national kitten day card
Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Holidays

Pros and Cons of National Kitten Day

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Hey there, cat lovers! It’s Layla Morgan Wilde here, ready to chat about National Kitten Day. You know, that day on July 10 when the internet explodes with tiny mews and toe beans? Yeah, that one. Now, don’t get me wrong:I love a good kitten pic as much as the next person, but let’s talk about what this day really means.

The Purrfect Pros

1. Cuteness overload: Duh! Who can resist those tiny toe beans and wobbly first steps? Kitten Day is basically a prescription for instant happiness.

2. Adoption awareness: This day shines a spotlight on all the wee whiskers needing forever homes. Time to empty those shelters, folks!

Shelters often use this day to find homes for their furballs and drum up some much-needed cash.

3. Education opportunity: It’s the purrfect chance to teach people about proper kitten care, from bottle-feeding to socialization.


adopt a shelter cat quote


The Cat-astrophic Cons:

1. Impulse adoptions: Some folks might scoop up a kitten faster than a cat on catnip, without considering the long-term commitment.


gotcha day card




























2. Overwhelming shelters: Kitten season can already stretch resources thin. A surge of interest might leave staff feeling like they’re herding cats.

3. Older cats left behind: With all eyes on the itty-bitty kitties, our distinguished senior felines might feel like yesterday’s news.


The Whisker-Thin Line:


cute kawaii ai kitten
































1. Social media madness: Sure, those kitten pics rack up the likes, but let’s not forget the real furry faces behind the screens.

2. Breeding concerns: While we celebrate new life, it’s crucial to remember the importance of spay and neuter programs.

3. Unrealistic expectations: Kittens grow up (shocking, I know). Some people might not be prepared for the reality of a full-grown cat.






























National Kitten Day is great for getting people excited about adoption. Plus, it’s a perfect time to educate folks about responsible pet ownership. Win-win, right?

But here’s the thing: it’s not all purrs and cuddles. We’ve got to talk about the potential downsides too. Like people rushing to adopt without thinking it through. Trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of “oops, we didn’t realize kittens are so much work” situations.

Speaking of work, let’s get real about what adopting a kitten means. We’re talking about a 15-20 year commitment, folks. That cute ball of fluff is going to be with you through college, jobs, maybe even kids. And if you’re in your golden years, you might want to think about who’ll care for the cat if it outlives you.


No more kittens for me! It’s the reason my husband and I adopt seniors cats.

Now, don’t forget about the dollars and cents. Kittens aren’t just a one-time expense. You’ve got food, litter, toys, and don’t even get me started on vet bills. Those vaccinations and check-ups add up!

Oh, and here’s something people often overlook kittens need socialization, big time. Socialization period: It’s important to highlight the critical socialization period for kittens (2-7 weeks). Those first few weeks are crucial for developing into well-adjusted cats. Miss that window, and you might end up with a scaredy-cat or a holy terror.

Here’s a pro tip: consider adopting two kittens. I know, I know, it sounds crazy. But trust me, they’ll keep each other company and you might actually save yourself some trouble.


adopt 2 kittens


Now, let’s talk timing. National Kitten Day hits right in the middle of “kitten season.” Shelters are often overwhelmed this time of year, so if you can’t adopt, maybe think about fostering or donating.

And hey, while we’re at it, let’s not forget about the grown-up cats. They need homes too, and they’re often a better fit for folks who aren’t up for the kitten chaos.

Others things to consider

1. Health considerations: Please note: the specific health needs of kittens, including vaccinations, deworming, and potential congenital issues that adopters should be aware of.

2. Seasonal impact: Kitten Day falls during “kitten season” meaning shelter overcrowding and the increased need for foster homes.

3. Legal considerations: Some areas have specific laws or regulations regarding pet ownership, spaying/neutering, or the number of pets allowed in a household.


Alternative ways to celebrate: For those who can’t adopt, we could suggest other ways to participate, such as fostering, donating, or volunteering.

One last thing:? If you do bring home a kitten, keep it indoors or a safe enclosed outdoor space. It’s safer for them and better for local wildlife.

Plus, some places have laws about this stuff, so check your local regulations. If you think your bold kitten might be a candidate for harness training for future adventures, start them at 12 weeks but always respect their limitations.
































So there you have it: the good, the bad, and the fluffy of National Kitten Day. Whether you’re adopting, donating, or just enjoying the cute overload on social media, remember: every day can be kitten day if you’re doing right by our feline friends.

Let me know if or how your are celebrating National Kitten Day

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a laser pointer and my own fur babies. Catch you on the flip side, cat people!

Love, Layla, Odin and Otto





  • Layla Wilde

    Hi Audrey, good to hear from you! Have you considered a mobile vet visit? There are a few vets who make house calls. Mobile Vet Squad is a good option.

  • Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs

    If we didn’t have dogs that seem to think all that moves is ‘Prey’, then we likely wouid also take in an older cat for the same reason as you…our age…

    But we also LOVE kittens!! I have to stay away from when the local shelter has a kitten adoption event…sigh…

  • messymimi

    You’ve got some great information here. I agree with adopting senior cats or at least adults. Kittens are great, but as I used to say when bottle raising kittens for the shelter, I love them bunches and bunches and once I bring them back to the shelter, I hope I never see them again as they enjoy a great forever home that is not mine.

  • meowmeowmans

    So, so true! Thank you for this informative and really important post, Layla. We, too, adopt older cats. And PAWS ha a rule about kittens being adopted in pairs (or at least going to a home where there is another young cat).

    We love kittens, but wish there wasn’t a “kitten season” that seems to get longer and loger each year.

  • Audrey David

    Hi Layla: So sorry to read about your Lyme Disease problem….and thank you for shedding a light on it. It is such a sneaky problem but one of the reasons I have stopped going out into wilderness areas. I just can’t face the thought after having dug ticks out of many of my dogs in the past and I know how sneaky ticks are. Another plus for cats, I’d say, especially if you keep them indoors. I am down to one cat now….I adopted two from the Elmsford shelter in 2008….sisters, same litter and as different as night and day. One Mia was the sweetest soul ever, and always jumping around and having fun. The other one, Maizy, scared, suspicious, hiding at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately Mia died suddenly while I was sick and I never did find out what happened to her, just that it broke our hearts. Maizy, almost feral, has been impossible to get to a vet for years, and while I know this is a no no, she is surprisingly healthy, alert, loving (to me only), and doesn’t seem to have any real problems. I do suspect she is a little hard of hearing, but all things considered, she has had a wonderful life and her presence on my bed is one of the few joys of my life. I have considered adopting a senior cat for quite a while now, because I think Maizy is lonely, but most shelters won’t let me adopt on account of my having no record at a vet for several years, ever since the vet I did use was arrested for animal cruelty. Given how hard it is to get Maizy into a carrier, I am winging it. I never did this with my dogs….always took them to a vet, but cats are something else and call the shots. I am in a tentative situation myself, because my mother in law is seriously unwell, and at 96 I am her caretaker, and facing a home hospice situation. I won’t let her not be here because she is surrounded by the few things remaining to her….both her sons are gone….and she loves Maizy. I will not deprive her of the last vestige of joy in her life, even though it is really hard. Aging creeps up on one really shockingly fast, and has hit me over the head like a sledgehammer. I am however always hopeful, as long as I have an animal by my side. They are our angels, and calm me down. Every time I read your words, I am so grateful to have met you, and to know that kindness and empathy are still here in this world in abundance. You are a joy to read.
    I hope your health problems succumb to treatment and that you can put that behind you once and for all.
    You are a treasure in this world.

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