Whole Lotta Black Kitten Lady Love
Updated: It’s been a year since I predicted the rising star of Hannah Shaw aka Kitten Lady. A year later, in Aug, 2017 she won the Advocate of the Year Award at Cat Con.
Happy Feline Friday! Today is all about a Whole Lotta Black Kitten Lady Love.
I’m swimming in the most glorious, furry pile of black cats, in love with their photos and stories. So many, I’m seeing double. I want to share them all but I can’t. Just as I want to save all the black cats about to be euthanized across this country, but I can’t. What I can do is share what’s possible. What’s hopeful, right meow. Our focus is on Instagram cats from around the globe.

What’s becoming increasingly apparent while working on our nonprofit Black Cats Tell All campaign is the passion for the cause. There were over 80,000 views of a Facebook Live video event hosted by Cole and Marmalade this week. It’s pinned to the top of our Facebook page, if you’d like to take a peek at Cat Wisdom 101. There are over 3000 comments. I haven’t been able to read them all, let alone respond. Thank-you to everyone who has supported us as we head into final stretch. If you haven’t seen our latest updates and rewards, visit Black Cats Tell All and tell all your friends.
What’s baffling is despite all the media attention, press, social media shares about the campaign (purrs for all the bloggers who placed badges in their sidebars. You rock!) the numbers are not translating into pledges. We have at the time of this writing, 168 backers which is impressive for Kickstarter BUT we have 6 days left and need to raise $7, 000 to reach our goal.
I’m not kitten you! I’ve left no stone unturned and it’s up to the cat gods now. One way or another this project will be completed. If you have an idea to get us to our goal, message me. I’m all ears.
My focus today is on hope and a little black kitten rescued by the Kitten Lady aka Hannah Shaw because all black cats start out in life as black kittens.
Hannah is a neo-natal kitten rescue and foster advocate with a nonprofit Kitten Lady. It’s a takes a special breed of kitty mojo to rescue the tiniest kittens, care for them 24/7 and then find them homes. I see Hannah, a tattooed millennial (she reminds me of myself 20 years ago minus tattoos) hot on a mission to save lives. I’m an old timer who founded a nonprofit cat rescue twenty years ago. We did the work, grueling, heartbreaking, a bottomless pit of need without accolades. This was before social media. We quietly impacted the lives of thousands of cats. The work goes on and every generation takes advocacy and cat rescue to the level.
In the case of Hannah, she uses social media to grow her Kitten Lady brand and it’s working. The social media and fostering, teaching becomes a blur of kitten life and well-oiled media machine. She relies on her team of volunteers and her photographer partner, Andrew @iamthegreatwent to keep the kitty content fresh and adorable from Facebook, YouTube Instagram where rules atKittenxLady about to hit 500K.
It’s no wonder Kitten Lady is lighting up Instagram. She is passion perfectly aligned with purpose. Check out her educational videos on YouTube. I predict big things for the advocate of little cats. She kindly sent me a couple exclusive kittenpics on Instagram! Visit her at fast-growing Instagram page @KittenXLady and today is her 29th birthday!
Meet Munchkin, the incredibly lucky kitten who rescued from certain death and adopted this week by a couple in Baltimore. She has a new name, Luna and a new life with another cat and a dog. In this video, she’s given a much-needed flea bath. A few weeks later she transformed into an adorable adoptable and already has a following of her own on Instagram at @Munchkinlu
Update on featured black cats. Sophie the Model is in our new book as is Blade and Nitro. Sadly, the amazing MonksterCat died last summer. The Instagram community is supportive and many bereaved cat parents bounce back, often adopting a new fur baby. Monkstercat’s dad was so bereaved he closed he stopped posting. The account is still up.
There are many amazing black cats on Instagram. Search the hashtag #blackcats and be prepared to go wow. Our #blackstellall tag has grown to@14000
They could be funny or quirky, adventurous or serious, but I view them as the new advocates for black cat adoption. Some of my favorites panthers on the rise include: @Sophie the Model a meowdel who is eternally chic and funny. A hard combo to pull off but she does, daily.
Another world away in Australia are Blade and Nitro Blake. Blade is handsome British Shorthair and his allegedly crazy younger bro fur are known on Instagram as Blade_the_Black_Cat Blade is a mancat who is not afraid to look pretty in pink or to speak his mind. Don’t you want to know what’s he’s thinking? I know I do.
One of the most intriguing cats, who is writing a story for us, isn’t super famous yet but Monkey Cat, who is part Sphnyx is known as Monkstercat on Instagram. He has an identical twin brother Pharoah and they live in my old hometown of Toronto, Canada. The sparse-coated baldies aren’t what some would call gorgeous, but they show the beautiful diversity of black as beautiful. Their cat dad, Alberto thinks they are amazing and I agree. He made this graphic, Black Cats Matter although I prefer “All Cats Matter”.
Flipflopping across the globe again to Asia, we find Bunny and Maine Coon and his black Oriental brother Muezza or @BunnyMuezzaCat on Instagram. I’m including him today because of what his mom told me. Muezza wears all kinds of collars in different colors but
every color looks good on a black cat.

Katie J. Ewing
I love black cat! They are so cool but a little lazy, I think. Because my Yato never thinking about something else but sleep.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Beautiful post. I shared your Kickstarter campaign and made a small donation. Wish it could have been more, but I do know every bit helps. Happy Sunday from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Deb, I really appreciate it 🙂
We’re huge black cat fans! We pledged, and will share some more about the project, too!
The Swiss Cats
We love black cats, and we showed them some love on your project. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, I saw that!
What beautiful black kitties. I enjoyed the video of Lulu getting bath. She is such a cutie pie 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
She is a lucky one and thanks!
Kitties Blue
Love every one of these panfurs, and the video of Munchkin was terrific. Sending lots of good wishes for making the funding goal. I will try to promote on my blog again.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Janet, I appreciate it. Our campaign is ending so soon there is no need to promote it anymore.
The Island Cats
Well, you know we love the black cats!
Sometimes Cats Herd You
What great examples of the wonderful variety of black cats out there. The head peep really misses having a black cat in the family, but we aren’t ready to split her attention another way just yet!
skeeter and Izzy
as you are showing again and again Black Cats are just like every other cat…DIFFERENT!!!!
Each one is totally unique in color (think 50 shades of Black) purrsonality and looks. We LOVE them all!!!!!
I think that many people don’t comprehend that each cat is unique and special and I think that the black cats are particularly vulnerable to that preconceived idea.
We know it just ain’t so!!!!!
Luvs and Purrs
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear friends, it’s never black or white but 50 shades of gray 🙂
I will keep sharing! I do want to say that for a book project, it’s actually doing quite well, even if it hasn’t reached its Kickstarter goal yet. Book projects generally don’t generate a lot of crowdfunding dollars, from what my human has seen.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, the support is positive and crowdfunding books depends on the individual. The All Black Cats Are Not Alike book raised 29K and got a book deal with Chronicle Books.
easy rider
I love the wool cat cave… and it is perfect with a black kitty :o) black cats are wonderful, we love them!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
We loved your cave today too!