Mondays With Merlin: Summer Solstice Full Moon
Summer Solstice wishes from me, Merlin, coming to you from Summerland
I promised I’d be back. You didn’t really think I could stay away, did you? The world is in such a sorry state, we need all the feline wisdom we can get. I have so much to report since my exit last month, it’ll take all summer to make fender bender dent. Truly. Where do I even begin to begin to share my journey? Let me not count the ways.
Cats don’t measure time in minutes, hours, days or nano-seconds. Goodness, how tedious it must be keeping track of 60 seconds or minutes. Who has time for that? I don’t and trust me, neither do your cats. We have much to celebrate, so come on, join me on my picnic blankie because…it’s going to be the summer of love!
But first some housekeeping. We were all touched by the kind condolences, comments, cards, gifts, flowers and emails regarding my departure. Thank-you dearest ones!
“There is no higher calling than service to cats”.
My Tarot Wisdom lessons will continue but we’re waiting for the dust to settle from ahem, our nonprofit anthology Black Cats Tell All. We are committed to changing negative perceptions about black cats and promoting their adoption in shelters. Layla under-estimated how much time and energy it would take launching our Kickstarter and running the 30-day crowdfunding campaign. Shall we say 24/7? I’m worried about her. She won’t rest until it’s funded and it’s hit a snag. Do pay a visit at the link above and show some love.
Today is the longest day, the summer solstice with about 15 hours of daylight, at least in the northern hemisphere but cares about numbers, it’s all about feeling. We’ve moved from the frenetic buzzy energy of Gemini in the past month, to the more emotional, soft zodiac sign of, Cancer which is ruled by the moon AND it’s a full moon!
We haven’t had summer solstice full moon since 1969, aka the Summer of Love. The next month is going to all about getting in touch with our feelings, about exploring what we really want and yes, having a good time. Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.
My cat dad waxed nostalgic yesterday being Cat Dad Day. He loved hanging out with me in the garden. Well, we can still hang out and I’m in the garden, but we can’t share a beer.
I wanted choose the nicest time of the year to transition. Layla thinks I hung on because dying in the dead of the winter, would be harder to bear.
May is Layla’s favorite month and the garden begins to get into the groove. I’ll be posting pics of burial of how quickly everything turned lush bit not today.
Today is about life.
The pulsing green, growing, blooming, breathing, shining sunshiney life.
I like my new home, in one of my favorite spots in the garden, but I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m there but I’m not there. We are not our bodies. They are just overcoats our soul wears for a while and then shrugs off. You know how good it feels on the first hot day to take off a heavy coat? That’s how death is. It feels light and free. Free as a butterfly.
Choose what you do with your precious time wisely. And remember:
There is no higher calling than service to cats.
Love always, all ways,

Ellen Pilch
Beautiful post Angel Merlin.
The Swiss Cats
We’re soooo late ! Very well said, Merlin. We knew you would always be around. You have a beautiful resting place. Purrs
Cathy Keisha
What a beautiful spot you have Merlin. Your soul and spirit will always be with your humans even if your body is in the ground.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks CK. Yes, spirit lives and bodies are temporary fur coats we put on and take off between lives.
It’s so nice to hear from you, Merlin. Your resting place is lovely, and we will no doubt see you again one day. Until then, we will watch and listen for you, our dear Moosey and all the other cats who came before.
Socks, Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, YinYang & Chimera (ATCAD)
Good to hear from you Merlin. Your spot in the garden is lovely, we are sure Layla enjoys visiting with you there.
We are rooting for Black Cats Tell All to get fully funded.
Bev Green
Oh Merlin..what a beautiful place to rest..i am sure my old Merlin will meet you at some stage..he was a beautiful soul..gentle and loving..he was my heart boy..he will be most likely wearing his Summer suit…he was a black kitty..but in summer he had a brown tinge to his furs..we called it Merlins summer suit..Lovely to hear from you sweetie…Loves Fozziemum xxx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Bev. I know those summer and winter suits. Black cats often have a reddish or brownish undercoats. Your Merlin and I will no doubt cross paths and have tea xo
Bev Green
Sublime Merlin..:) xxx
The Island Cats
We’re so glad to hear from you, Merlin. Happy Summer! You have a beautiful resting place in which to enjoy it.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Happy summer dear Island Cats xo
We don’t own this property so none of us who have already left have a marker. You have a nice resting spot, Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Jan, thanks. It impossible to know how long my spot will stay. In 50 or 100 years there could be a tree growing in my spot or a parking lot. Everything changes.
