#sundayselfie Odin cat
Cats,  Domino,  Feline Fine Art,  Feline Funnies,  Merlin,  Odin

3 One-eyed Cat #SundaySelfies

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Selfies on a Sunday? For cats, by cats and maybe a human or two sounds like WORK. And we all know work is a four-letter word for cats. Well, unless you’re Grumpy Cat, Lil BUB or a bodega mouser. Sundays used to be for snoozing privately but things like Instagram have removed all vestiges of kitty privacy. Horrors, even we dabble there revealing furry double chins and unsightly poses but cat selfies are an added layer of indignity. But what’s a cat to do? We’ve been snowed in with wicked windy temps pining to go out but the arctic blast pushes us back inside. What’s left but posing for camera for a cheap thrill. Care to join us? It’s a #Sundayselfie cat blog hop with our friends at The Cat On My Head

One-eyed Odin on well deserved snooze after catching a mouse yesterday. Domino’s selfie is on Instagram.

#sundayselfie Odin cat

Merlin technically doesn’t have one eye but is blind. He was trying to woo a Valentine in his smart bowtie from RipleyWear (the nice Etsy shop sponsors of our Valentine giveaway). Sadly, no one wanted an 100 year-old mancat.

#sundayselfie merlin cat

One-eyed Nou Nou hates cameras but loves electronic warmth and couldn’t give a rat’s behind about Valentines.

#sundayselfie cats Nou Nou


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