Cats Play Santa’s Naughty Or Nice Box Challenge
Cats Play Santa’s Naughty Or Nice Box Challenge by Layla Morgan Wilde
It began innocently enough. Cats love boxes so why not put two side by side with “Naughty” or “Nice” signs and see which one they prefer. To inspire you, enjoy this video from our friends at Furball Fables.
Naturally, we had to give it a go but only Odin agreed to play. Try it with your cats and do tell if your cat is naughty or nice.
Clyde isn’t able to jump into boxes any more but agreed to wear a Santa hat and monitor the proceedings.
“What did you say? Speak up, kitty, I’m deaf!”
“Seriously? Naughty or nice? I’m too old for silly games. I’d rather sit by the sunny kitchen window and catch some rays and ZZzzzzzs.”
Always the sociable Odin, is eternally curious.
“Well, well, well, what have we here under the Christmas tree? More gifts for me?”
“Yes, one box is nice but aren’t two boxes nicer? The naughty box is quite enticing.”
“Don’t be greedy, Odin. You can only pick one box. I of course don’t have to play.”
“Well, la dee da, Clyde. Two can play that game.”
Odin tried to play it cool but he couldn’t resist and the rest is history.
Guilty as charged: NAUGHTY!”
“Mom, do you still love me?”
“Of course.”
This is a game that all cats win no matter which box they pick. Merry Christmas and remember the best gift is often an empty box.
Comments may be wonky but try right clicking. There might be one more proper holiday post before Christmas.
Much love and furry wishes,
Layla, Clyde, Odin and Nou Nou ( The angel cats are no doubt floating in heaven in deluxe boxes).
P.S. You may enjoy our post on vintage kitty holiday cards.

My human knows which one Binga would have jumped in! MOL
Ellen Pilch
That is such a great idea. My naughty Penny would pee in both boxes 🙂
We don’t get around the interwebs much lately. But we just had to stop by and wish you guys the best for this solstice season!
And I too LOVE boxes!
Purrs and May the treasures and pleasures of Christmas be with you with love and peace all year through.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Missed this and so glad you stopped by xoxox
Hehehe….we are never Naughty only cheeky,xx Speedy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha ha, isn’t Cheeky British for playfully naughty?
Oh that was delightful…..
…. And I just got a nudge… I think…
Cheddar from Heaven …. liked it…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh that would be a treat. I’m still waiting for a nudge from Domino.
<3 <3 <3
Brian Frum
Well that was fun, we’ll have to try that and see where we land! Merry Christmas from all of us!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merry merry ya’ll. I think you’re all nice xo
Andy & Tater
Andy is nice almost all of the time. Tater is naughty most of the time. Tater thinks that she has to uphold her reputation as the naughty cat of the house. She is trying really hard to be good right before Santa comes. Merry Christmas to you and your family
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much! That’s a sophisticated kitty household you have xox
Tobi didn’t give a second look…Tino naughty and Lola needs to have an “Extra Naughty” Box.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh yaaas, I think we need to add an extra naughty box next year! xoxo
The Island Cats
We are mostly nice. Boxes can’t define that about us. 😉
Layla Morgan Wilde
Agreed 🙂 xo
Timmy Tomcat
We really like this idea and would of course all pick the nice box. We may do this next year and will let you know
Connie Marie Poulson
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!
Layla Morgan Wilde
thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
ERin the Cat – Festive Princess, and definitely in somebodies good books ;)
Awwww! What if you have three boxes, one for the undecided – or is the just Mrs H being overly complicated ? MOL
Love the video, though I’m not officially allowed to say which one I got into, well not in public anyhow 😉
Ha, a third box is great idea for next year!