Happy, Healthy, Hydrated: #PetSafe Drinkwell Fountain #Giveaway With 3 Winners!
Summertime and the living is easy thanks to our friends from PetSafe. They are sponsoring not one, not two But THREE water fountains for a total value of @$300.00. We’re big on on pet hydration all year round but more so in the summer when our goal is Happy, Healthy, Hydrated pets.
I must confess we’re late adopters of drinking fountains. Years ago I tried cheap, plastic fountains and they were a disaster. I learned you get what you pay for. Luckily we discovered Drinkwell fountains, specifically the stainless steel Drinkwell 360 and we’ve been fans ever since. Our former feral Domino who used to drink out of the pond, quickly appreciated what real, clean water tastes like. Our super athletic indoor/outdoor cat Odin, happily slurps from the fountain by our front door. Our almost 20-year-old Merlin, who has kidney disease and on sub-Q fluids needs the freshest water possible. All elderly cats are more prone to dehydration.
Did you know chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the leading cause of death in domestic cats?
Part of the problem is cats don’t exhibit symptoms until the disease is advanced. Cats who eat wet food will get some of their needed moisture but cats who eat dry food must get adequate drinking water to stay hydrated and help prevent kidney disease. Find out if your state has the highest rate of kidney disease and tips for prevention here
Two ways to check your cat’s hydration level
1) Pull up the loose skin between your cat’s shoulder blades (scuff of the neck) to form a “tent.” With a well-hydrated cat the skin will generally snap back within 2 seconds. It may take longer for a very thin or obese cat. Let your vet show you what’s correct for your cat.
2) Check your cats gums for any dryness or tackiness. Well-hydrated cats will have smooth, moist gums.
Did you know cats prefer the have their water source separate from their food?
No, you don’t need to keep your fountain in the kitchen. We have a large, busy entrance hall where the cat love to hangout and play. As a central hub, it’s a great choice for us. I placed a mat underneath to protect the hardwood floors. We also have one in the bedroom to provide easy access for elderly Merlin. Your cats might prefer their fountain in the bathroom, the bedroom or maybe the sun room or den.
In the wild, big cats never eat where they drink and vice versa to avoid contamination and avoiding predators. Domestic cats don’t have the same concerns but still enjoy variety for the their drinking water sources. It’s not an accident that many cats naturally love water from a dripping faucet. Moving water is fresher.
For comparison purposes I’ve laid out several fountains with average sized cat food or water bowls. One of the most important features in a water bowl is width. Cats DO NOT like their whiskers (which are very sensitive) to touch the side of their bowls. My cats like a big fountain to mimic a “watering hole” in the wild. Which one would your cat choose?
The Avalon ceramic fountain is pretty and practical with two drinking areas in a easy to approach circular design. It holds a whopping 70 ounces of fresh, filtered water and is dishwasher safe, excluding pump. Suitable for cat and small dogs.
The Drinkwell® Zen Fountain offer a full gallon of refreshing water filtered by a 3-layer charcoal filter. The extra-wide, patented free-falling stream draws oxygen into the water, making it more appealing to drink from. The pump is quiet leaving the soothing Zen sound of falling water. Stainless steel is my favorite choice of material for a fountain. It’s unbreakable, BPA Free, hygienic and easy to clean. Dishwasher safe, excluding pump. It’s ideal for cats and small to medium dogs. The Zen is our new favorite and welcome addition because I like the idea of a fountain on every floor of the house.
The Pagoda porcelain fountain looks visually larger than the Avalon but also contains 70 ounces of fresh, filtered water and is dishwasher safe. There are upper and lower drinking areas and the Dual patented free-falling streams make it very attractive.
Curious about other sizes, shapes and designs of fountains? Check out the full array of fountains directly from PetSafe
PetSafe Drinkwell Fountain Giveaway DETAILS.
Three lucky Cat Wisdom 101 readers (U.S. residents only) will win a fountain of their choice. Please leave a comment mentioning whether you’d like to win an AVALON, ZEN or PAGODA fountain. This giveaway ends on July 1, 2014 at 11:59 ET. The winners are selected via Random.org will be announced July 2, 2014.
*No purchase necessary to enter. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Winners will be notified via e-mail. The winner(s) of the giveaway must provide Cat Wisdom 101 a physical shipping address within 72 hours. If the winner(s) don’t respond alternate winner(s) will be chosen again by random. Winners may or may not be announced in a separate post following the drawing.
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Disclaimer: Petsafe sent us fountains for our own use and as donations for a shelter fundraiser of our choice. Receiving products did not influence our opinion in any way.

