Cats,  Contests & Giveaways

Cat Facts, Figures and Winners

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-) has a new campaign we love called I Am A Cat Parent which aims to dispel myths about what a cat parent is. Cat lovers are breaking stereotypes to embrace every age, gender and background. With a whopping 70% of cats in shelters euthanized every year, cats needs cat parents more than ever. When searching for a pet, nothing beats for quick and easy online access to almost 14,000 shelters and rescue groups including one near you!

The State of Cats in the United StatesAt Cat Wisdom 101 we think all cat lovers are winners but we also have some giveaway winners. The five winners for our World’s Best Cat Litter giveaway are: Cat Dad Too, Laura Johnson, Sweet Purrfections and Pam Kimmell. The winner of an amber flea/tick collar from Ambertick is Geraldine Galentree. Congratulations to all the winners! Please look for email from Layla and Cat Wisdom 101 to obtain your shipping information.

We have a feline winner of our own. Our one-eyed wonder and #1 product tester, Odin has moved forward in the AmazeCats Top Cat competition. Thanks so much for voting for him and we need your votes again as the final 16 cats Voting for Odin will be on Wednesday, April 18, 2013. We encourage you to support the other teams and vote for them at AmazeCats We’ll be sharing more up to the minute info on Facebook and Twitter. If you don’t already follow us, please do. Our Facebook page is Cat Wisdom 101 and on Twitter Cat Wisdom 101

amazecat-top cat-odin


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Odin my big lump of purrrfect hero! Concats!
    Concats to the winners!
    I think many people avoid shelters because they can be so overwhelming, with so many beautiful creatures that need us and not being able to help them all…… can walk away feeling so much guilt and sadness that some people just can’t handle it.
    Every animal deserves the best! We all just have to try to do anything we can no matter how small it might seem to be to win this war against abuse,neglect,and ignorance! We are animal lovers and we number in the millions and we CAN make it happen! Luvs Skeeter and Izzy >^..^<

  • Penelope

    Odin! Yous not only is AmazeCat yous is a furry handsome man cat! Who could not loves yous! And if there was not Cat pawrents like yous and mine, some less loveable or purrfect kitties would not has Amazing forever homes!

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood…best fishes two ewe in de contest…we iz knot on face book sew we R votin for ewe in R minds……..hope everee one at yur place haza grate week oh end 🙂

  • Fuzzy Tales

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Gosh, we didn’t think we’d been absent from visiting you for THAT long, but we see your blog has been redesigned. We like it, and it’s a lot easier to leave a comment — yay!

    Thanks for stopping by to wish Nicki a happy Gotcha Day! He’s already had some deli ham as a treat. 🙂

  • Katie and Coccolino

    Petfinder is such a great resource. We were at a shelter last weekend and just so overcome with sadness. I am starting a new project – stay tuned next week when I share it!

    Piggy Kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  • Sparkle

    Odin, aside from being an AmazeCat, you are an AMAZING cat! I am looking forward to voting for you when your clowder comes up in the next bracket! I am having lots of fun with this!

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