So good to hear from you again Merlin and so glad you are light and free now!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, Vicky, light and free feels good xoxo
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3…
Layla Morgan Wilde
<3 back dear xoxo
da tabbies o trout towne
dood..we like yur new earth home; it total lee rockz; remindz uz oh gram paw dude & sauce’s gardin ~~~~~~~ wood ewe say hi two them pleez & thanx. ♥♥♥ all sew pleez tell yur mom we grabbed her header frum thiz post… two add two R post we R doin on joon 30th… if thatz oh kay……if knot we understand ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Helloooo Tabbies, so glad to see you and it’s fine to grab stuff just tag us so we can stop by, thanks xoxo
MrJackFreckles/Pipo & Minko
What beautifur and touching post. That is a purrtty spot your earthly peeps made fur you, Merlin. You were so spawsial, and you still are and will be furevfur!
The full moon was so lovely last evening! Meowmy tried to capture it with her camera, but well, lets just say she is not a purrfessional, nor is her camera, MOL!
We all here upon this earth could use a love summer!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hi dear ones, it was a lovely moon and we all see the same moon no matter where we live. No camera or photo can beat the real thing!
Merlin I miss you – I feel you close though and that’s enough….one day I’ll sit at your feet to learn more but for now, I’m content to keep my humans company and bask in the warmth of their love. Your resting place in the yard is beautiful just as the spots the others picked are beautiful…..full of special mementos of time spent here before moving on. I’m glad you’re back. I hear you on the summer breeze…………
Love, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sammy, my dear boy, I’m as close as the wind and we won’t me meeting in the afterworld for awhile .xoxo
Sue Brandes
Your gardens are so beautiful.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Sue, they are turning in a jungle with the heat.
Skeeter and Izzy
We send our loves Merlin. We have so many there with you. It brings us great joy to know that we will see you all agin one day. Time is fleeting for us all and we must live our days as if each is truly our last. We must fill them with love, peace, hope, joy compassion, kindness and sharing.
Luvs to you dear ones, to Mom and Dad and sis fur and bro furs.
Luvs to all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hello my dears, it is true about what you say, every word. xoxox
Lovely as always Merlin… say hiya to Tan’na if you happen upon him. He will be an old meezer likely hanging out somewhere there. Love your over coat analogy, and leaving in the winter would have just been a pain in the tail,
I am hoping Layla slows down just a tad too, have her come out and sit with you in the garden, and Cat Dad too.
Maybe the summer solstice of love explains things around here, it was our anniversary, and since we have all that we ‘need’ (each other) we took a drive, and held hands and acted like teenagers by a lake having a picnic. We didnt do a fancy dinner, or exchange gifts, we just spent time- as you say it is a precious thing.
Dream sweetly dear Merlin!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, dearest, everyone over here is timeless and Tan`na no doubt is slinky as meezer teen. Happy aniversary! Glad you enjoyed a picnic. They are the best. We had a Solstice bonfire under the full moon. Seemed to shift some stuck energies 🙂
Sometimes Cats Herd You
We loved this sentiment: “They are just overcoats our soul wears for a while and then shrugs off.” It’s such a wonderful way for those you leave behind to think of it! And it looks like Layla has made a gorgeous spot for that overcoat to rest in the garden where you can whisper to her.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, and for us cats, it’s a fur coat. The garden is extra lush this year 🙂
Hi Merlin! We’re so glad you’ll be stopping by your blog. We love this post, Mommy says it “resonates” with her (whatever that means). Mommy says her rising sign is Cancer, so that must be why she’s starting to feel better. You’re so right… we should spend our time wisely. p.s. I’ll be meowing about the kickstarter tomorrow.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Glad to hear it and happy Solstice! Meowing is a good thing 🙂
I know you’ll be there for your humans always, Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Well, as long as they need me. Everything is finite and forever ;-0
Seville at Nerissa's Life
Gettin’ in touch with our feelings, huh? Hmmm… Now I wonder how I can convince the peeps that that means extra behind-the-ear scritches for me. Any ideas? purrs
PS. If you happen to meet up with Nissy on your travels, please give him a high-paw from me. I miss him, dearly. purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes and yes, will do.
Rose the Kitten
I’s glad you are back!
Rose ~ The adult kitten.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh hello Rose, you’re new here, welcome!
Hannah and Lucy
We’d forgotten it was the longest day today- the only bad thing is winter will approach
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, ironically, it’s downhill from here so enjoy!
Beautifully said Merlin.
You’ll always be there for your Mom and Dad. Beautiful resting spot.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much. I picked the spot when I used to visit Gris Gris next door.
easy rider
many thanks for sharing your wonderful catwisdom with me… do you think that this summer could be another summer of love for our slice earth? that would be great, think we need more love with all the bad things what happened…
Layla Morgan Wilde
We have the choose to choose love or hate moment by moment.