Radish cat
Cat Saturday,  Cats,  Shelter Cats

Adopt A Shelter Pet Month-Radish The Cat Is Home

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Breaking News

We picked up Radish the shelter cat on Thursday and I immediately noticed something was wrong. The feisty feline I’ve known for months seemed limp and lethargic when the shelter manager hoisted him into a carrier without protest. He mewled every so often on the twenty minute ride home but stayed calm. Too calm for my liking even considering the calming Feliway sprayed inside.
Radish cat

I expected him to bound out to explore the prepared safe room like he used to explore the shelter room when I’d let him out of his cage. He made his way out of the carrier gingerly, headed for the water bowl but on ancient, leaden legs. He ate a bit and drank but it was clear he’d lost weight since I saw him athletic and perky two weeks earlier. I spent some time sitting on the floor sending Reiki energy and communing deeply with him. When asked: is there anything you’d like me know, he responded, “I’m not a bad cat.” Biting people was his way of getting out of jail. I only wish I’d been faster.

Radish cat home

The next morning, he meowed a loud hello, ate a bit but not enough and his unsteady steps fired red flags. We left a message with our vet (who had examined him a week ago at the shelter) but decided to get a second opinion and sent the lab results to our holistic vet. To cover all our bases we made an appointment for Saturday. Around 4 pm we get a call from the holistic vet saying, “This cat is in liver failure. Bring him in right away.” I was exhausted from the week, hadn’t dressed yet and an emergency vet visit was the icing on a shocker of a week. We’d learned more of his background (I’m still reeling from it) but apparently his real name is Coco for starters. Radish got into the carrier without protest and I held my breath, hubby driving at record speed.

To make a very long, ugly drama short, the vet wanted to euthanize Radish. Tears gushed. Hubby signed the papers and when my turn came, Radish perked up and made his way to the picture window. I asked for a sign and got it from him. He bit the vet. There’s more, a lot more but let’s just say, we’re not welcome at that vet clinic anymore. I don’t know when Radish is moving on but it didn’t feel right to play God yesterday. We brought him home, spoke to our vet who suggested a small dose of sub-q fluids and to watch for signs of not eating and drinking. With thyroid, liver and heart issues, every form of treatment and action is a critical balancing act. Giving too much fluids could bring cardiac arrest. He’s lost a pound in a week. But he perked up after the fluids and eating the Hills Prescription Thyroid food mixed with Weruva when coaxed every hour.

It’s not the happy ending I wanted. I knew he wasn’t going to live for years but I’d hoped to give him more than a handful of happy, love-filled moments. It’s now a moment-by-moment process trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Our vet is on call to come over for at home euthanasia if needed. Miracles do happen but it’s out of our hands. Radish came into our lives for a reason and for everyone who donated to his vet fund, please know whether he lives for a long time or not, he will die loved, free and out of a shelter cage. We have enough remaining funds for euthanasia and/or followup visits but will create a fund in his name to advocate for change. No cat who may be ill should stay for months in a cage unvetted for lack of shelter funds. Something good must to come out of this.

Radish shelter cat

Apart from pre-posted posts, I won’t be blogging for awhile. This hit hard and to the bone. I never expected to fall this hard for an old ginger boy. The rest of the boys are aware of Radish and quietly respectful. Nou Nou used to occupy the same shelter room as him. When I opened the door earlier today, she looked at him with a certain knowing and insisted on greeting him. Whether it was to say hello or good-bye, to help him heal or transition, I don’t know. He acknowledged her with dignified nod. She stayed a few feet away and they stayed in still, nonverbal communication for a few minutes until bedtime. She left to sleep on my bed (a first) and I closed the door.

Hugs and prayers welcome for all. Thank-you for loving cats.

Back to pre-posted Caturday news.

