NVR Miss Litter Box Giveaway: Best Cat Litter Box Ever!
We’re excited to share some great news. After trying every type of litter box possible, we’ve found the Holy Grail of litter boxes and you can win one!
Merlin kindly consented being photographed in the name of cat behavior science. This is what pooping in heaven looks like. Note the sweep of tail, expanse of space, the fresh air surrounding an arched back. If a cat could, it would choose this ideal scenario but most can’t. It’s up to us to find the most comfortable cat litter box. As a holistic cat behaviorist, I think like a cat. This photo illustrates why most cats hate a covered litter box and why they need a roomy box with higher sides.
The lovely Canadians from NVR Miss sent us (we’ve never been more proud to be Canadian!) a NVR Miss litter box. What do we love about it? Everything.
For comparison purposes, we placed a NVR Miss next to two others. Note the high walls for privacy which prevent mess from litter kickers. If you have a cat who prefers to pee vertically, this design is magic. The entrance is low enough for even old boys like Merlin to navigate. The flat floor with radiused corners are easy to clean. The sturdy plastic in a pearlized taupe color is neutral for most decors.
When our big boy Domino arrived we improvised a jumbo litter out of a storage container for him, but this is much more attractive and practical. If you’d like the chance to win a NVR Miss, simply leave a comment at this post anytime before 11:59 EST May 15, 2012 with a VALID email address and like our Cat Wisdom 101 Facebook page. For extra chances to win, subscribe to Cat Wisdom 101 via email. Good luck!
The winner will be chosen next Wednesday. This giveaway is open to all residents of both the U.S. and Canada!
For more details about NVR Miss litter boxes, visit their website
If it’s Wednesday, you know what that means: Giveaways! The winner of last week’s fabulous Kitty Cradle hammock giveaway is Sue Brandes. Congratulations, Sue! Look for an email from Layla.

Cheryl, thank-you for loving cats and helping those you can by feeding, providing shelter and spay/neuter. Every bit helps!
Marti K.
My Phoebe loves her privacy! I know she would love the NVR Miss Litter Box for the extra privacy the tall sides give too!
I have five cats and I’m sure they all would love this litter box!
Yes! Yes! Yes! This is exactly what my cats need. They could also use a ramp that has low sides and some grip so they can climb into and out of the litterbox.
Wowee!!! This looks PERFECT! Want!!!!
Louise Stene
I have three cats … one of them I have gone through a year of hell trying to litter train. I have never ever had that problem with a cat before in my life — and I am a DIEHARD CAT LOVER !! I’ve gone through I don’t know how many different forms of litter without success !! I would DEARLY love to win this and give this litter box a try …. I am almost ready to give up on her.
Donna Bell
would love to have this for my foster kittens/cats especially the ones that kick the litter right out of the box.
Shannon M
Oh, the Furry Herd would love this. I have all the styles going on with them – vertical-horizontal… 🙂
Penny Ann Thompson
I love staying up to date with you on your site and on Facebook! Thanks for the chance at such an awesome giveaway~ Looks like a kangaroo kitty in the pic…a mad one! Thank you!
Colleen G
Okie dokie…let’s give it a whirl!
sher adams
I got 5 fur babies that would love to try this out! I do hope we win!!
sara gile
i would so love this for my 2 cats
Nancy Zuern
The NVR Miss litter box looks great! My cats would love it, I have three cats and only one plain little litter box =:( Please enter me in the giveaway.Thank you!
Lourdes M.
Both of my cats are big boys and I’ve had a hard time finding the perfect litter box for them. Last one was a storage container that is about 8 inches tall. Works so far but it isn’t pretty!
Both of my cats are big boys and I’ve had a hard time finding the perfect litter box for them. Last one was a storage container that is about 8 inches tall. Works so far but it isn’t pretty!
Amy Sikes
I have a very big boy who fits just fine into the oversized litter box he has…but he has some trouble stepping over the highish entry. This one looks like the entry would be lower, making things easier for him. 🙂
Trudy B
I would love the opportunity to try this especially since I foster special needs kitties.
Trudy B
This looks great. I would love the opportunity to try it since I work with special needs fosters.
Debra Lee
I use 3 litter boxes right now and would love to try this!
Wow, looks like a great product!
Betsy Lentz
My cats would love this litterbox!
