Beautiful Cats: Book Review & Giveaway
It takes a beautiful cat to know a beautiful cat so our Merlin happily reviews a stunning new cat book Beautiful Cats: Portraits of Champion Breeds Preened To Perfection by Darlene Arden and Nick Mays. Take it away Merlin.
As a Siamese cat of championship stock I know a beautiful cat when I see one. Noted British photographer Andrew Perris brings out the feline best with his elegant studio portraits of 40 champion cat breeds including a few rare ones you may not have heard of.
I liked seeing the cat portraits on one side and a breed description and other bits on the opposite side. Of course I agree 100% with the first paragraph describing the Siamese breed: Stunning looks, natural grace and distinctive range of colourations makes the SIAMESE instantly recognizable. With a regal visage that evokes images of Asian palaces and cats living in the lap of luxury as feline gods, this keenly intelligent cat was dubbed ‘The Royal Cat of Siam’ when first exported to the West in 1800s.
Sigh, how true. I now wish I had been a show cat. Beautiful Cats is chock full of fun, candid photos behind the scenes between cats and their handlers before a cat show. There are short but pithy sections on the evolution of cat, the history of cats and humans (yes, we’ve been good friends for over 10,000 years), the history of cat shows and what show judges look for in a winner plus a nifty glossary. It’s published in the U.K. by Ivy Press Limited and one of Beautiful series of animal books: Beautiful Dogs, Beautiful Horses, Beautiful Goats etc.
Of course I think the Siamese is the most beautiful breed but liked the Showshoe since my best pal Domino is one. I confess to being intrigued by the rare Tiffanie, the silvery Burmilla and the exotic white Khao Manee. I also enjoyed learning the differences between breed standards and cat shows in the U.S. and U.K. No matter how much you humans think you know cats, there’s always something new to learn. It’s one of our many charms as you well know. It’s our destiny to perpetuate our mysterious allure and convince you to buy more cat books.
About the authors:
Darlene Arden is an award-winning writer, lecturer and author, a former director of the Cat Writers’ Association and a certified animal behaviour consultant. She has worked as a television producer and host and is regular guest expert on various radio and television programs. Her numerous awards include the Maxwell Award, the Muse Medallion and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals/ American Humane Education Society’s Media Award for veterinary writing and animal welfare.
Nick Mays is a journalist and contributor to many animal-related publications. For twelve years he was chief reporter of the leading British canine weekly newspaper Our Dogs and also chief reporter and later editor of its sister publication, Our Cats. He is currently news editor of the online canine news and information site London Dog Forum and trustee of a number of animal charities and foundations. He is the author of several pet care books.
Andrew Perris has tackled a wide range of challenging commissions during the 20 years he has worked as a photographer. These include photographing champion breeds at agricultural and poultry shows for Beautiful Pigs, Beautiful Chickens and Beautiful Ducks. His numerous corporate and advertising clients include Virgin, Sainsbury’s, Parker Pens, P&O Ferries and Royal Bank of Scotland.
I, Merlin Wilde bestow Beautiful Cats my highest rating of 4 Paws and a whisker.
If you like cat books with beautiful quality photos that doesn’t cost a mint, this one’s for you. It makes a purrfect all purpose gift any cat lover will delight in. If you’d like a copy straight away,
One lucky Cat Wisdom 101 reader will win a copy of Beautiful Cats and we’ll ship anywhere in the world. To enter, simply leave a comment telling us your favorite breed. Siamese please! No, just kidding. Please include a valid email. The winner must respond with their shipping address with 3 business days or another winner will be selected.
Disclaimer: We received a review copy which in no way influenced our views. Cat Wisdom 101 never charges a fee for book review/giveaways.
THE WINNER of our Cat Food For Thought book giveaway is Deztinee High. Congratulations! Please look for an email from Cat Wisdom 101.

Cynthia Southern
What a beautiful book. I love Calico cats, even though they are a color of the domesticated cat, they are still the most beautiful. I would have to say my favorite breed is Himalayan as they are really beautiful. I have only had domesticated short hair cats.
