Cats,  Contests & Giveaways

5 Mega Giveaway Cat Product Winners

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
We have 5 giveaway winners to announce and other tidbits and goodies. I prepped a new Cat Caption Contest but photos weren’t uploading, the birds were chirping and I thought I’d better get some sleep. Look for it later in the day.
I’ve added the Rafflecoper widget with the winners’ names at the giveaway post page.
Prize Pack # 1 Winner is SAMMY! Full of treats and summer, fun the prize pack includes Merlin’s all time favorite treat, the Inaba Churu. The soft, creamy moist texture was easy to eat and I swear it kept him alive a few extra months. I’d never seen him go that crazy over a treat. Kristy, from the pr agency kindly kept him supplied. A few days before Merlin died, he lost interest in the treat. That’s when I knew it was time. I recommend the treat for senior cats, or any cat recuperating from illness and needs an appetite boost.


Prize Pack # 2 winner is ATCAD!


Our blue Sleepypod arrived yesterday and I love it. It’s my favorite color. It may not be as practical a color as our chocolate brown one but unless your vehicle is muddy pick-up truck, it’ll work. A quick wipe with a wet cloth for dirt or spills does the trick.
Our lucky winner left a comment. “With 5 cats we need more carriers as we only have 2, in case we has to evacuate for a Hurricane.” That means they need to get two more carriers. June is National Emergency Preparedness Month. Click on the link for easy tips.
Prize Pack # 3 winner is Dorothy Abernathy!


We’ve installed the Sedona fountain on the porch by the front door. With less cats, we don’t need out big stainless steel fountain out there. The Sedona is sleek with bubbles sending ripples to the top in a most inviting way. We’ve had hot weather from coast to coast and it’s critical to keep all your pets with plenty of cool, fresh and clean water.
Our winner left a comment: “Knowing my family and the feline love of water here, I’d have to choose number 3. I doubt that most cats have two bathtubs set up with water and toys everyday but here that’s common. Instead of telling my son to pick up his dirty clothes I remind him to put the cat’s water back after his shower. Otherwise Hitch will turn the water on himself and that is a full flow rather than a drip.”

Does anyone else have a water-loving cat? I’d feel safer having a fountain with a cat who know how to turn on a tap.

Prize Pack #4 includes the mystery bonus of the Sherpa on wheels. The winner is Cary H.!

I have to admit, as clever as the battery-operated toys are, they are no match for Odin. He spends all day in the garden honing his hunting skills. His pouncing skills are a muscular ballet of speed and strength that no mouse, real or battery-operated has a chance. We have to use a latch lock on the storm door or takes the flying leap like a battering ram and pushes it open. This is no flimsy screen door but a tightly closed, solid wood door. For regular, indoor-only kitties, these toys from Worldwise will provide hours of exercise and amusement.


Our Cheshire & Wain luxury leather collar and Cheshire Cat Catnip Toy winner is Karin Leander.

Please note: my email server tends to blacklist hotmail addresses. Thankfully Karin, who lives in Sweden, left her Instagram tag @mybeautifulbengals. I left and message and happy to see her gorgeous Bengals!


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