Merlin The Cat Magician Tarot Magic Monday
Ready for some magic? It’s The Cat Magician Tarot Magic Monday with me, Merlin.
Our tarot insight for the week is The Magician and you can learn how to harness some special mojo. This is a long post but worth one session with a high-priced shrink.
Do you feel like you swallowed a bottle of crazy pills?
I know I do, with the world erupting in crazy violence. There is no magic formula for peace and harmony except maybe cats? That’s what my mom, Layla says ( she so crazed, she’s ready to move to a desert island with no Internet!).
It’s the final stretch of the Black Cats Tell All Kickstarter. It ends in three days and if you want to support our nonprofit /black cat cause, do it now. This is my last reminder since it will all be over by next Monday, and not a moment too soon for me.
I hear an interesting PLAN B is taking shape. It’s always wise to a have a plan B in life. I’m not a gambling kind of cat or a risk taker but if placing odds in Vegas, it’s 50/50 for the campaign to reach its goal on the 14th. Kind of shocking actually, but that’s how unpredictable life is. One minute you’re taking a drive with your boyfriend and the next minute he’s dead, shot by a police officer.
Who cares about saving cats and publishing books. I mean, do we really need another cat book? Alright I’ll take that back. Maybe if it’s a good one and I have read a few good ones lately. So good, I may have to do a review.
Cats are healing in a 101 ways, do you agree? This is one for today.
So, it’s like this dear ones, we have a choice. We have real power inside us, coiled and ready to launch us into outer space if we want. That’s a kicker and I should know since I’m MERLIN THE MAGICIAN. Most of you humans don’t know what you really want so you don’t manifest it. It reminds me of what the Cheshire cat told Alice in Alice in Wonderland.
“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.
Alice: …So long as I get somewhere.
The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you’re sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.”
You have only a tiny idea of who I am and what I’ve done. Real magicians don’t bluster and bully, conjuring plumes of smoke and parakeets out of thin air. Magicians make magic, make a difference, often without anyone even noticing. I call it everyday magic and it’s my favorite kind of magic, helping without announcing it to the world. Sadly we live in a noisy world where the squeaky wheel gets the grease and we have to do unspeakable things like liking, clicking, self-promoting like some social media whore of Babylon. Layla has hated every minute of the begging and cajoling of the past month. She hates that it’s been a struggle when it should have easy. Being out of your comfort zone is a valuable lesson in stretching, but it’s not a place of real power. It can’t be counted in followers or quantified (it can but it’s creepy). Every click, view and sign-up is recorded somewhere. The horror! If you have a million followers on Instagram, you’re a star, maybe, but it doesn’t make someone a Magician.
We can all be Magicians, shaping our destiny with our true desire.
And then proclaim it, and dig your heels in with laser intent and focus. Maybe it’s for your love of God or doing good. Maybe it’s for the corner office and a wardrobe of designer shoes. The energy of the Universe doesn’t judge or care if you want to win a hot dog eating contest or discover a cure for cancer. What matters is finding what makes your soul sing. The moment any waffling, flip flopping or fence sitting occurs, the focus goes poof! You can get it back by focusing on what you really want.
Here’s the clincher: Many of us lament we’re not getting what we want, but we get what we focus on. We focus with intense, persistent energy on not having a dream house, a dream partner, a dream life. We want, want, want more money, a nicer body, more “I’ll have what she’s having.” The end result is getting more of what we don’t have. Sound familiar? For some, it’s not enough to succeed, but the need to harbor a secret desire for friends to fail, schadenfreude. a guilty pleasure indeed, guaranteed to bite your bum. Karma is the bitch we love when it happens to someone we don’t like. Oh, dear, does that sound catty? It’s been that kind of week. Domino, Odin and Nou Nou have squirrelly but we do love our two new bambis who were born in behind the barn.