June is Adopt A Shelter Pet Month

new rochelle humane society-
Can you believe that’s Nou Nou (top) on the day she arrived at the shelter last June? Her sister Uma was adopted but sister Vanna is still available as is tuxie cage-mate Pablo at NewRochelleHumaneSociety.org
The ASPCA is encouraging folks to consider adopting one of the 3.4 million cats that enter shelters each year. A new survey of American adults shows that a majority of cat owners believe that cats are intelligent (77%) and independent (71%), which confirms what many of us already know – cats are smart animals that make excellent companions.
To help bring attention to cats during this month, we are joining forces with Animal Planet and Jackson Galaxy to host a social media contest celebrating shelter cats. By sharing their cutest or silliest cat photos using the hashtag #MyRescueCat and signing an adoption pledge, folks will be entered for the chance to have their photo featured on the My Cat From Hell season finale June 13. Cat lovers can enter the contest at www.aspca.org/MyRescueCat.
The public will also have the chance to help their local shelter this June through the #Litter4kitties contest, where the ASPCA and Freekibble.com will give away 10,000 pounds of Fresh Step cat litter to shelters, with one grand prize shelter receiving 5,000 lbs. and five runners-up receiving 1,000 lbs. each. Visit www.aspca.org/Litter4kitties to nominate your local shelter.

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  • Katie Isabella

    Oh Layla, I am broken hearted about Radish. Totally broken hearted. I have cried each time I see him on my side bar and reading about him here just makes me ache to have a wand to wave and make it all better. That poor darling, and you and your husband are my heroes! Thank you.

  • Pawesome Cats

    Thank you for giving an old ginger boy another chance – he is so much better for having found you and for being loved and cared for by you, for however much time he has left. From Amber (our ginger girl) and the rest of the Pawesome Cats family – lots of love, purrs and prayers coming your way. xxx PS. It was lovely to catch up again at BlogPaws!

  • ellen

    Dear Radish, a human loves and cares for you, this is what you wanted and needed, and your prayers were answered. I am hoping you make it through this, you feel the love around you. I am sorrry other humans let you down, but this one who looks at you with love in her eyes only wants the best for you whatever that path my lead.

    I am so sorry Layla for the news you got and can ‘hear’ the anguish in your words. Even ‘short times’ are a lifetime of love for one who so needs you. Peace to you nd whatever decison is best for that beautiful ginger boy.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood…we iz knot a loud ta play on line on de week oh endz but that doez knot meen we canna reed stuf…..N we reeded thiz on caturday N asked R pal St Francis to step it up sum notchez for ewe…like bout 777 notchez……sendin purrayerz N his blessings two ewe…♥♥♥♥♥

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    We shed tears knowing that things have changed so dratically . We PURR and Pray even harder for our little boy with the heart of a lion. We KNOW he is a good boy and we know that he deserves the beast and that is what he will get with you guys.
    No matter what happens he WILL KNOW that he is LOVED, VALUED and WANTED. He will know peace and kindness. He will know at last the things that every living being should know.
    We love you guys and we love sweet Radish. We send you all the energy we have Radish and hope it helps you be whole again.
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Glogirly & Katie

    Oh, this is just heartbreaking. Regardless of what happens, the love you are giving Radish is a beautiful thing. No one should leave this world without knowing and feeling the touch of love.

  • Darlene Arden, C.A.B.C.

    Oh, Layla, this is gut-wrenching. No cat should be in a cage for so long but for them to do that without veterinary care is nothing short of animal cruelty. They could have raised money for veterinary care. There are a lot of ways to do that today but they chose not to try to help him. Hopefully, Karma will take care of those people.
    God Bless You for taking Radish home and for loving him so much. He is free, he is loved. Had someone tried to kill me the way the vet did I would have bitten them, too! Please kiss Radish for me and tell him that his self-appointed Auntie Darlene is praying for him. Call him whatever he wants to be called and tell him there are a lot of us who love him.
    Thank you for everything you do to help cats.

  • Cynthia Southern

    I am so sorry to hear Radish is so sick. I now your TLC will help him so much. I hope he starts feeling better and will take a turn for the better.

    It is heartbreaking that he was treated how he was in the shelter. No cat deserves to live like that. THANKS for all you do for Radish and ALL CATS!!

    Purrs to you, Radish and all the cats who don’t have forever homes.

  • Ellen Pilch

    That is heart breaking. I am so sorry that Radish isn’t well. I really wonder what happened at the vets to make him decline so fast. I will be praying for a miracle, but if one doesn’t come, you are correct that Radish will be loved.

