Mancat Monday Up On the Roof
For your listening pleasure, the old song Up On The Roof sets the mood for Mancat Monday. Since Gris Gris died, Odin is restless and bouncing off the walls and some roofs. Although it’s premature to think of adopting another cat, hubby thinks Odin needs a younger kitty pal. Domino, his wrestling pal hasn’t felt like playing lately. Thankfully he’s bounced back from an eye infection last week. We used amazing Vetericyn for eye care which ironically hubby had bought for Gris Gris on that fateful day.
I expected to have some kind of communication from Gris Gris but there’s been nothing until last night. He showed up in a dream which felt like real time. He just walked in the room and I said, “You’re alive!” He looked the way dead people often appear in dreams: young, happy, healthy and whole. In his case, he looked plumper than his usual wiry self, and his gray coat as soft and sleek as a Russian Blue. He’d never looked better and my sense was he wanted to let me know he’s okay.
Merlin is feeling the need for constant physical contact from either a feline (Domino is his feline bolster) or a human, so I’ve been working in bed a lot. He’s happiest under the duvet by my belly preferably without a digital device but we’ve reached an agreement. After all I do need to work and he’ll be posting Mondays with Merlin next week. Guess who has interpret and edit for him? No complaints. I feel blessed to be able to indulge all the cats and not work in a normal 9 to 5 situation.
Despite every toy, treat, playtime, extra cuddles and every form of communication, Odin is going through a destructive phase. He knows Gris Gris is dead but he’s not happy about it. He’s not thrilled with the extra attention I’m giving Merlin so it’s an emotional juggling act many of you are familiar with. I routinely remove small breakables from his reach this large vase surprised me. Getting angry at him is counter-productive and I’m sure by spring he’ll be fine. Perhaps a new activity is needed to quell his boredom. A new baby grand piano has arrived but he’s expressed no interest in becoming the next Nora the piano cat. Maybe she’d like to give him lessons?
We continue to navigate the grieving journey together, one step and one paw print at a time. Thanks for being there with us!

Nellie was much the same as Merlin when her companion Licorice went over the bridge. Even though she pretends not to like Kozmo and Jo-Jo, she really does.
Ms. Phoebe
I’m sorry the loss of sweet Gris Gris has been hard for mewz famiky, especially Odin. When my family lost my little sister to cancer a year and a half ago, it was unexpected and I had a difficult adjustment for about 2 weeks afterward. I did not act out, I retreated inward and
Ms. Phoebe
I’m sorry the loss of Gris Gris has been so hard for mew all, especially Odin. When our family lost my little sister Černy suddenly to cancer a year and a half ago, I found myself miss
Lots of love being sent your way. My friend’s cat still won’t play with them a year after his friend, an old Lab, passed away. Thankfully he will play with the kitten they adopted a few months ago but we all miss how playful and happy Ricky used to be with people. Hopefully Odin will feel better soon. I feel that loss must be harder on pets sometimes.
It sounds like Odin has gone into the second stage of grieving – anger.
I enjoyed Nora and the song, thank you for sharing them.
I’m glad you saw GrisGris looking healthy and beautiful.
Oh Odin. Sounds like he is taking Gris Gris’s departure very hard. But how lovely Gris Gris came in your dream to communicate with you. I hope he will do the same with Odin and he feels better. Purrs and hugs to all of you.
The boys are blessed to have an insightful mom who is allowing them to grieve as they need. Life (and death) changes us. Love to you all while you roll with the changes.
Katie and Cocco
Sending you lots of hugs and piggy kisses during this difficult time. It throws all the dynamics and feelings off balance and it is such a hard thing it experience. Our thoughts are with you all.
Glogirly and Katie
I’m so happy to have this song in my head! It’s always been one of my favorites and it’s been years since I even thought of it.
(((hugs))) to you and all the kitties as you work through your grief.
Cathy Keisha
Maybe Gris Gris has yet to appear to Odin to talk to him. It’s funny how cats need closure as much as humans or they feel abandoned by the one who “left them”
Our cats grieve as much as we do. When Eric passed, Flynn seemed to turn against us. He hissed at us and wouldn’t let us cuddle him. He would get on the chair in the tightest little ball facing away from us. That went on for over a week and it felt to us that we had lost him too. It was heartbreaking to see our little love bug so distraught. His face aged and he always looked sad in the following weeks. It took several months before he started to get anywhere near back to his usual self. Even now, nearly 10 months later he still gets that sad faraway look on his face. They had done everything together since birth and knowing how wretched we were feeling, it must have been so much worse for him.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks so much for sharing the details. Merlin’s face visibly aged too after Coco died.
Skeeter and Izzy
We send our Purrs and hugs and kisses to you all. We think they all stay with us in some way. There are some that send us messages loud and clear and then there are some that just send us the briefest of whispers in passing that if not listening with our hearts might be missed. We know that the family grieves as a whole and that each one grieves as an individual in their own unique way.
