Cat Behavior 101,  Cat Saturday,  Feline Fine Art

Exclusive Caturday Dance Video & More!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

It’s Caturday! After a crazy busy week we’re in the mood for dancing. If a certain four letter word makes you squirm, cover your ears before you click.

This is an outtake with Aasif Mandvi and the crew (cracking up) from The Daily Show With John Stewart filmed at our garden last year with Jackson Galaxy. The producer kindly gave me 20 minutes of amazing raw footage. In this clip, Aasif is asking me whether Odin is, well you’ll just have to listen. I decided the perfect song to add was this hit from Cee Lo Green because don’t we all feel like Odin sometimes?

We had way too much rain this week but we managed to frolic when the sun came out and the first roses bloomed.

june-roses-pink-garden-wisdomMerlin and I are spending quality time together, curled up in bed reading and snuggling until the wee hours appreciating every minute we have left which could be weeks or months but who’s counting? Summer is short. Joy is our mantra. Let’s enjoy! Keep your eyes peeled. There’s beauty everywhere.
june-cat-garden-gris gris-wisdom

There is endless fascination in the garden for cats. Gris Gris and Domino are seniors now and don’t do any serious hunting anymore. Lately they’re more interested keeping an eye on Merlin. And Odin’s favorite faux hunting move is one a ratting terrier would make: digging up dirt from a hole with both paws grabbing at imaginary occupants. Gotcha!


Domino is mellow with well-being and contentment.

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Merlin, Domino and Odin enjoying the garden.

June-cats-gardenThe entire fur gang would love you to vote for us, purrrty please? You can vote very day until June 26. We’d love our favorite shelter Brigid’s Crossing to win $10,000! You can vote in as many categories as you like. The votes all add up! Please vote here

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  • Tinch

    You know, folks, it wasn’t that long ago that you never saw photos in magazines, movies or on television that showed an animal’s rear end. We’ve come a long way, babies!

  • Glogirly & Katie

    YAY! We got the video to play. (It WAS something glitchy with us…Glogirly’s computer said she had 32 browser windows open!) Sheesh.

    We LOVE the video! Now Glogirly knows EXACTLY what I mean when I give her the walk-away tail!

    heh heh
    xo Katie

  • Annie

    Thanks for the much needed smile this morning.

    Heavy heart today. We lost one of our tiny foster kittens yesterday. I came home from work early for some reason, and there he was barely moving, dehydrated, when the night before he was fine. I scooped him up and held him and he took his last breath in my arms. No time to even call the vet.

    Been a tough kitten season for our rescue. One foster home got a litter of 2 week olds who turned out had distemper. They were like ticking timebombs, dying off. We managed to save 1. But lost a foster home for 6 months.

    People sometimes think they are doing the right thing by taking kittens from their feral mothers, but too young, they don’t always make it. They need their mamas for a few weeks. It’s heartbreaking for us when we get 2 day old kittens that someone has removed from their mother. A lot of bottlefed babies don’t make it.

    Very sorry to be a downer today. Just had to vent a bit. Miss my little Sunny D. RIP.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    LOL… You go Odin!! I’ve heard the four letter word before, so no offense taken (I actually think Zoey growls it out on a daily basis when the kittens annoy her!)

    Love the picture and caption for Domino!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Kathryn

    Awwww, that tale is soooo cute. What absolutely terrific footage — and so amazing to have filmed the Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show last summer with Jackson Galaxy.

    God, to be in NYC with all the bootiful cats. I mean, peeple!

    Dom Dom and Odin are just my faves.

    I won’t let on to Ched.


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