  • Carolyn

    Oh Layla, now I know why you needed a smile today! My heart is breaking for you and Radish. But I am sure that however long he’s got left will be very very precious for you and for he and also for the other cats. Miracles can happen you know! gentle hugs to you xox

  • Flynn

    My heart breaks for you and for Radish.Miracles do happen though and now he has freedom from the cage and your love I hope he can rally. No matter how long he will be with you, he now knows he is loved and wanted.
    Never give up hope. If we hadn’t seen the other vet who had a suspicion of what was going wrong with Flynn, we would have lost him 6 months ago.

  • Sweet Purrfections

    I am so sorry to hear about Radish. It can’t be easy, but please know that you are making his final days, however long they may be, filled with love. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Dezi and Lexi

    Oh Miss Layla dat’s…weez just not even know what to say. Weez do fank you fwum da bottom of our big ole kitty hearts fur fureein’ Radish/Coco. Weez sendin’ lots and lots of Purrayers. And weez also wunnered ifin yous knew ’bout Astro’s Protein Powder? Altho’ not yet listed on da website, yous can buy it diwectly fwum Dr. Edmund and it’s very helpful specially fur older kitties to help wiff muscle wastin’ and such. Ifin yous just email dr. Edmond hims will send you an ivoice. Hims ships weally fast too. Ifin yous wuld like more info, yous can contact him or us. Our email is: lexi.dezi@yahoo.com

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  • Mary McNeil

    Just went through this with an old boy whose owner had died. Seems he found his way to me for help to finish his journey. Love and purrs to you and your boys .

  • Sammy

    Oh Layla my heart breaks for you…….I was and still am happy when you said you were bringing Radish home….who knew he’d begun to “give up” before you could pick him up and bring him to his new home. He looks thin but I just know that he’s in the BEST hands now – your empathy and healing power as well as LOVE and concern will work wonders on him. As you say, whether he has another day or another year or longer, he will be TAKEN CARE OF. He SO deserves that. Sending prayers and POTP and won’t stop………..ever.

    Love, Pam

  • Caren Gittleman

    Layla my heart goes out to you and it is breaking.I cannot begin to imagine the depth of sorrow that you must be feeling. Miracles DO happen….if a miracle is meant to happen, it will. If not, I read Summer’s comment and couldn’t agree with it more. Bless you for your persistence and your love and caring. xoxoxo

  • Angel Ms. Phoebe's Mum & Fur sibs

    What a shock and sad situation after all he’s been through, but please do not feel bad. You were the only one to be concerned and step forward on behalf of this sweet boy and that in itself means everything to and for him. Radish knows you are there for him and who knows he could pull through- that is one thing I do know after Phoebe who was near death, and then the day of scheduled euthanasia showed signs of eating to then recover and live 11 years!
    Cats know when there is someone who loves and needs them and sometimes that can will them back. Even if this is not to be for Radish, he will pass in peace and love knowing not all humans are bad or feel he was. No matter what happens his worth will be proven in the awareness made of cats in his situation and the dire need for change in financial and understanding needs of rescues. Rescues try their best with what they have and it is society that needs to help bring about the change by helping and encouraging their local government to fund shelters and rescues adequately.
    We will be purring and sending positive energy and healing purrs to Radish and your family. We are grateful for all you have done and continue to do on his behalf. Purrs and hugs to mew all. <3

    –Have received your email and will reply soon, this week has been hectic. We have been thinking of you. <3<3<3<3<3

  • Cathy Keisha

    Healing purrz and mojo to Radish. Miracles do happen especially with the Power of the Paw. TW adopted all her shelter cats in January, including me. The outdoor strays she adopted came during the summer.

  • Penelope

    We are so sad. We know that everything happens for a reason, however when things do not happen as we anticipate them, we can be stricken…did we do enough? Should we have done…? Let go, live moment to moment and love without boundaries.
    We send you strength.
    My love and Nellie’s Kisses

  • Annabelle

    Oh Layla I am so deeply sorry. The feisty Radish is what I expected, and to discover this. I am so glad that he was able to come into your home. As hard as it is for you and your hubby it will give him peace to be out of that ‘jail’ and into a warm soft cozy spot. The quantity of time is certainly not as important as the quality of whatever time there is left for him. ((hugs))

  • The Island Cats

    Oh Layla, I wish the news had been better for Radish, too. At least you are doing whatever you can for him…even if it’s for the short term…and he can experience love for whatever time he has left. Bless you for taking him in when so many told you otherwise.

