Rainbow bridge day
#AdorableAdoptables & Shelter Stories,  Black Cats Tell All Monday,  Contests & Giveaways,  Feline Fine Art,  Feline Funnies,  Shelter Cats

Good Luck Cat Cafe, Holidays & Model Search

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

What a wild week since the eclipse! Settle back dear ones, we have jam-packed Black Cats Tell All Monday with yours truly, Clyde and ta da, a new model search contest. Plus you’ll want to scroll to the end to see my mentor who rocked bowties and dispensed wisdom and stardust. As you may know, I loathe being photographed but indulged Layla, who by the way is home from the hospital. She’s none to pleased to have to take it easy but very pleased and appreciative of the kind good wishes. So, what was I saying…right… being old is for the birds. I’m started to feel it in my bones. See the arthritis in my leg? Ach, well I am pushing 18 and could use all the luck I can get.

meowdel model search


Cat cafe’s are cropping up everywhere but here’s a new twist. The Good Luck Cat Cafe is a part of Boomerang, a thrift shop in the St. Lauderdale area in Florida. My mom Layla loves thrift shops and some the best ones are in Florida. So you can browse for fun finds, have a coffee and cuddle some kitties. They partnered with Good Karma Pet Rescue and Lady Luck Animal Rescue and I featured one of their cats on Instagram named, K’Ehlair. What a cool name! Is this photo not begging to be captioned?



She is youngster about a year old and was found at an Auto Nation in Miami with half of her ear missing. I don’t think it was a feral cat ear-tipping since she’s super friendly. She is the cafe greeter, always at the door, always talking to our visitors! She may even sit on your lap if she likes your vibe. She loves to cuddle and be kissed. As a wise old black cat, I can assure you she will bring good luck to whoever is lucky enough to adopt her. Check them out on Instagram @_goodluckcatcafe

All of the cats (7 currently available) are spayed/neutered, microchipped, and up to date on their shots. The adoption fee is only $75. All the cats are socialized and comfortable being around lots of people. The nonprofit organization offers snacks, drinks/coffee, buttons and bracelets for small donations. Unlike other cat cafes, Good Luck Cat Cafe is free to visit.

Although there are several photos of me in our Black Cats Tell All: True Tales And Inspiring Images book, I did not grace our 2017 calendar. Wah.

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BTW, Every copy sold feeds 5 cats click to buy at the discounted price. Prices go up next week when we launch a new version on Amazon.

We’re purring with excitement to announce a Meowdel or Model Search for our 2018 Black Cats Tell All calendar.

You do not need to be a professional model but you do need to have professional quality images. 300 dpi (dots per inch) high-resolution jpg. Image names must be of the format FirstName_LastName_number.jpg. If you don’t have a DSLR camera, it’s possible to take great quality images on an iPhone. Try these tips.

Submission details:

  • All ages, sizes, and types of black cats welcome.
  • Images can be color or black and white.
  • Outdoor or indoor shots.
  • Do not add graphics, frames or special effects.
  • Open globally, to photographers 18 years or older, amateur and professional, working in any photographic medium or style.
  • You retain all rights to any photographs submitted.
  • You grant Cat Wisdom 101 royalty-free, non-exclusive rights to print and publicly display the images on our website and social media platforms.
  • All submitted photographs must be your own, and you are responsible for obtaining any necessary releases if applicable.
  • Important Dates
    Submissions due by September 12, 2017 Midnight EST.
    Winning applicants will be notified by 19, October, 2017.
    All decisions by Cat Wisdom101 are final.
  • Submit up to 4 images to info@catwisdom101.com with BCTA calendar in the subject line. Email us with any questions. I will be judging, so sent your best photos!

Model search

Today, August 28 is

  • Crackers Over the Keyboard Day
  • Dream Day
  • National Bow Tie Day
  • National Cherry Turnover Day
  • Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day
  • Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Until next week, may you be well,

Love Clyde, Domino, Odin, Nou Nou and making a special appearance from the rainbow bridge, Merlin. Our shining light, blind and still sees all.

Rainbow bridge day


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