My Three Moggies
ohh this is a new one for us 🙂 thank you
Uzma Ashraf
Such a pretty book. I have multiple breeds that I absolutely love, but I will choose the Munchkin. 🙂
Brendalyn Drews
We love our Calico Maya! She has quite the personality.
Dana Rodriguez
Very nice book! I love all cats but I have a soft spot for Himalayans! Siamese would be my second favorite 🙂
Katnip Lounge
AND a whisker? Merlin, this sounds like a book very much worth having.
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Siamese ARE my most favorite kitties!!! Without a doubt!
Sue Brandes
My favorites are long haired orange tabbies. Think they call the tabbies American longhair. I really like all tabbies. Sounds like a beautiful book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Cathy Keisha
This sounds like a gorgeous book. I’d love to be entered. Of course, no cat is as stunning as myself. I’ve got some Russian Blue blood so I’m partial to them.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Didn’t know the guy from Black Sabbath had given 25.000 green papers for finding the cat murderer.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
The Sacred Birman is THE best breed ,say’s the Cremepoint Birman from Sweden 🙂
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win that book !
My E – miaow is kjellebusAThotmailDOTse
Nerissa's Life
Very nice, indeed.
The Swiss Cats
That looks like a beautiful book! But no picture can be as beautiful as a real cat like you, Merlin ! Purrs
Woo! Hoo!
What a gorgeous book!
But it does not hold a candle to yous Merlin!
Angel AbbyGrace
Well…you won’t be surprised but the Manx is our favorite! But we love all cats of all colors they are beautiful each one of them.
Chris Davis
I’m honored to say I have a copy of this beautiful book and it is even more gorgeous in person! The photos are breathtaking and the breed descriptions are fascinating to read. I agree with Merlin’s rating!
Sally Swanson
A beautiful book for the coffee table and I like all cats, but, maybe I like the Scottish Fold the best.
Byrl W
The cat photos are beautiful. I would love to add this book to my collection.
Amy Jarratt
Just love cats and books !
Skeeter and Izzy
Beautiful Cats sounds like a pawsome book and we would love to win a copy! Our favorite breed? CAT of course! All cats are beautiful from the saddest,scrawniest feral or mistreated cat to the best kept,groomed and pampered show cat. CAT is Beauty.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
That sounds a lovely book!
You are really beautiful, Merlin 🙂
We think all cats are beautious!!!
Robin Wilson
I’m a cat lover from way back! So thanks for the chance for this gorgeous book. I love all cats so I don’t really have a favorite, so I will just say the Domestic Short Hair.
zuzu.wilson at yahoo dot com
Bev Green
Well Merlin…my Merlin was a panther kitty nothing regal about that boy in his lineage…but he was my man…I have always had moggies the average jo kitty but I also love the rare breeds..my sister has an Exotic and he misses the tray the same as my guys hahaha and shreds the couch the same way too 😉 hugs Fozziemum xx
The Island Cats
That’s a very nice book!
Jeannie MENOR
I love the Lynx Point Sismese. What a beautiful book
Diane McKenney
What a lovely book. My favorite: the Norwegian Forest cat.
Laila and Minchie
We would love to win this book to see if Minchie, a Turkish Angora, is in the book. They are pretty rare.
Merlin, you are THE MAN…..nobody can be as handsome as you BUT I think there probably are a FEW other cats in that book that are also interesting in their own way! We would love to read the book – I’m always up for a bit of “checking out the competition” ……my favorite breed would obviously be the red tabby…..yep – but Siamese would be a very close second my friend.
Hugs, Sammy
Oh, I want to be entered, just because I want to see who they used for the Somali chapter!
Fur Everywhere
My favorite breed IS the Siamese. Milita embodies all of those wonderful characteristics, even though she is a Siamese mix 🙂 She and Merlin are both very beautiful kitties!