Spa Day or National #DressUpYourPetDay
We were having another “Spa Day” AKA work at home in our jammies when we remembered it was Dress Up Your Pet Day. Yes, there really is a holiday by that name and it’s not just for cats. We’re not big fans of costumes or dress up for cats but we have a super high end bathrobe (yeah, it costs more than mine) that Merlin likes draped on him like a prize fighter before going into the ring. It’s soft, warm and luxe. It would be cozy after a bath if he ever needed one too.
And remember please respect your pet. Not all pets enjoy dressing up!
And speaking of luxury, if Merlin has to wear a sweater, it’s cashmere because he’s worth it. It’s also really soft and warm for chilly winter days.

Niesha Curvin
My wife had been to the Facial Mania Spa & Wellness with several of her friends and told me how nice it is, so for our 15th anniversary we spent the day at the spa. It exceeded my expectations in every way! We arrived a bit early for our noon appointment and they showed us around the facilities. http://www.facialmaniaspa.com Take a look for yourself, you wont regret it!
Spa Day sounds much better than dress up your cat!!!
Now me wants a massage!
Well, we say if you’re gonna dress up, you may as well be luxuriously comfortable! 🙂
Playful Kitty
Spa day? That sounds great 🙂 I love the little kitty robe.
easy rider
Merlin you look supergreat! Like a king. I’m not really the dress-up guy, but I would like such a fabulous robe ( although I haven’t this wonderful cattitude like you).
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…ewe be rockin that robe….Ali wood be gel uz !!! we iz knot much inta clothes either troo lee..spesh a lee pantz……hope everee one iz doin aye oh kay…happee wild whitefish wednesday :)~~~~~
Hawk aka BrownDog
Hi Y’all!
BOL! Love your spa robe!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Layla Morgan Wilde
Will do, we like dogs too!
Piranha Banana
Love the photo – very SPAW Like…I need a robe like that!
Happy New Year – WOOF WOOF!
P-ess I think we are going to do a funny blog hop once a month but not on a Tuesday xxooxx
Yikes a Spa day MOL, count me out ! xxxooxxxx
Mollie and Alfie
Kitties Blue
Thank COD, our mom didn’t hear about this particular day until we had already posted ’cause we really hate being dressed up. That is, however, one spectacularly cozy looking robe. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Skeeter and Izzy
Merlin ,you look so utterly dashing in that robe!!!
The only thing we dress up in is our genuine fur coats!!!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Peanut and Twig and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, real kitty fur coats are best :-0
Oui Oui
We never heard of this before (not that it means anything), so we missed it. What a fun day, and you look so handsome and spiffy in your bath robes!
No dressing up here, much to my relief!
I am glad my mum didn’t know about that. I don’t think she would dare try dressing me up though.
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Thank COD that my mom-person totally have missed this 🙂
I do have a blue bathrobe that I use after my baths.
Betty Smith
No dress up here! would not humiliate my guys that way. Besides, no costume could improve their handsome looks!
Viki Worden
I don’t think my kitties would let me dress them up. A couple of them like to crawl under the covers when it’s cold.
Merlin is a very handsome kitty!
Connie Marie
Lovely robe Merlin. Want to trade?
aww, Merlin’s da man.
Well for dress up day (or any day) I left them sleep on my big faux mink and my big down comforter.
Might wrap them in a towel later. With me wearing that faux mink, for protection.
Sue Brandes
Aww that’s so cute. No dress up here. My kitties won’t let me.