Black Cats Tell All Monday With Clyde
We’re keeping Black Cats Tell All Monday short and snappy because we have a post about CatCon on the way! Stay curious as a cat my friend because things are about to get very buzzy. Oh my whiskers, I’m getting too old for so much change and excitement at Cat Wisdom 101 headquarters. My big mancat head is spinning, spinning I tell you. There are so many people to thank and news to share but I’m not telling just yet.
First, I must announce the winner of our fabulous giveaway
If you missed it, click on the link and you can still take advantage of a great deal. Our one lucky winner, selected randomly with my paw is BETHANY. Congratulations! You will be contacted by Layla via the email address provided.
This is what I can tell right meow. I’m so excited the original watercolor of moi, arrived all the way from the U.K. It’s far more fab in person and I can’t wait to share but you’ll have to wait until next week. Or don’t wait and grab your very own portrait for a song.
Black Cats Tell All Book News.
- It’s looking like we will be published (e-pub) on Amazon in time for Black Cat Appreciation Day on Aug. 17th.
- It made no sense to rush the print book during the August lull and we’ll offer pre-orders and a Sept. 21 launch date.
- Our media kit is up. Check the tab on top or on mobile, the three horizontal lines and click on Consulting and Media Kit.
- A cool book trailer will be added tomorrow.
- And we’re sharing the back of the book with a very last minute book blurb from “Mr. I Could Pee on This” Francesco Marciuliano, who interrupted his vacation in Portugal to write it. It’s long and didn’t fit the space so we had to edit. The original version is below the back cover image.
How on Earth is it that black cats have become synonymous with bad luck in the U.S.? Is it because they appear on Halloween posters or were relied on too heavily for stock tips? In Olde England, black cats were given as wedding presents to ensure a happy marriage, since years of dragon egg gifts ultimately proved problematic. In France, it’s believed that if you are kind to a black cat he or she will reward you with great prosperity, perhaps in the form of an oversized check and Publishing Clearing House camera crew. And in this very book, you will find page after page of the most adorable, affable, intelligent, inquisitive, bright-eyed cats ever to light up your life and somehow claim both your sofa and home office chair at the same time. In short, like black cats the world over, this book will bring you great fortune in the form of pure joy. And it may even inspire you to reward yourself by adopting a black cat of your very own.
~Francesco Marciuliano
Well, how can I top that, dear reader. I best exit stage right and see you next week, barring acts of COD and unscheduled vet visits.

The book looks AWESOME! We’re so excited to read it, and share it with others. Congratulations, Layla and Clyde. Black cats rule!
Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s been a long road to get here and we still have the road from e-pub to print. Thank you, the reality’s beginning to sink in.
The book is looking amazing. Yea!
Hope Clyde did well on his visit to PAWS.
Concats on your publishing of this great book!
The Daily Pip
Miss Rosie is SO EXCITED to see the book. She can hardly wait to share it will all her fellow panther cats – and all cats everywhere! Congratulations!
The Swiss Cats
Concatulations ! That’s so exciting ! Purrs
Your book looks fantastic. Congratulations! Black Cat Appreciation Day is purrfect day for e-publishing 🙂
Also, I look forward to your CatCon post!
that#s the question… will they tell all? I think they will… and we will love the black panthers even more after reading this book ;o)
Andrea Dorn
I’m excited to know Black Cat Tell All will soon be a reality for you. I love that cover, the colors are great. Congratulations.
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Bethany!
Ellen we loved reading your comments about Punchy and the neighboring kitties. We are dealing with similar situations with an elder Feral and neighbors not spaying and neutering.
We can’t fix STUPID but they sure as hell need to let us spay and neuter IT!
Layla, we are so excited just thinking about the book!!!!!
Luvs to all
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Congrats Bethany!!!
I think the book is lovely. The cover is outstanding and when it comes time to promote count me in. Clyde you are one handsome fella!
Punchy lost his last tooth- gosh he looked odd but was in no pain while it was wiggling out. He looked snagglepussed for a bi and now is sporting his regular ticked off at everyone and everything loo again while purring and headbutting. He continues on hos slow decline, sleeping in the garden. Another new cat wandered up……….a kitten. Not all black, it has white boots front and back and white on its face. I havent named it yet and it is quite feral but seems to have some strange attraction to Punchy whom he follows around irritating Punchy to bits. It looks much better than when it first showed up, since it has been getting regular meals supplemented with treats in the afternoon. Catching it is on the things to do list. Guessing, it is now maybe a bit under 10 weeks and rather small.
The nitwit neighbors still have a male not neutered running about . They insist it has kittens, oddly enough I see mancat parts quite clearly. hey have a orange cat inside too apparently not spayed. I am saving my pennies and am going to round all of them up and let them have a snipping party at the vets office.
Yeah I rambled, it happens. Here is to a good Monday!
Kathryn Esplin-Oleski
Wow this is so incredible.
Did not know all of that fascinating stuff about black cats in England .
On iPhone today
Typing is a bit odd
Back to Computer soon
Have moved to a new suburb
Internet coming tomorrow
Eastside Cats
We LURV black cats! Well…any cat really, but both Chuck and Sweetie are black cats, and their fur is the silkiest, and they are wonderful kitties! Congrats on this book!
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….book iz lookin good buddy……in fact itz lookin total lee mega awesum !!!
🙂 ♥♥
Cathy Keisha
Concats on the labor of love finally coming to fruition. Black cats are wonderful so I hope there will be an uptick in black cat adoptions after the book is out.
Oh how wonderful! Thank you ???
I can’t wait to hear the CatCon news and I know a few folks who will be getting e-book gifts from me this week!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Very exciting news! The book looks wonderful and should do so much good to help improve the perception of black cats.
The Island Cats
This book is wonderful, Layla. We’re trying to do a post about it, but life is getting in the way.
I’m so excited that Black Cats Tell All is almost here! Yay!