Cat Caption Contest: Chickens Come Home To Roost
Cat Caption Contest: Chickens Come Home To Roost edition.
Our winner of last week’s vintage cat caption contest is suitably vintage in flavor and is courtesy of one of our favorite kitty bloggers. Congrats to Nellie! After many years of blogging, she retired one blog but is blogging less frequently at her new one. We still enjoy her unique and funny take on the world. Pop by and visit Nellie, the cute, old Meezer miss at Nellieontheedge.
The quote “a chicken in every pot” was first stated by Henry IV of France as, “I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday,” and later in the United Statesduring the Hoover campaign in 1928 for presidency as part of an advertisement. Since then it’s suggestive of general welfare or prosperity. In the case of our poor cartoon kitty, she may have taken the news a tad too literally.
Speaking of idioms, and we do love a good idiom, don’t you? Our favorite this week is:
chickens come home to roost
This week’s caption mirrors a familiar family dynamic. There is a husband and wife out for a drive with the kids or kitties. This dates back a hundred years but some things never change. Well, except we have seatbelts now and kids don’t ride in the front seat.
Think of a clever caption and you might be next week’s winner. If you’re a blogger you may include your URL or social media link.

Cathy Keisha
The driver looks like a cab driver but I can’t think of a caption. Concats to Nellie.
Elaine Faber
“I told you to go before we left home!”
Cute addition to your weekly posts. Keep up the good work.
Ellen Pilch
Good job Nellie! Cute photo of the kittiens in the car, but I have no ideas for a caption.
The Island Cats
That was a purrfect caption that Nellie came up with!
Nerissa's Life
Oh my mouses, Nellie. That’s priceless! PURRS.
Congrats to Nellie~
A family drive is sooo much fun. Right? …. Right?…. Kids?
da tabbies o trout towne
conga ratz two ewe nellie on a total lee awesum capshunz !!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 ♥♥♥
mizzuz kitty: can you pull over again please, now tabby needs to go….
mizzter kitty: I… asked ….before…. we…. left…does anyone need to use.. the litterbox
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
Pawesome quote Nellie! We love this new feature every week and the cute old cat pics you come up with. Our love to you all!
-Clove & Kaspars
skeeter and Izzy
The dag gone thingy didn’t pick up our name on the post. Its a good thing we signed it!
Skeeter & Izzy
Mama says”WATCH OUT FOR THAT POTHOLE!!! Daddy thinks “Women! it’s a good thing they don’t let em drive!”
Concats to Nellie!!!!
LOL if it weren’t for weird my world would not exist!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
YAY Nellie – congrats on a perfect caption. As for this week’s – I think maybe the “Mom” is saying “…and after you fix the lamp, you can wash windows….then you can…..” and poor “Dad” is thinking “I plan on taking a nap!”
Happy Wednesday,
Love, Sammy
Looking at our topsy turkey ( thanks, spell correct! I wanted to say topsy turvy ) world of politics, weather, and inter-human relationships lately, I think you might be right – “Maybe weird is the the new normal?”
Take refuge in CATS!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I kind of like topsy turkey 🙂
That’s a great caption! And this is another cute image. Ah yes, looks something familiar 🙂
Thank you for your comment. I got the ladder from website catladder(dot)com. They have many sizes 🙂
easy rider
the guy behind the wheel reminds me of my dad somehow LOL
One of my human’s favorite Laurel & Hardy film shorts is called “Chickens Come Home.”