I think my cat would like the zen model.
joe gersch
i like the avalon
Sheila K.
I’d like t have the Zen design, please!
Samantha Daleo
I love the Pagoda one for my cat.
Cary Hillman
I like the zen model
I’d like Zen.
I love the Pagoda design but since the dog will probably drink from it too the larger capacity of the Zen would work better for my household.
Like you mentioned in your recent post, I’ve mostly unplugged from things lately so I haven’t been online much. Just surfing around for a short bit today!
Jennifer Murray
I never knew chronic ailments if left unchecked could even cause death of the cat. Thanks for the information. Cat supplements are available to help them come back to their normal self.
Rita Sarao
I am dying, just absolutely DYING to win the pagoda! Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
Shelley P
I’d love the Drinkwell® Zen Fountain for my kitty 🙂
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
We have the Pagoda and we cannot say enough about it – we LOVE IT!!!
Colleen Boudreau
The Avalon Fountain.
I think the Zen would be nice. I have an old tabby whose motto has always been “Hydrate or Die”. (He likes the bathroom sink faucet).
Cynthia Southern
I would love to win the Pagoda Fountain.
Michelle S
I would love to win the Pagoda fountain.
Oh, we love the Pagoda fountain. 🙂
I think Cari would prefer the Zen. 🙂
Cindy Ray
I would love to win the Pagoda
Mahdi M
I like the Pagoda style. It would look really nice in my red kitchen too. I have a fountain for my cats, but it only has one drinking area, and it’s definitely not Feng Shui!
Lauren E.
I love the pagoda, it looks beautiful
Malinda Fumia
My cats would love the Pagoda. It’s sleek, yet sassy just let them. With just enough attitude. Love it!
Michelle M
I think my girls would love to win the Avalon!
Sweet Purrfections
OMC! We love those fountains. We’d like to win the Pagoda fountain but would be happy to receive any of them.
Dee W
I currently use wide stainless bowls for my two cats to drink from. I think they would really like the Zen style.
Michelle H.
I think I would like Pagoda.
Pawesome Cats
This is a great giveaway – good luck to everyone!
Gosh! Are those ever cool looking fountains! We wish we could enter, but wes has let our US Address go.
Hydration was difficult with Hissy old Licorice, he had kidney disease and thyroid issues, but mes drinks lots of water and Mommy always adds water to our soft foods.
Skeeter and Izzy
WOW these Drinkwell Fountains are tha cat’s MEOW fur sure. We would be honored to win any one of them. Good luck to every one!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
I like the idea of the stainless Zen. Our Tommie has kidney disease and we try to offer many different sources of water all over the house.
Thank you!
I would love to win the Zen fountain for our cats. One of them has CKD and this would help.
I would love to win the Zen fountain for our cats. One has CKD and this would help.
Angel AbbyGrace
We’d chose the Zen fountain. But they are all great fountains.
Oui Oui
If we won, we wouldn’t mind which one it was, but the ones with 2 drinking levels seem cool. Good luck to us all!
Nerissa's Life
As a Canadian kitty, I can’t enter but if I could, I’d choose the Zen Fountain on account of the fact that I know a couple of peeps who could really do with some vibes of the zen.
Holly E
I love Zen; very nice!
Brian Frum
We love our fountains and would be sad without them!
Sue Brandes
I love the colorful ones but; for my kitties I think the zen one would work better. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
They all seem very cool. If I had to pick only one… I’d pick the Zen. I like it’s size!
Zen. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
For our group, definitely the Zen
Amy Orvin
I’d love to win the Zen fountain
Judi Daly
I Think Thunder would like the Avalon.
My 3 cats and I would love the zen. I’ve been wanting one of these for a while!
da tabbies o trout towne
best fishes two everee one who enterz…thiz bee a way awesum give a way doodz…. ♥♥
Misty says she’d like the Pagoda.
I like stainless steel too. The Zen would be my choice.
We would love the Avalon! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Avalon please!!
Pagoda please!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
The head peep has been procrastinating on getting us a pagoda fountain, even though she picked one out at BlogPaws.
Laila and Minchie
We would love the Avalon! What an awesome giveaway!
That’s a great tip for checking hydration level! We have Drinkwell fountain but it’s plastic. I got ceramic fountain, but Goro didn’t like it. I should try these fountains though!
My cats would like the Zen.
Would love to try the Zen fountain for my furbabies.
We are enjoying the fountain we won at BlogPaws – our Avalon gets a big paws up!
Deztinee High
OMC Meez likes da Pagoda and da Avalon. Course meez wuld be happy wiff any of dem.
Luv ya’