Looks like a great product!!~
The Island Cats
This looks like a great litterbox! Please enter us in the drawing!!
This looks great – I’d love to see if my 2-year old cat, Remy, would use it. Lately she’s been refusing to use her covered litterbox and is using the bathroom sink instead, which is pretty gross!
Letrisa Miller, DVM
This is great! I’m always looking for better solutions for my clients and their cats! I certainly would like one for myself and my cats as well as to show off to my clients at my clinic!
crazycatlady of caledonia
My little ‘princess’ would love it! She absolutely hates covered litter boxes. High-sided boxes are great as she kicks AND stands AND really flings litter when she covers. She also likes it to be in the middle of the room… Odd little creature, but I love her!
Jill D Hubbard
I would love it…I have 6 beautiful cats!
our 3 girls, Phoebe, Freddie, and Roxie, would like us to win this for them!
This looks cool – hope it would be high enough for my “vertical pee-er”.
Karen Pauli
But will it fit my Maime Coon? He’s been using a huge storage tote with a hole in the side. I wish your picture showed a cat in the box so we have simething to guage the size.
Jeff Davis
Jake says yeah!
This would be a godsend for my boys!
Oui Oui
Holy cow! This is the most amount of comments we’ve ever seen! Everyone wants litter boxes! Well, we’d like another one too. You just can’t have too many. Thanks, Layla! Our email is edensp1@hotmail.com We hope the Cat Wisdom kitties can make our big party this weekend!
Carol D.
Salem and Sally would love to try your litter box!
I have three cats…one is a former feral and she LOVES to kick her litter around! I have fallen in love with the NVR Miss litter box (don’t tell my husband!) My cats would love to give it a try!
Michelle Spayde
I love the look of this box, as well as the high sides!
Kathie Kudrycki
You can never have enough litter boxes! This one looks great!
This looks great, and wouldn’t come at a better time, if I were to win this!
This is so awesome!
I’d love to win this box for my all my cats, especially Gremlin, who sometimes goes right outside the box. It would be perfect!
Dawn Ellis
Love this litter box.
Ms. Phoebe
I am a curvy lady cat and could use one of these! Thank mew for the chance to win!
I have eight of my own, 4 life car foster cats and various other foster cats always coming in and out. Out of the 12 that consistently live in my home, I have 8 boys. Most of them are kickers and high sprayers. This box would be great for us!
Thank you for your consideration. I will spread the word through the rest of the rescue group about these boxes.
Thank you!
I am constantly on the look out for a better litter box. I have 3 cats myself and foster kitten and their mommas.
Pick me, pick me, pick me! LOL Love the look of this box. Right now I use several plastic storage containers, like those used for holiday decorations, just the smaller size.
Fantastic product you have here.
My cats would like this litterbox!
Oh my goodness my kitten pees outside of the litterbox maybe this is the answer to my mothers complaints.
I know my Two new Bengal Rescues would love this box. They hated the covered one and Motec even guarded it refusing to let Mink use the covered one. I’ve had to take the cover off for the time being and put it in the tub.
April Wilk
This is awesome…I would love one for my cats
Doreen F
I have 7 full time cats in my home, 1 forever foster and multiple other cats and kitten fosters through out the summer. I am always looking for the perfect litter box for all the cats, there never seems to be one that they all like.
Doreen F
I have 7 full time cats in my home, 1 forever foster and multiple other cats and kitten fosters through out the summer. I am always looking for the perfect litter box for all the cats, there never seems to be one that they all like.
Becky Zolodz
This NVR litter box is perfect for my boys. No more putting cardboard behind the litter boxes.
Kathy Thompson
Congrats Sue!
Wow lots of folks joining in the fun now. This looks like one way cool kind of potty. We would luv to have one of these babies. Much luv and purrs Skeeter and Izzy >^cc^< our cool cat eyes lol
Meghan E.
OMG! I have been searching for a decent litter box for three years! I’ve been through 12 boxes and nothing seems to work for our Mr. Miagi aka “Big Man”. We adopted him from the MSPCA three years ago and he was at 31 pounds. We have him down to 24 but he’s still too large to fit in a box comfortably and without messes. Please, please, please!
