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Pet Tuff Products:Tuff Den/Snoozer Square Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

All cats like places to hide and nap in and Pet Tuff Products makes light but super strong water-proof pet enclosures made of fluted PVC plastic which won’t rot, mold, flake or peel.

pet tuff products-tuff den-cats

The Snoozer Square is a perfect square, 18”x18”x18”, for your pet to sleep or play in. This model was designed for small pets and can be placed anywhere in your home as a cozy spot to snooze. It can double as a feeding station for a cat who like privacy while dining. The easy to wipe clean walls restrict food and water spillage. All Tuff Den enclosures can be used anywhere indoors or out and are easy to clean. We like the idea of using the larger Tuff Den to contain a small litter box with the lid removed as desired. It offers privacy and high walls for cats who like to spray or pee vertically.For more about the products, styles, colors and sizes visit Pet Tuff Products


Our leopard Snoozer Square didn’t arrive in time for our review but we’ll post a pic of our feline testers using it soon. The cabana model (pictured above) has more open sides making it a fun hideaway.

To enter our Tuff Den/ Snoozer Square giveaway:

One lucky Cat Wisdom 101 reader will win a Snoozer Square by simply leaving a comment at this post before 11:59 pm EST June 6, 2013. The winner will chosen via and announced on June 7, 2013. Good Luck!

1) Leave a comment at this post.

2) For additional chances to win, share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest and leave a separate comment stating where you shared. If tweeting, use the hashtags #cats, #giveaway and these Twitter handles @catwisdom101 @boomermuse


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