The Best Catnip Isn’t Always Catnip – Giveaway From Plain Brown Tabby
We test a lot of products at Cat Wisdom 101 and our boys are catnip aficionados but Merlin, our senior team member rarely enjoys catnip anymore. When a package arrived from Plain Brown Tabby stuffed full of delightful catnip+ toys, I wondered who would like what. Not all cats like catnip. Some prefer valerian or honeysuckle. What I love about Plain Brown Tabby is their massive choice of catnip and other choices of catnip-type toys. If your cat does not react to catnip, have you tried the “uncatnip” – honeysuckle or valerian? Read their Honeysuckle FAQ Catnip FAQ or Valerian FAQ
Much to my surprise Merlin liked the small but potent Ticked Tabby Catnip Pillow and instead of the usual calming effect it seemed to invigorate him.
Odin made a beeline for the huge Valerian spiced Kitty Cuddler made with a mix of catnip and valerian. These are longer than ModKickers or Kong Kickeroos and pack a heady punch. He gives it a fours paws way up rating!
Visit Plain Brown Tabby at for their heady selection and special deals for the month of October. They have great kitty pics on their Facebook page please “like” them.
Like to win all three toys? Simply leave a comment at this post any time before 11:59 PM Oct. 4. The winner will be announced next Friday.
The winner of our Soft Claws giveaway from last week is Nicole. Congratulations! Look for an email from Layla Morgan Wilde.

Nancy N
Catnip toys are the VERY favorites in my house and the current ones are dearly in need of replacing. These would be perfect!!!
Celena U.
Hmmm – I had no idea about honeysuckle and valerian – Thank you Cat Wisdom 101 – You guys teach me new stuff all the time! I would love to win these for my 2 kitties. One of them is getting back from a terrible case of Diabetes and would loooovvvveee a gift to cheer her up. 🙂 Our other kitty would just love one for no reason other than it’s nice!
Even if I don’t win, thanks for all the info and tidbits you share!
Julia Williams
I didn’t know about honeysuckle and valerian, but I have a catnip-crazed kitteh and would LOVE to win. Paws crossed! Thanks for the giveaway.
My cats would love to win these! Especially the one-year old foster, whose buddies got adopted while he was off having knee surgery – and now my grumpy older cats don’t want to play with him!
Michelle Spayde
We’ve never tried anything but catnip, and would love to try alternatives!
Connie Marie
My kitties would be in 7th heaven if I won this. I’ve seen that not all of them go after the catnip, it makes some to ornery, too protective of toy to have out. They’ve all come from the shelter or very deprived homes, so it’s new to them. The mixtures might be a better choice for my babies temperments! Please enter me!
Connie Marie
Maybe the kids will stop breaking the vases if they have some catnip toys to play with. Although Joel has developed a real taste for Q-Tips.
I know a kitty or 3 that would love the Big Kitty Cuddly
Margot C
I did not know that there was any such thing as a Catnip/Valerian combination for cats. How fascinating. I’m also interested by the Cheengoo Pear Organic Bamboo Rattle Cat Toy, just because of the shape. I liked the nice folks on facebook. I am Margot Core over there.
Texas, a cat in New York
Oh! Thank you! I’m gonna put this on my list to Santa Paws (soon soon).
Carol Compton
My fur-babies would LOVE these. They’re real “nip-o-holics”. Please enter us to win.
Over here! Over here! Us! Us! We love nip & valerian & valerian & nip & we really don’t care which, as long as it’s either!
Cat nip gets Kyo and Karupin going like crazy. Love it! Love it!
I’d love to give this to my nephew. He’s never seen a cat go crazy with catnip before.
I had never heard of alternatives to catnip, you really do learn something new everyday! I am sure our kitty would love to win some new toys!
Ms. Phoebe
I loves catnip but never have tried valerian root or honeysuckle. These toys look pawsome!
Skeeter and Izzy
Did Not know about the “alternate” nip. It would be interesting to see if either of my twoz like the alternate. We are always up fer new toyz! Luvs and Happy Friday to all…Luv Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Cherry City Kitties
We would love to try something new… Maybe Tipp would like the Honeysuckle or Valerian, he doesn’t do the nip!
Harry & Dexter
Oh wow I can see how those toys would make a bunch of kittens very happy!
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
da tabbies o trout towne
happee week oh end to everee one; N yur mew toys R awesum 🙂 we R gonna head that way N see what they haz ta offer; catnip anyone? sir tin lee 🙂 !!!
Leslie S
It’s amazing how all the old catnip toys get dragged out again now that there’s one more kitty at our house… Bet a new toy would REALLY be appreciated!
That stuff sounds great! We wonder if Sammy would like the UNcatnip? Moosey is a catnip fiend, but not Sammy. Maybe this could be HIS fun herb! 🙂
CarenOsrinGittleman (@CatChatCaren)
those look like some wonderfully made toys and we thank you for this great opportunity! If you are endorsing these, we KNOW they are “good stuff!”
My kitty would love to have some new toys to totally ignore for a while!
Deb n Cats
We would love to have more toys to shove under our human’s recliner. Then we can stare at it and make her wonder if we caught a mouse and let it go under there.
Mija and Pilchard
Janet Nicholas
We have some real catnip addicts at My Mathew’s House Cat Shelter.
Amy Orvin
My cats would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway.
I didn’t know kitties like honeysuckle! I sure will check Plain Brown Tabby!
I would love to have my kitties try these.
That looks like one kickin’ good time!
Would love to give these a try. My current kitty LOVES catnip but the kitty before her, he didn’t care for it that much. Wish I had known what else to try then. 🙂
Judi Daly
Thunder would love to give it a try!
Katie Isabella
My gosh yes, I would love to win those. xxoo
I have yet to find a nip that works with Joey. I’d love the chance to try a variety
Sparky Spitfire
show that Kitteh Cuddler who’s boss, Odin!
I’m just a junkie! >^,.^<
I am so on this! I like all that stuff!
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr
Oooo I sure hope we can enter this contest, that nip sounds AWESOME!
Cynthia Southern
My kitties would love to win these catnip goodies. Thanks for offering another great giveaway. If Merlin liked this it has to be good.