Oh this seems like a pretty goo litter box! Would love to win one for our 2 furry babies
I think Leonardo would appreciate this; in fact I don’t know why all litter boxes aren’t designed like this.
Ellen Wexler
Thank you for this post and giveaway! The whole litter and litter box thing is a huge pet peeve with me. So many cats like to stand on the edge of a box to go. Also, for some reason the covered boxes do not help those with ‘out of sight, out of mind’ syndrome. Cats like to be clean! SCOOP your boxes. One BIG box per cat, at least. Dirty litter boxes? Imagine your only choice being stepping barefoot into a poop and pee filled litter box! Okay, I’m done — for now 🙂
Glogirly & Katie
What a GREAT design! This should help to stop Katie’s litter storms! ; )
This would be awesome. I have 3 older girls so the low step in would be lovely. I have one who pees vertically and all 3 are happy litter flingers. I may need 1 or 4 of these, off to check out the site.
Wowie lots of extra kitties visiting today! HA We think those litter boxes are fabulous!!!
Debbie Becker
This litter box would be perfect for my big boy (18#) Benny Bump. He is known for getting all four legs in the litter box, but his butt often hangs over the edge. Think this would solve my problem of urine on the floor! Thanks for a chance to win!
I have two cats that can stand in the middle of the litter box and pee straight backwards. This box would be awesome!
My 18 pound Maine Coon would put this the MVR miss to good use!
Stephanie Britt
All three of my kitties are rescues and I think they would like a new cat box.
denise tutwiler
I love seeing all these cat lovers. But I want to win the litter box
My 2 new additions would love this. Or should I say their mommy would live this
janet stich
my cat is a big time litter kicker this would be great
All of my kitties would love this litter box!
My Zora would love this. She tends to miss from time to time >.<
All three of my kitties would love this litter box!!
Want… A lot… Both my kitties kick litter all over the place.
A littler box that big boy Tigger won’t accidently pee out of because he doesn’t have enough room? That does sound like heaven!
I am always glad to hear of the things you have tried and found that work.
thanks Layla.
Karen Demers
Just what I need to foster cats.
I have three cats and I really could use a new cat litter box!
I have a litter kicker and an edge hanger. I would love a NVR miss box. Using a shoe storage container right now, but the walls are too low.
My cat would love this!
Would love to win this for my little angel Ferris. He’s turning 1 on May 14th and it would be an awesome treat for him…. and me
Jaime Billingsley
I would love to win for all my fur babies! I think they would love this!
JD Beam
Looks like a great design, will have to give it a try!
Amy Fahy
We just added cat #7, Riley, to our household and need another litter box. This would be great!
Sandra C
I am always looking to try new litter boxes! My girl may be average size, but she loves to pull the litter out of the box this seem like it would deter her a bit
Jean Nowak
I need this cuz one of my cats is always missing the box!
simple and to the point!
Jean Nowak
I need this cuz one of my cats always misses the box!
Angela Collins
I’d love an opportunity to give this a go with my three babies. I’m sure they would love it.
Angela Collins
I’d love an opportunity to give this a go with my three babies. I’m sure they would love it.
We have three cats and are looking for a better litter box solutions.
Faith-Marie Cox
This is the holy grail of litter boxes!! I have been searching high and low for a box for my older cat Dr. Pepper. She has chronic UTI problems and sprays rather than sits to pee. The high walls on this litter box would be a gift from heaven for us. I would LOVE to win this if possible and I’m sure Dr. Pepper would appreciate the privacy as well. 🙂
Jane Pianowski
My DMH Tabby would love this litterbox!! 🙂
I would love to win this for Oscar my little litter kicker, especially to keep the litter out of my bed! Is there anywhere in the US to buy these? The last time I looked it was only available in Canada and cost way too much to ship to Michigan.
only 22″ long? : (
too short for my big boy. his doc tells me he needs a litter box that is at least 1.5 times his length–preferably longer–so he can stretch out & feel comfortable. i think the one he has now is about 27″ long.
would love to win!!! Thanks!!!
Vivian Huddleston
kitties could use a new litter box….would love to win!
I would love this for my 4 kitties!
Susan P
Me and my kitties would love to try this out!
Jana D.
Sign me up!