    Island Cat Mom

  • Maggie

    I so wanted the fairy tale ending for you and your husband, Layla. Such kindness and caring should bring boat loads of good karma.
    But maybe a good death surrounded by loving friends – not a cage in sight – is the real blessing.
    My heart is heavy for you all.

  • Andrea

    I think I knew that Radish needed you, Layla. Remember my premonition? All of Michelle S’s recs were spot on if you want to go that far. Brings back memories of my precious MEwdy Blue. This tear is for you Radish. I’m praying for you.

  • jansfunnyfarm

    So sorry, Layla. Your heart is in the right place and you’re doing all you can to make Radish comfortable. He free of the cage and getting the affection he needs to feel at home.

  • Dorothy

    Thanks you for everything you do to make this world a better place. I believe I can imagine how tired your spirit must feel, to give so much. The only saving grace is what you receive from those you give so much. I hope you can take the time to care for yourself as well as you care for those you help. And to Radish , thank you for giving him comfort and joy in his last days and when it’s time for him to journey on to the next adventure I pray he takes all you’ve shared with him and spreads it through whatever comes next for him.

  • Kathryn

    Oh my, oh my, oh my. I hate that vet. Emma bit a vet once. I hate that vet because how could he really know? How could Radish change so much in a few days?

    The fact that he is Coco is an incredible sign.

    I closed my eyes and there is hope in the air.

    He is already happy to be with you and hubs.

    I feel hope. I am going to send all that hope your way.


  • The Swiss Cats

    We’re sorry you and Radish have to go through this ! The most important is that he feels loved and safe with you. We cross our paws and send tons of purrs to both of you. Purrs

  • Bernadette

    Layla, I am so sorry it worked out this way, but he called you to come and get him knowing his time was short–and he bit the vet to make sure he had some time in a happy loving home before he left. I missed a few posts this week so I’m not sure of all the details, but thank you for advocating for him and doing your best within a system that is basically good but fails the outsiders. Peace to you in this intense loving time with Radish before he leaves for his next journey.

    Fostering the special ones is not for the faint of heart; that’s why they find us. Thank you for being there for them.

  • Michelle S

    Liver failure? Has he had a sonogram? Is it fatty liver disease, cancer, something else? Could he have an infection? Something like liver flukes or other parasites?

    Without knowing, how do you give up? Denamarin, S-Adenosyl-100 (has worked better for some cats than the Denamarin), Organic Milk Thistle, weekly B-12 shots, syringe feeding. I’ve seen some cats brought back from the brink of death, and yes, even some feisty ones.

    I’m just throwing these things out there as I’m about to run out the door. I spent weeks, maybe months, researching liver issues in cats. My boy, my soul kitty, left my world and forever hardened my heart because of his liver. I was told that he was not a surgical candidate and the sonogram was inconclusive. Everything, including the sonogram, pointed to cancer of the liver & spleen. He was put on antibiotics (Clavamox) and steroids (Prednisolone) “just in case” it might be something else. It was a long shot, but the steroids did buy him another month of feeling soooo much better. He gained a pound and I was optimistic until the day that he just stopped eating and drinking.

    The supplements above are OTC and you can easily give B-12 shots at home.

    I’m so very sorry… My heart truly aches for you, but I had to at least throw some options out there “just in case”.

    • Michelle S

      Thank you so very much for caring, loving him and getting him out of the shelter to live the remainder of his life surrounded by love and light.

  • easy rider

    I feel so sorry for you and for Radish… what a horrible moment you had at the ER vet, I can’t imagine what you felt …. My tears are running… but I hope for a miracle and I will cross my paws ….

  • Summer

    I wish things were different for Radish, but I think it is just as important that he knows that he is loved and cherished, whether it’s for months, weeks, or even minutes. Some cats don’t even get that much, so in a way, he’s still hit the jackpot. Focus on that and not the bad.

  • Marjorie and Harvey

    I read this with a jolt, not Radish, not the sweet old ginger hope. Oh Layla, hang on there – I know you will give him all the love and help he needs and we are commited to help with a fundraiser to honour the boy – just let us know.

    Please, pass on our love to Radish, or Coco if he prefers to be called that. Tell him a ginger lad in New Zealand sends his best courage and stands paw to paw with a fellow cat.

    Anyhting we can do to help, let us know OK.

    Marjorie and Harvey

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