Boomer Muse today.
Blogpaws is celebrating senior pets this month has an awesome infographic. To celebrate they have a photo contest and bloghop. With three senior boys at Cat Wisdom 101, we’re ready to do some hopping!
- Entering the BlogPaws “then and now” photo contest for prizes galore
- Entering the BlogPaws senior pets blog hop for prizes galore
Katie and Glogirly
Many purrs and hugs for sweet Abby’s family.
We are so heartbroken over their loss.
Sue Brandes
Bless sweet Abby and her family. I have two senior kitties in my home.
Skeeter and Izzy
Purrs of love to dear sweet Abby,may your journey be an amazing one, We wish your Mom comfort and are so glad to know that you paid her one last visit before you crossed the rainbow.We know that you have found your peace over the bridge.
Luvs to all young or not so young….
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Austin Towers
I am almost a senior and the human is way past that now!! However I don’t think she is suitably socialised yet!! What did I do wrong? 😉
We are so very sad about Abby xox
Thank you Layla for remembering my girl.
I do believe she came to visit me transformed. The butterfly came back this morning while I was photographing some flowers and circle around me like a lasso. It was purely amazing. I stood there sobbing. Then later this afternoon she was back and she circled me again. I know it was Abby. I know it was.I read your posting on Boomer Muse and agree with you. She has transform and that is one of her metamorphosis.It eases a small heavy sadness.But I still miss her furry little body. Boo is taking good care of me though.
Layla Morgan Wilde
This was a wonderful synchronicity and I have no doubt that butterfly was Abby. Sent you an email.
Aww, peace and purrs to abbey…. in her crossing….
We always seem to adopt older kitties here, so this is really great information. We are heartbroken that Abby had to run off to the Bridge.
da tabbies o trout towne
ewe noe….gram paw dude wuz rite…uz seniors due knot catch a brake….him never saw any social seCATity benny fits, N now that eye am de senior memburr oh trout towne; eye catch me self waitin on my chek two….sew like what…
butter lover boomer o cat….
senior & chef o trout towne
We love senior critters! We are sad beyond words about Abby. Run free sweet Abby, we will love you forever.
I agree age is just a number…being healthy and happy is important 🙂
Nerissa's Life
Tomorrow I will be exactly ten years and four months old. Hmmm… some peeps might say I was a senior ’cause of that but I don’t feel old, at all. I’m still a kitten at heart.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I would have never guessed you were ten!
The Paw Relations
Thomas is the only senior around here and he’s hardly ever around here because he hangs out with the senior human across the road.
The Island Cats
Great info…since we’re getting up there though we’re not quite seniors yet.
We are all supposedly “senior” around here, but we don’t look or act like it!
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s for sure 🙂