I recently joined my two cat household with a three cat household. Our FIVE cats seriously need some positive ways to interact and also need enough pooping areas! We have three litter boxes right now, two uncovered and one covered and use two different types of litter. But one cat is still unhappy and is currently using the bed for her private pee-ing space. Hope we get to try this out
Linda P.
We are looking to adopt another rescue kitty whereby we’ll be adding more cat boxes. The NVR Miss looks wonderful and could possibly replace one of our covered cat boxes.
Teri Johnson
With nine (9!) cats (yes, I’m “that lady who lives on the corner with all the cats”) and several cats who are stand up pee’rs, I could really use a box like this! 🙂
Oh my gosh. My two cats sure do need a new litter box. I have a huge 50 gallons container but I want to get the +1 rule enforced when we move next month…so I will have to go box shopping. This would be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!
My boys need one of these!
Yes! This does look like the perfect litter box — something I’m always hunting for with my finicky ladies.
John S
This is exactly what my 3 need
Alyce Nunn
Mona is a long tall cat and get litter everywhere in our bathroom. I think a litter box with high walls would be puuurrfect for her.
My cats need this very badly!
My calico “Spooky” would appreciate this. She seems lately to be dissatisfied with her litter box, spreading inordinate amounts of litter out of the box and sometimes missing it completely cause she’s perched on the edge so far. I never thought of a new box, perhaps she’s trying to tell me something.
Robbi Nester
This looks like a good option for my cat, Whistler, who often stands dutifully in the box when he has to go, but ends up pooping outside the box and shoveling litter on nothing at all.
It looks like this box would solve many of our litter issues, would love to have one.
My cats need this so bad!
Vicki Cox
Would love to win this for my kitties! Hope this is what helps with the mess!
Jeanette Brown
My 2 cats would love a new litter box. I want the best litter box ever! Would love to try your product.
i would love one of these!
Jeanette Brown
I am always open to try a new type of litter box. I would be happy to give a review of its performance. Cats have preferences, mine like the same one of 2 choices. This would be an interesting test.
M. Flowers
If I win this, I’m giving it to a friend of mine. She needs litter boxes that cats actually like desperately! But if I still had my dear cat, I would have kept it for her.
Wendy W.
I have a kitty who steadfastly refuses to poo in the box. She’ll pee there, but she will very deliberately poo outside the box, on the linoleum, a few inches away. Maybe having another box around would help… it’s worth a try! I have a ‘regular’ litter box, and a large tote that I’ve converted into a litter box. Maybe this, being a combo of the two, would do the trick.
Ooh. I’m intrigued by the different positioning of the entry in comparison to another large, high-walled litter box I’m familiar with (not pictured). I’m curious to see if that would eliminate the puddling at the entry point. 🙂
I like the high walls/lower entryway. Excellent design.
Pam Lee
I would love a bigger litter box for my big boy! He’s almost 15lbs of kitty!
Count us in!
I have two long haired kitties who love to flick the litter everywhere it shouldn’t be. They the make a pile of it on the floor and then use that instead of the box. We have tried many litter boxes and other ideas but nothing helps. This box would be a lifesaver for us!
Diane Gustafson
I have 3 fur kids at home – one is a 22lb Maine Coon mix, and we are always on the look out for anything size appropriate for him. We would love to have this!
The kitties of ‘No Cat Left Behind’ would love to win this litterbox for our Cat Playroom!! It seems perfect in every way, both for the kittens and the older cats who love to ‘kick up sand’. 🙂
Sandra Owens
I have 2 cats who sometime miss the litter boxes they have. I have learned to place newspaper under them and it helps. Just hope they aren’t eating some of the shreds of the newspaper they leave around the apt!
Nicole S.
I would love to in this for my 2 kitties!
Colleen R.
I have a pair of litter kickers and they would LOVE to win one of these awesome boxes!
Nicole S.
I would love to in this for my 2 kitties! I have a 12 yr old senior cat, and a 2 yr old large Snowshoe siamese. This would be ideal for them!
Such a great idea! I have a large Bengal that is getting older, he now likes to perch on the side of the boxes with just his back feet in order to pee. Or with our covered boxes, just back himself up to the hole and go at it. Problem is we have two regular boxes in the house which means most of the time he’s peeing over the box. With five other cats besides him in the house this NVR Miss box would be ideal!
Amy Christensen
My cat makes a mess out of the litter box. I think the high sides might help
Looks like a great box. Would love to try it.
