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End of The World According to Chairman Meow

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

If you’re reading this, it means the world didn’t end as predicted by the Mayan calendar, but perhaps it is a new beginning. We predict in 2013, cats will rule in greater numbers everywhere. Resistance is futile. We are so confident, we are having a Chairman Meow giveaway in January.

chairman meow posterchairman meow t-shirt

There is nothing to do except OBEY THE KITTY

cat gift

They even have bags to hand out propaganda in!

Chairman Meow - Cat Propaganda Tote Bag

So, join the ranks and follow leaders like Chairman Meow and his legion of purrfect feline rulers like…

SIAMESE Cat Dictator - Mini Poster Print

Find your own leader at ObeyTheKitty We’ve heard conspiracy theories that dogs are involved too. Stay tuned to this blog for all the news.


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