cat wisdom 101 blog anniversary
Cat Behavior 101,  Cats,  Holidays

Otto, Odin and Cat Wisdom 101 Turn 14 Years

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
Celebrating 14 Years at Cat Wisdom 101: Plus we’re celebrating Odin and Otto’s 14th birthday!
Hey there, dear fellow cat lovers! I’m Layla Morgan Wilde, the founder of Cat Wisdom 101, and I’m thrilled to celebrate our 14th anniversary with you. It’s been an incredible journey, filled with purrs, whiskers, and endless feline wisdom. Whether you’re a long-time follower or a new friend, thank you for being part of our community.
The Beginning
Back in 2009, I began blogging about my cats at my other blog BoomerMuse. The weekly feature called Cat Saturday morphed into what everyone now calls Caturday.
It was so popular, we had over a million visitors a year and in 2011, I decided to launch a cat-centric blog, Cat Wisdom 101 with a dream of sharing my passion for cats and holistic pet care.
As a holistic cat behaviorist and animal communicator, I wanted to create a space where we could explore the wonderful world of cats together. Little did I know that this blog would grow into such a beloved resource for cat enthusiasts around the globe.
What Makes Cat Wisdom 101 Special?
1. Expert Advice and Tips: Over the years, I’ve shared countless tips on everything from behavior issues to health concerns. My goal has always been to provide practical, reliable advice to help you and your feline friends live your best lives together.
2. Heartwarming Stories, Feline Art
One of my favorite parts of blogging is sharing the heartwarming stories of cats and their humans. These tales of rescue and transformation never fail to inspire and remind us of the deep bond we share with our furry companions. I’m mad about vintage cat art and anything a little offbeat. Explore our huge archive for just about any topic.
3. Holistic Approach:I’m a firm believer in the power of holistic practices for pet care. From natural remedies and products to alternative therapies, I love exploring and sharing ways to enhance our cats’ well-being naturally.
4. Engaging Community: Cat Wisdom 101 isn’t just a blog; it’s a community. I cherish the interactions we have through Q&A sessions, comment threads, and social media. It’s wonderful to connect with so many like-minded cat lovers and share our experiences.
Milestones and Achievements
We’ve hit some fantastic milestones over the past 14 years: – Awards and Recognition: Cat Wisdom 101 has been honored with multiple awards, recognizing the quality and impact of our content. -Media Features: Our work has been featured in various media outlets, spreading our feline wisdom far and wide.
I’m most proud of creating Black Cat Awareness Month celebrated every October and for my award-winning book:


As we celebrate this milestone, I don’t know what the cards have in store. Honestly, I’m shocked I’m still blogging. You might want to check out 10 Years of Blogging Wisdom From Cat Wisdom 101 or Cat Blog Hiatus or Farewell Is In The Stars

Thank YOU!
The only thing I know for sure is Cat Wisdom 101 wouldn’t have been possible without you. Your support, engagement, and love for cats drive me to keep sharing and exploring. Here’s to many more years of wisdom, stories, and all things cat-centric. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Let’s continue to celebrate our feline friends together!

Odin and Otto, brothers from other mothers turn 14!


Odin and Otto cat birthday

Odin was born the beginning of June and was our first Gemini. Then came Gemini, Nou Nou and now another Gemini, Otto. I don’t know for sure when Otto was born. As we all know, shelters don’t always have birth dates available. We settled on 14 and he has exhibited all the traits of a Gemini.
The boys have a good relationship hanging out, wrestling and hunting chipmunks. They are very polite at mealtimes but are too independent to be snuggle buddies.

Otto cat birthday

Last year we had a proper birthday party but this year, I didn’t want to to do this again.

Odin cat birthday hat

Geminis tend to be very open minded and we support Pride Month.

Pride Month cats

Thanks for reading Otto, Odin and Cat Wisdom 101 Turn 14 Years!
Much love, Layla Odin and Otto + our many Angel cats


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