Geneen Grassia
This is awesome! My big boy would love this. I got the largest litter box I could find and I still feel like he needs more room.
I have two long haired kitties who love to flick the litter everywhere it shouldn’t be. Then they make a pile of it on the floor and decide to go there instead of inside the box. We have tried several different types of litter boxes and other ideas to keep it in the box but so far nothing works! This would be a lifesaver for us! Thanks!
Leo digs his way to China every day and leaves my bathroom a littery mess. This would be so nice! Thanks 🙂
Julia Vilk
My two kitties could definitely use another litter box, we only have one right now and it’s like any time one of them is using it, all of the sudden the other one suddenly has to go too in that exact moment. (Go figure)..
This would be great!! 🙂
Pat Barnett
My Miss Daphne would love this litter box.
Heather Day
My picky kitty might love this and I’d sure like to give it a try!
Karen Shanteau
My cats would love a new cat box…I have a three legged one that really kicks out the litter lol…
Karyn Zickafoose
I would LOVE to try out one of these litter boxes. I have 4 very messy boys. 3 of them enjoy the privacy of the hooded box while the other likes the ‘topless’ variety. Sadly I had to get rid of the hoodless box because he was spreading litter all over the place! I think this box may be the answer to our prayers!
Carrie Reyes
We need more litter boxes!! With three cats we could always use more!!
Sweetums, Sly Cooper & Seran!!
amy jarrett
My beautiful siamese mix “BERT” would LOVE a new litter box…Cause Lord knows he LOVES to use one!! :))
Both me and my cat would love this one. No more litter on the floor and lesser scratch marks on my wall.
I have three babies and one had a torn acl and would probably do well with this one <3
I have a litter kicker… This would be awesome as I’m getting tired of having the majority of the kitteh litter on the floor instead of in the box. Seriously, it’s like he’s throwing a party with kitteh litter confetti. Lol.
Fred Benz
I have a litter-kicker and excessive digger that would love this box!
My cats need this!!!
Mary Hollis
Would LOVE this box for my standing pee ers…..
Mary Wisbey
My large cat would love this as she tends to hit the sides of the box & then can’t figure out how to cover it up.
Hello, my cat Luna tries to be good but sometimes she misses. This great litter box would help.
Nicole Guidry
I would love to win this! I have 3 *long* boy cats who love to stand when they pee. We purchased a high-sided cat box, but it’s starting to look like it’s not high enough! I would love to try this one out! Thanks!
Fantastic design for a litterbox ! My cats are notorious ‘litter flingers’, and I think this box would be a great solution……
Melissa Conley
This would be great for my two 15 pound Maine Coon boys!!
Mary Hollis
My kitty that tries to dig to china for a place to poop would LOVE this box…well, actually, I would, because there wouldn’t be litter everywhere!
My cat Luna tries to be good but lots of times she misses the box! It would be great to win this litter box and make sure she never misses again!
Sue Rucker
I have two cats, but the Siamese is really a pistol about peeing against the wall of the box. He has difficulty getting into the jumbo box so he has to use the short box and you can only guess what happens. I use puppy pads that do help when he thinks he is in the box but definitely “outta the box” business. lol…he is going on 15 and has always been lazy about covering his business while my 18y/o female is very dutiful in proper potty etiquette.
I really could use this box. It just might be the meeting of my cats and mine worlds….lol
Erica Roewade
We are in need of this perfect litterbox. We adopted 3 feral cats! Thank you!!!
I am an kitty rescuer, and since I deal with so many different kitties, it would be great if they loved their litter box!! It would make them happy!!
Erica McNally
This would be a fabulous replacement to our covered litter boxes. =^.^=
We have three notorious kickers, this sounds great!
Terrific! Thanks for the opportunity!
I do kitty rescue and would love to have one of these!! Since I dealing with different cats all the time, it would be great to have one of these super ones, to make them happy!! ~thank you!
My little girl London is a “pee over the side-er”. She NEEDS this!
Litter boxes have lots of designs that are not great for all cats. Would love to try one that helps them not go outside the box, especially one with no top. My cats like the no without a top, but not everyone gets their butt where it should go.
Its been my experience that you can never have too many litter boxess! would love to win!
