Thank You Purrs of Success
What a journey! The thank you purrs of success are all the sweeter by the effort.
Completing two Black Cats Tell All Kickstarter campaigns back-to-back, fielding hundreds of messages and emails, curating hundreds of photos, connecting with over 350 backers and raising over $8,000 with more trickling in privately feels good. The sweetest email in my inbox reads…
Whew, I feel like I’ve been to moon and back. To everyone who pledged support, every dollar brought a smile. To everyone who shared posts, re-tweeted and cheered me on, you’re my hero. I learned so much about cat lovers, about giving, about cats, about life; I would not have traded the experience for any sum.
Thank you!
Now, I could use a vacation but the real work of producing a book in under three months begins, after a nap in the hammock. Stay tuned to updates here and at our new Kickstarter home page.
And just because you’re a lovely cat lover, here’s a bonus vintage pic an ETSY idea for you crafty types. A kitty bandanna scrunchy collar. Just add a breakaway safety clip and it’s instant kitty cool. If I had time I’d make them but I have a million emails and black photos to curate. Whoever does make them, owes me 10% to donate to our BCTA non-profit, deal?
Cynthia Southern
I am so happy for your Layla. I wish you fantastic success with the black cat book endeavor. I was so happy that the project saw light on the second try. I am glad to have been able to donate to help the black cat book project. Congratulations!
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
We knew you could do it and are super proud! Black cats are dear to our heart as we have three angel panther sisters. I hope we can include our ÄŒerny as she was an abused and abandoned panther, a true example of how important to curb the myths about them, educate the public. You are making a difference, for that we applaud you.
Clove & Kaspars
We were so excited when we read this last week, we forgot to Save our post!!!
Wes so furry excited that the Black Cat Book is a go!
Nellie and Mommy
Bev Green
Layla we are so pleased at your success and proud you kept going even under extreme pressure..what a victory for Black Cats and look forward to more exciting updates 🙂 hugs Bev xxx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Bev, your unwavering support meant the world to me. Many thanks xoxox
This is such wonderful news, Layla. ConCATulations! Looking forward to all that comes next. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear friends. Lots of amazing thing ahead xoxo
The Island Cats
Paws up! That’s terrific!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Island Cats!xo
The Swiss Cats
Woohoo ! Concatulations ! We knew you could and would do it ! Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Swiss friends xoxo
Congratulations. You are truly a superhero.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dorothy, many thanks. I think supporters like you are my superheroes!
Ellen Pilch
Congratulations! I knew you could do it.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, thank you!!! xoxo
Melissa & Mudpie
We’re so excited for you!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks again for all your help. Exciting times ahead! xoxo
Sweet Purrfections
Congratulations on your Kickstarter campaign being funded.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks kindly xoxox
Congrats!!! This had to be tough doing two in a row, but dream become reality! Take that cat nap while you can, you have earned it!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, you know since you mega tweeted the whole time. Love you for that xoxoxo
da tabbies o trout towne
guys….conga ratz two mom layla, we iz buzzed happee for her, de project N everee black cat in thiz en tire una verse ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks tabbies for your generous support of every kind xoxoxoxo
Well-deserved concatulations! Very well deserved!
I’m so happy for yew; We’re all mewing for yew!
Kathryn, Cheddar and Mao
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kathryn, thanks so much. xoxox
caren gittleman
I KNEW you would do it!!!!! Just wish I could have done something monetarily instead of just sharing. Will make it up to you on your NEXT book!! (running out of here before you hit me !! lol) HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! xoxoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, you were a HUGE support. Our phone chats were life savers! xooxoxox
skeeter and Izzy
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOO furbulous! We are so proud of you Layla! We are so proud of everyone that helped this project in any way!
We knew it would happen, we just knew.
Luvs and hug and kitty kisses
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks gang! You rooted for us through thick and thin which we’ll be forever grateful xoxoxox
Congratulations BIG TIME Layla…… much hard work on your part but it has to be wonderfully rewarding to move ahead with this important project!!!! BRAVO!!! Love the bandana scrunchie idea……cute!
Love, Sammy and Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Pam and Sam for your support. Exciting times ahead!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks very much and as you know, funding is only the beginning 🙂
Concatulations for getting funded! Yay!!!