Feline Tarot Wisdom: Hang On Or Let Go
Mondays With Merlin and Feline Tarot Wisdom.
You asked for it, so here I am, Merlin, dishing out a dollop of Feline Tarot Wisdom with a dash of sass. If the shoe fits, you’re welcome and if it doesn’t, it may fit later this week. This week’s tarot card #12 is The Hanged Man which looks scarier than it is. It’s the card of surrender, not of giving up but letting go of ego, of expectations. You know, the human condition. To some people that is scary! I’m not saying it’s a picnic (I do love picnics) but it’s usually not nearly as horrible as you’ve imagined. It’s a dance, a one-legged jig, if you will, between knowing when to hang on during a bumpy time or letting go. If you hang on too tight, it hurts more.
Pull the ripcord of your life’s parachute and bloody hell, let go. Scary for three seconds and then exhilarating. Whee…
My advice applies to everyone including my feline student, Push Push. The dear Honey Girl has moved up to the # 6 spot in the Modern Cat Star Contest. Vote for Push Push with one quick click.
Her favorite quote is, “Life is for pleasure and leisure Darlings. Everything else is a waste of time.”
Trust me, she has no trouble letting go. If you need a tutorial in letting go, watch your cat wriggle with abandon in a sun puddle.
My music pick which captured the mood SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO a classic punk anthem by The Clash. Cool retro website. The song lyrics are about a guy being jerked around by a girl, “…Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An’ if I stay it will be double..”
It’s a classic Hanged Man dilemma and there is a profound sentence in the lyrics providing a deeper clue. If you’re a seeker, you’ll find it. If you’re ready, you’ll find two or three.
I leave you with the most important piece of advice I can give.
This was from our Instagram account. We play with different things there but find it annoying when images shared on different platforms look good on some and poopy on others. Cest la vie.
And we’re inviting anyone with a black cat to post a pic of their cat on anywhere on our Facebook page for consideration in our Friday Feature. If you’re not on Facebook, email it to info@catwisdom101.com with Friday Feature in the subject line. If you haven’t checked out our new Black Cats Tell All backer rewards on Kickstarter, please do at Black Cats Tell All. It’s furry good thing and tax-deductible too!
Have an good week. Don’t let anyone mess with you. I still have my claws!

pes 2018 jogress v3
Intresting, will come back here more often.
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
I am hoping when Layla has more time after the Kickstarter campaign she can help channel some of your wisdom for a Tarot reading dear nephew. You are missed so but your spirit I do feel and am happy is here as the first day of the week will forever be Merlin Mondays to me. The knowledge shared via the Hangman card relates a lot to fears I have been facing lately. No matter how much I try to face the fear head on, I freeze and am stuck in the same place. I hear what the Hangman says about letting go, jumping in but there is a glass wall that seems to be shatter proof! Paws crossed we develop the muscle to bust through!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Here’s is a secret dear ones. The emotions of Fear and Love cannot exist at the same time. Focus on love, expand it like a cloud all around you and it will bust through the fear. LOVE is always more powerful.
Thank you for this wonderful wisdom and guidance, Merlin. Love the part about letting go of expectations.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, that a big one! xoxo
This is wonderful! Poor Mommy lost her job about a month ago and she has been looking for a new one. The Hanged Man has been haunting all her readings. Its funny yous talked about him today!
Sending yous lots of Love!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dearest Nellie, I was wondering why your mom was blogging so often. This may seem like an unfortunate thing but it is not and the coincidence? I think not. It’s a double whammy message from the Universe, which by the way, has her back. Something good is waiting when she let’s go and trusts. Much love to you both xoxoxo
There is a lot to think about here, wise Merlin.
And I like what Tamago said too.
I imagine a rock climber paralyzed by fear because she (or he) can’t let go of a secure hand hold.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Maggie, dearest, fear is a four-letter word, useful at times of emergency but mostly the emergency is in our head!
Letting go is an important thing to move forward. It’s not the same thing as forgetting, though I sometimes wish I could just forget the mistakes I made in the past… 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
This is true Tamago-san. We can’t forget the mistakes but we can forgive ourselves for making them. In the end, the “mistakes” bring as exactly where we need to be on our journey. xo
The Island Cats
Merlin, we always enjoy when you share your wisdom with all of us.
My Mondays are always brighter with you in it Merlin.
I have never had much trouble letting go, I am pretty layed back to begin with, sometimes too much so, although I do know when to bare the claws.
Been voting for Ms Push Push, tell her to hang in there, she has such lovely eyes against that background.
Always a pleasure hearing from you………..
Layla Morgan Wilde
Dearest Ellen, the electronic frequency is spotty in the ether tonight. Sadly I am unable to respond to all but tell Punchy to pose for the camera. Time is precious and few more clear pics are needed. Extra purrs ?
Sometimes Cats Herd You
The hanged man has good advice that he head peep has trouble taking. She isn’t good at letting things go. You’d think that with cats around she would be used to being out of control, wouldn’t you?
Sue Brandes
Voted for Push Push.
Always good to see you dear Merlin. Truly, you’re a wizard. The wizard of all wizards.
<3 <3 <3
Layla Morgan Wilde
A wily wizard perhaps, dear Kathryn. Keep writing! ? xo
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….ther iz much wizdom in yur post two day !! now letz see if they will listen ♥♥♥
hay, ya wanna head over ta peetz pound oh perch & pub & chillax with a few ~~~~ ☺☺
dude & sauce ~~~~
The Hanged Man is not exactly one of my human’s favorite cards because she is always about go-go-go… which is probably why she needs to listen to it more.
easy rider
I will read this to the mama.. twice…. to find peace we need a rest… if she is her own whip she hasn’t to wonder that she runs like a horse the whole day… :o)
Skeeter and Izzy
we love the Tarot readings. It is true that we all make our own decisions but it is nice to have as much help as possible MOL!
We hope you are loving the higher plane that you now inhabit. We miss you here but know that you are in a better place.
Luvs to you all!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~