Vanessa Stoner
I have a couple of kitties that have potty problems – mainly wild scratching & hanging over the side – this looks perfect … I’d love to win one.
Lisa Hill
I have 3 cats…all different ages. This would be so helpful..my oldest girl is arthritic and it would be really easy for her to get in. I also have one that digs to China if you know what I mean! Litter everywhere! Its a good size to keep litter in. My baby cat is teeny and it would be awesome for her too!
My Siberian Leda would LOVE this! She has an extra large box now, but the sides are too small. I really hope we win!
tiziana blacklock
I have two cats and I know they would love a new litter box.
lisa st.
this would be great since we have box in a small bathroom.
Mary Cossin
My Maine Coon broke his hip and had to have surgery, we have been looking for a litter box that he can use, that is big enough but because of the surgery he can get in, I would love to win this for him.
my cat would love a new litter box thanks for the opportunity.
Tea Hailey
Tired of litter all over the floor. This looks like it might solve that problem. Would love to have it for my love.
What a great looking litterbox! I have a house full of cats who would really love to try this. We have tried everything from a automatic litter box to a giant one made for dogs to just about everything in between!
Joy Ballard-Sendra
I have several cats including a senior kitty who this litter box would be “purrfect” for. It would also be nice for my male cat who doesn’t always fully squat when he goes!
Barb S
I have an old boy who does the vertical pee trick sometimes, so this seems perfect!
Marriott Loret
Oh man..I have a litter kicker and compulsive shoveler in my 2…this would be great! Does this constitute my entry?
I have 3 senior kitties, and my “big girl” Lucy sometimes is a vertical pee-er and has known to get it on the wall and the radiator. She’s also messy when she covers her waste. In general, she’s messy! She (and my other kids) could use the help of a litter box that is also easy to get in and out of!
I have quite a few boys with a high “aim” and we would love to try out one of these!
Erin M.
Just got a new little kitten a few days ago! Little starter box works now but he’s gonna grow out of that really quick!
My 4 now inside strays would all love this. I have one dark covered & one opaque covered, because they’re all kickers & one rubs on the walls after. They’re all about 7 yrs & will be getting harder to get in & out.
Oh, we’ve got the improvised storage container going on right now, so this would be fabulous! We’ve got a littler kicker, so something that would contain that would be great.
Oh please please please pick me to win this litter box. I have a 3 legged kitty who is a champion litter kicker and another pudgie who misses the litterbox regularly because they are always too small….I would love to have one of these!!!
Amy Orozco
My cats would love it!!!!
My cats would love this!
sara gile
these litter boxes look amazing mu two cats kiki and gus r very messing when it comes to the litter box would be amazing to win
Daisha Everly
My poor kitty is slowly going blind and has difficulty with hitting the kitty box. Poor girl misses often. This looks like a good solution!
Rachel Hendricks
I would love to win this cat box! With 5 finicky about their boxes cat, I am sure they would appreciate ‘the best’.
My boys would love this. They are litter box divas.
Heather Emmert
This would be the answer to our prayers! Our long, tall, privacy loving, fickle cat would love this! We have 3 and he’s the only one who will pee outside the box occasionaly. This is a must have!
Kate Fagan
My cats would love this!
Colleen Gedrich
This litter box would be perfect for my kitties!!
I would love one of those! I have a side peer and currently have to use covered boxes in order to keep it from getting everywhere! Thanks!
My girls are litter kickers…. I had the blue one in the picture, but it was awkward & had a top, that I eventually stopped using. My Momma Cat is getting older & having issues with all four legs. They would LOVE this NVR miss!! As would I!!
who can’t use a new litterbox?! 🙂
carrie bevans
Looks so perfect for my older cat, who has been very picky about her litter box especially being siamese and having her quirks!
My kitties would love this!
who can’t use a new litter box! 🙂
Oh this would be sweet….
We have 2 rescue cats. one likes hitting the sides of the litter box. Both love to leave kitty litter trails as well LOL
My cats would LOVE this!
Oh my goodness! I have an old cat with arthritis who has trouble getting in and out of our boxes. This would be perfect!
Debbie Schow
With a shelter Maine Coon and a tabby we have three litter boxes, but the big guy seems to grow tired of one or the other no matter how clean. This seems a great alternative that both cats can also use.