I see much opportunity this week for all of you to make some magic, and while you’re at it, pull a few rabbits out of your hat. I’d love some Lapin a La Cocotte. he, he, he. I may be dead but I’m still naughty. And the truth is: what Layla really wants other than helping black cats is to do some serious writing. Uh, oh, that means something is going to have to go. Will it be this blog? Chucking everything for six months in Bali? Stay tuned dear ones, anything cn happen
Love always,
Merlin The Magician

Cary Hillman
Thank you.
Ellen Pilch
I know you will get this book published with Plan A, B or even C- I trust in your abilities and the importance of this book.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, if only everyone had your confidence in me and the project! Plan B is ready to hatch 🙂
Merlin, so wise, even from a different plane of existence?
I feel hopeless, I shouldn’t, that the book isn’t funded. Lots of talk, no action! Who couldn’t spare $1 – $5 ? I’m poor as a church mouse, so that can’t be there excuse. Oh, these people who have a black cat, just post them on blogs to get there moment in fame! Not really caring to help others. Sound catty?? I’ve decided to say what I mean and do as I say! Wlways have, I’m just going to do it LOUDER! Thank you Merlin, Layla must be very tired. Sending Purrs and Love her way.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, Layla is beyond tired but wiser. Don’t fret, something better is coming. Look for a backer announcement tomorrow! And thank-you for you ongoing support
The Island Cats
There can never be too many cat books. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
I disagee. There are way too many bad ones. You know I don’t review them but thankfully the good ones make up for it 🙂
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Cats are definitely healing in 101 ways, Merlin. Maybe even 102!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Goodness yes, maybe even 1001 🙂
Sue Brandes
Have a great week and stay cool.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and same to you. It’s very comfortable now 🙂
I say YES, we need another cat book! Cat books are the glue that hold a lot of people together when the world spins out of control. At least that’s what I think.
My human does not know if she believes in magic, per se – she just knows that if she wants something she makes a conscious effort to throw it into the universe so it comes back to her. Is that magic?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yeah, that’s magic and yes to more cat book but GOOD ones! There is a glut of shoddy, generic, poorly written cat books.
Merlin I so look forward to a dollop of “wise” and a dab of “magic” and you never fail us…..We live so much of our lives moving toward that dangling carrot – I’ve decided to live in the moment instead of wondering about next week. I focus on what’s positive and push aside the negative. What would truly be positive would be if the kickstarter succeeds as we believe it should….but as you say, it’s always good to have a plan B. As long as it does NOT include quitting the bog – we need guidance from you Merlin – don’t leave us again………………..
Love, Sammy (and Mom too)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sammy dearest, you’re smart to live in the moment and I live without expectations. Everything is unfolding as it should. xoxox
Merlin you are my Monday. Sometimes I have to reread what you say because you are so wise. I myself need to refocus a bit. Things change, not always for the good or bad, but just change.
I hope your Layla doesnt leave this blog, because she would take so much needed magic with her, magic some of sorely would miss.
And I know the disappointment she must feel, this project is important. I will continue promoting it, because it matters.
Hugs to you Merlin.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, that’s the sweetest compliment. Only the wise know that re-reading gleans another layer of insights. We’re going to figure out a way to continue and you’ll soon have something different to promote! Check your email.
Always great to ‘see’ Merlin here. <3 <3 <3
Layla Morgan Wilde
The feeling is mutual 🙂
Our Mom says she is looking for some mojo.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tell her she has to believe she has it first. What she seeks is a a heartbeat away.
Skeeter and Izzy
you are soooooooooo right, we do get what we focus on. That is why it is so very important to focus on the good, on the kind, on the pawsitive. “You don’t always get what you want but if you try sometime you might find you get what you need.” (Rolling Stones)loosely quoted… it might be you can’t always get .
We love the bambis too!
Anywho we understand the everyday Magic of which you speak and think it is the best kind!
Luvs anfd Purrs and Hugs
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dearest ones and we love that song. We’re on track with our laser beams on high 🙂
easy rider
the mama said she can feel the magic around her…. nevertheless our week started dark with a loss in the family :o(
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh no, Easy, I’m so sorry and will stop by xoxox