Does Your Cat Hate July 4th Fireworks Or Not?
By Clyde, feline editor and author with quirky Independence Day/July 4th cat art and practical safety advice from a straight-shooting old black cat.
You’d think a hard of hearing cat like me would not mind fireworks, but I hate them. They go off here and there in the neighborhood and startle me because my world is calm and quiet. I’m vigilant at the top of the stairs for any sights or sounds like the food servants. Or seeing Odin sneaking up every morning to steal my food. I have everything worked out and comfortable and detest surprises, or worst, our annual display in the park nearby which is as loud as thunderstorms on steroids. We’re written about why and how to keep your cats safe during July the 4th festivities
My brother Domino scrambles under the bed to hide. We make a point of not letting him outside at all on July 4th. In previous years, he got so spooked, he’d hide for days. It must have been compounded by past traumas from his feral years outdoors.
Odin and Nou Nou are curious about the fireworks and not disturbed in the slightest. Out cat household is 50% afraid of 4th of July fireworks and 50% not afraid. How about you?
Did you know we feature cat art every Monday at our BlackCatsofIG group on Instagram? This week, there is a giveaway.
It’s the long weekend of the Canada Day holiday and Independence Day in the U.S. on July 4. If you have to work today, it’s annoying not having a long weekend but to amuse you, here is a fun card designed by Katie Ruby. She designed our Instagram logo and known for her punny greeting cards.
My humom Layla, tweaked these old cards with her odd sense of humor. She is after all an ex-pat Canadian. Whatever you’re celebrating this week or not, stay safe and enjoy the July 4th fireworks. Let’s make America purrfect again.
This is generic and could be shared or Pinned for other occasions. July the 4th is Uncle Sams’s Birthday but it could be for anyone.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs
I, Pipo don’t seem to mind all that booming, or the vibrations that go with them…and surprise, neither does my doggy brofur, Dalton. Our Angel doggy brofur used to go out and bark at all that noise which he found disturbing to his peace. Maybe he was scared of them and did not want anyone to know? He barked at thunderstorms, too.
I love those cards!
Petcretary is also Canadian, though she’s been in the USA for over thirty years now.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, she has me beat by 14 years but forever Canadian 🙂
Thankfully, Gracie and Ava seem to be okay with fireworks. Ava kind of had a “what the heck was that?” look when one boomed outside last night, but then settled right back down. 🙂 Happy Independence Day, dear pals. Let freedom ring!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I hope you all enjoyed the 4th. I’ll be back soon with a new post xo
Ellen Pilch
Happy 4th of July! I enjoy fireworks as much as the cats so I will be home with them. 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
Some of us are anti fireworks and some of us just ignore them. We are indeed an eclectic clan o kitties.
We hope everyone has a safe celebration and no ones get scared or hurt or runs away!
The Mom peep isn’t so keen on the fireworks, least way not the ones that the people in the neighborhood let off.
Luvs and Happy 4th o July to all!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the angels >^..^^..^<~
Nobody much cares about the fireworks here. My human is watchful, though, to make sure I’m okay.
The Island Cats
We don’t like all the fireworks and other noise around the 4th of July. Fortunately this year, it’s hot so all our windows are closed and the air is on…so it’s not as loud as it could be.
Layla Morgan Wilde
You’re lucky having central air. We don’t and it gets loud on the ground floor.
Cheddar Oleski hates July 4 and any holiday. He spends every day from 10 a.m. to about 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. hiding (somewhere) sleeping. He should resurface soon. Since it is now the long, sunny days, I think he resfuraces later, choosinig to go with nightfall. I’m guessing. I should start a clock and see. I will do that tomorrow. The first moment I notice he is not around, and then when he resurfaces. If he bases it on sunlight or on his internal clock, or if his internal clock is in synch with sunlight.
Makes sense that more cats go missing on the 4th. The door is open, people arrive, or people leave, so much chaos. I hope there isn’t much noise on the 4th I am busy telling off Mr. Estranged that he cannot have every holiday and that he canot assume to just take a holiday without pre-negotation.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Is this a new thing the hiding/sleeping all day? I hope you stuck to your guns. xo
Andy & Tater
We do not like fireworks or thunderstorms. We go U.T.B. and stay there until the noise goes away. The were some humans who lived near us who would start shooting off fireworks in mid June and continue until after July 4th. It has been super quiet this year so we are thinking that they moved. Hooray and good riddance.
Layla Morgan Wilde
There is always some of those 😉
Eastside Cats
I’ve read that more cats and dogs go missing on July 4th than any other day of the year! They get spooked and run away, trying to hide. Yesterday, a neighbor let off something loud and noisy, and not only did Angel run under the dresser, but I jumped outta my skin too! The Hubby went outside to give them a piece of his mind, those fools!
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s true and a busy day at all shelters xo. We have three days of fireworks in a row.