Ernie and Maley would loooooove this box and me too becasd it will save me the time I spend cleaning the sand from the floor 🙂
Natasha Stephenson
I had to move in with family, and the blending of the feline households has been a little bumpy. At night, my 4 cats have to stay in the bedroom with me…which means having a litterbox in the room! Litter gets tossed out and scattered around the room, then stuck to the bottom of my feet, then in my blankets when I get into bed. This high-walled litterbox would be great.
Debbie Petryk
I have 4 older cats that are having more and more trouble getting in the litter box.
They would love to win !!
Donna B
would love to try this with my own big boy, he is very long and tall and using the uncovered litter boxes are just not adequate for his needs…my fosters would also benefit from this litter box. would have to decide who got to use it.
D-2, my oldest, is indoor and outdoor, and he prefers going outside. Jonquil and Emily are indoors only, and big fatso Jonquil needs a big box. He says “Please.”
Nancy Lemmons-Grijalva
Would love to try this for my foster kitties – they are Maine Coons, very large (especially the two males), and can kick litter out of the box like no other cats! Have tried so many boxes that I thought would work, but didn’t.
I would like to give it a try too!
Amanda C
Looks like a great litterbox. It looks like it will help eliminate sand being kicked out!
Wow, that is cool! Our guys have a tendency to kick litter, so this would be perefct. 🙂
The kitties at our rescue would *love* to try a new litterbox!
The kitties at our rescue and foster home would LOVE a new litter box!!
With 4 ‘keepers’ and various foster kitties the right litterbox is important. Would be great to add to our collection. Was just thinking of revamping our litter situation.
Debi Lefever
I would LOVE to win this for my 6 rescued kitties – 3 of which are definitely kickers and 2 that love to reach in the boxes and scoop out their own little gems and bat them around like toys. Geesch!!! The high walls would help keep everything in where it belongs until the morning and evening scoopings (by me).
Nikki Lamothe
My girls kick litter everywhere, and my boys tend to shoot a little higher than the walls on the current litter boxes, so I would really like to try one of these!!!
Barbara Sikes
This would be purfect for my oldest cat. He’s not getting around as easy as he used to and is also a standing pee’er.
I *need* to win this litter box. My kitty Baker is quite the kicker. I live in a small one bedroom apartment and his litter box is in the bathroom. I would love to finally not have to step on kitty litter when I get out of the shower!
Wow! This would work great! I think I have the box labeled #3 and I still get litter all over the floor from the kicker & pee out the back from the vertical peer. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have 9 cats, and I would LOVE to win one of these! I am always trying new litterboxes, and that one looks like it would please several of our Siamese cats. Even if I don’t win, thank you for posting about these- I need to find one for my herd!
Robin Jurczak
This litter box would be perfect for my big guy, Ferdinand! He’s a big boy AND kicks litter everywhere. I’d love this box for him!
So many kitties… NEVER enough litter boxes!
Leslie Stockdale
Oops …Forgot to leave my name!
This would be wonderful for our older cats at My Mathew’s House Shelter.
Caren Gittleman
this looks super interesting! Cody is a MAJOR litter kicker. I am wondering if this will also work in a litter cabinet or are the sides too high?
cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com
If you think it will work, please enter us! Thanks!
Thanks to share!
We could use a new litter box. Then I could retire one which has seen better days.
sue brandes
OMG! I cannot believe I won last weeks prize! Yippe! Thank you! Those little boxes look so much better than the regular kind. Sounds like so much less mess too.
Ingrid King
This is the best litter box ever! You’re right, the design is magic for vertical pee’ers, and also for litter kickers. Don’t enter us in the giveaway, we already have a couple of these fabulous boxes.
Celena U.
Would love to win this for my big Maine Coon girl, Henrietta!!!
Anne from TheCatSite.com
I love sturdy solid open boxes. This one looks purrrfect!
Jen Hendee
I have several kickers as well as standing pee’rs… This box would come in handy!
Shauna N.
I have three kitties, one is a champion litter-kicker. Am currently improvising with a Rubbermaid container. We would love to win your product!
catherine turley
if i don’t win, i may break down and buy one (or many). i just rescued a cat that rises to a standing position as he pees. right now, i’m using cardboard to extend the height on the brand new boxes i bought that turned out to be not quite high enough.