A Cat Wisdom 101 Christmas
Join me, for a cute Cat Wisdom 101 Christmas post of a very purrrsonal nature with an assortment of photos and videos. Plus Mindful, Magical Yule posts at my BoomerMuse blog
because kindness is everything.
As the holiday season peaks with Christmas around the corner, I’m relieved and grateful. Relieved that the busyness is about to subside and grateful for so many things.
Last year, I would never guessed I’d be writing a holiday post with a new cat on my lap but here we are. Tuxie Otto, the most gorgeous, smart and loving cat I’ve had the good fortune to know since my soul cat Merlin died in 2016.
Otto is a senior cat at age 13, but you’d never know it by his appearance or his actions.
I still can’t believe how madly I’ve fallen in love with Otto. He’s by my side and/or my husband’s 24/7. Charming, he gives the sweetest kisses, is whip smart with an endearing squeaky voice, is horribly food motivated and sorry not sorry, is totally indulged.
This of course isn’t new to anyone who has had their heart stolen by furry face. But some cats worm their way in a little deeper and Otto has.
To say he’s made the holidays brighter is an understatement. What can I say: he is simply the best Christmas gift ever.
Otto is an incredibly relaxed but frisky cat, confident but well-adjusted, stubborn but eager to pose. It’s impossible to take a bad photo of him. Paws crossed. He loves lying on newspapers showing off his polydactyl toes.
Otto will pose when he feels like it.
It also warms my heart that he and Odin are romping around playing like two wild kittens.
We were told Otto was used to going on walks on a leash but we wanted to take our time getting him used to the garden.
He and Odin now have matching GPS collars and we are carefully monitoring Otto’s outdoor activity. Odin is very good about keeping an eye on his fur brother.
There was no time to get custom cards printed this year so there is this…
A bit bland, as is this…
but no matter. What counts is sharing the love this holiday season: a time for joy, sharing smiles; a season of hope, embracing new beginnings; a time of gratitude, blessings and spending time with loved ones, both human or furry.
Layla, Odin, Otto and our beloved Angel cats
P.S. I was curating my annual weird, vintage or off beat Christmas cat cards but ran out of time but here’s a fun kitty Christmas card blast from the past

Lovely cards to help celebrate!
Leah Alford
Lovely card! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Layla! Otto looks like a great cat and it’s marvelous that he and Odin get along so well!
Merry Christmas to all our loves past and presnt. What a lovely cat!
Ellen J Pilch
Beautiful cards. Merry Christmas to you all. XO
Brian's Home Blog
Such a wonderful gift Otto is for you and you for him. That video was sure fun and we loved seeing the happy Otto tail going. Merry Christmas from all of us.
Layla Wilde
Merry Christmas! Ha, yes the Otto tail in on most of the time😹
What a wonderful surprise finding a new heart cat!
Congratulations to Otto and Happy Holidays to all.
Layla Wilde
Thanks Maggie and Merry Christmas 🎄
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Otto is very handsome, and it is nice to see how well he gets on with Odin. Merry Christmas to you.
Layla Wilde
Happy Christmas to you and Ivor xo