Cat Behavior 101,  Cat Saturday,  Feline Fine Art

What a Week of Whiffies!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

What a week! Normally at this time of the year our cats go stir crazy. They’re itching for fresh smells and warm outdoor whiffies. This week, a sudden heat wave brought the whole gang a taste of spring and dare we say, a whiff of romance?

The old boys hung out on the porch to catch a few rays and discuss issues.

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Gris Gris is very sensitive to cold and only goes out for a few minutes. He watched a marathon wrestling match between Domino and Odin from the sunny sidelines. “So uncouth,” Gris Gris said. He doesn’t mind instigating a wrastle or two but then screams like banshee, “Foul!”

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Domino won this round paws down. No surprise there, but what amazes me is how dirty they get from bits of leaves and other debris and two shakes later their fur is snowy clean.

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Odin loves agility training and but his exuberance is hard to contain. Here is sitting and staying and boom, he caught a whiff of something. Five seconds later he’s run up a tree and scouting from the roof our neighbor’s garage.

agility training-cats-cat wisdom 101Yoo hoo, Mystery Miss where are you? I thought he was just being naughty when guess who arrives?

cat-roof-yoo hoo-MM came running out of no where and acted much friendlier towards me, rubbing her scent all over my legs.

mystery miss-catDomino greeted her but she only has eyes for Odin. I’ve never seen Odin bolt down a tree so fast and run towards her.

mystery miss-cats-domino

She looked a bit shocked at his athletic prowess but soon engaged him in a game of tag. To be continued tomorrow… otherwise this will be the War And Peace of posts!

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After another adventure, I found a rare sight:Odin seeking the comfort of Merlin on the third floor guest room. Merlin is the only one who sleeps with everyone in the house: cat or human. Given his senior status, he assumes the top spot in his dad’s lap every evening.


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Domino doesn’t always agree and manhandles his pulchritude in a lavish display of hugging squeezing, licking and grooming. Maybe the best Valentine has four legs. What you you think?


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