When the time is right a little one will find their way to you all. It will be the purrfect one even tho it may not appear to be so. Gris Gris will send them to you. Thats what Angels do.
Luvs,purrs and prayers to you all,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
There is probably a kitty waiting in the wings who may not be perfect but purrfect.
Angel Abby
The journey through grief is a slow twisted curvy pathway. Some things seem so familiar others do not. Some days you find impasses and then you find a clearing meadow. There is no beginning or end, there just is. You will find your way with Gris Gris as your guide.
Caren Gittleman
((((hugs)))) it has to be hard for Odin. Loved your photo and the quote, made me cry. I adopted Cody 2 wks after my Soul kitty Bobo passed, you never know……
Connie Marie
Happy for your dream.For your sake. Feel so bad for grieving boys. A younger cat may help every one. Maybe a spayed female?
Many purrs and much love sent for healing and peace of mind.
Random Felines
we all grieve in different ways. that being said, mom said over the weekend that everyone here seemed to lose their minds temporarily (she said any more from all of us and she was sleeping in the car – we don’t believe her though cause we don’t think the Beetle would be very comfy)….. we are sure things will even out given time
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Zee went through a very petulant, bullying, and overly aggressive state when he was younger and he used to take it out on Jazz. Getting Zoey as a kitten for him was a very deliberate act on our part, as I intuitively knew he needed a younger playmate to share his pent up energy with. Zoey was exactly what he needed and did wonders for his personality and spirit. I think the same would be true for Odin and when the time is right, you will open your heart and doors to another cat.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Odin is a sad clown these days. How funny about your piano loving cats. The sound attracts some cats but not all.
Betty Smith
Every time I think of your loss, I am moved to tears yet again. My heart aches for you in your grief.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Betty. I wonder if my loss is reminding you of yours?
It’s tough to lose a friend, both for us and for their other animal companions. Sending lots of healing love his way. Dreams are a wonderful way to communicate and I’m so pleased to know he let you know he’s ok. And we also love Vetericyn. It’s always on hand for Crepes’ stump. Actually, I use it on myself. Shh. 🙂 – Alana.
Viki Worden
Animals do grieve just like us. It is sad that Odin is taking it so hard. At least you all have each other to help each other. I’m glad Gris Gris came to you in the dream. We need that closure. When I lost Bebe at the age of 19 I cried myself to sleep for 2 straight weeks. One night it felt like she was laying next to me on the bed where she always did. I put my hand there because it felt so real. I believe she came back to let me know it was ok. She was the only cat that came back to let me know. This is the first time that I have more than one cat at a time. I have four. I will be expecting that at least one of them will be grieving when I lose one of them. Two of them are getting up there in age and both have health issues. I know the time will be coming, but I hope it isn’t too soon.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Viki, thanks for sharing your story about Bebe. What a gift of comfort from beyond the grave.
Brian Frum
It is just plain tough on everyone and we each must learn to deal with the loss in our own way, but it sure is difficult.
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz….sauce N gram paw dude both did de same thing for de food serviss gurl….came bak two her ina dreem 🙂 XXXXXXXX
N due knot laff when eye say this, tell yur mom ta get sum harp mewsic on de ray de oh or her computerz…plane ole… nothin else added…harp mewsic….it will help….honest 🙂
tuna of moon ~~~~~
Texas, a cat in... Austin
It’s so difficult not to see our furriends when they have left for the Bridge. Sometimes it feels good to let the energy out some way.
Sending you lots of purrs
The Island Cats
Most humans don’t realize that us cats do grieve, in different ways, when we lose a furiend.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
The adjustment is hard for everyone. Hopefully the vase will be the only breakable. We’re sure you got his attention-getting message loud and clear. Big purrs for all of us.
I am not surprised Odin is acting out. Even though Binga is the oldest, I often wonder what she would do if either Boodie or I went before her (and considering her powerful tortitude, I would not be surprised if she outlasted us). I bet there would be some misbehavior on her behalf too.
Katie Kat
Vetericyn is an amazing product. We usually have some on hand for emergencies.
So glad that Gris Gris left you a message in you dreams that he is okay now. Purring and Prayers fur you and purring that Odin finds a solace on the roof. =^..^=
I started singing as soon as I saw the title. I hope you can find a buddy for Odin, and I’m glad Gris Gris came back in the light and let you know he was okay.
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr
Poor boy, he’s communicating his grief. Please give him a big cuddle from us.
So silent in his misery; so boisterous in his joy – Odin.
Little joy these days for him.
Nora is amazing.
Our Siamese would always walk on the keys. All our Siamese -5 of them over a period of 16 years. One way down. One way back up. Black and white. They must love to hear it.