Cat Astrology,  Cat Behavior 101,  Gris Gris

Astro Kitty -The Virgo Cat

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

astro-kitty-virgo-cat-astrology-gris gris

Our Gris Gris is a classic Virgo according to purrsonality traits of the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Earth is their Element and their colors are gray and navy blue. Virgo cats tend to be shy and prefer to be on the sidelines rather than the center of attention. These are not the cats banging against the bars in a shelter meowing their heads off, “Look at meeee, take meeee home!” You might not even notice them at first slinking in the shadows.

Chances are they won’t make direct eye contact until they feel safe and secure. They are more nervous than other cats, rarely keeping still and lean towards smaller, slimmer and wiry frames. Even fat Virgos never look like slobs.

When meeting a Virgo kitty, let them come to you, not just at the beginning but always. They hate being pawed at, over-petted or drooled over with baby talk. If they sit on your lap, consider yourself very lucky.

These neat, tidy cats appear dainty and refined regardless of gender. You’ll never see them with sprawled legs akimbo in unsightly poses. There is something distinctive about the way they move and walk. Gris Gris has an unusual jaunty gait and all Virgos have a delicate way of stepping with their delicate paws. If cats ever develop opposable thumbs, Virgo cats will be first.

Their attractive and expressive faces with delicate features and bright eyes that see down to your soul, often have the intelligent but pensive look of worry or concern. Virgos are quicksilver quick, bright and hyper-alert to troubles in your household. They hate loud noises and yelling. It’s best to reassure them in soothing tones that everything will be okay even if they know otherwise. Virgos are one the best signs for telepathic communication. That makes them difficult to round up when it’s time to get to the vet! I’ve never had any behavioral issues with Gris Gris. I rarely need to call him verbally to come in from outdoors. He know what my intentions are before I do.

Never outwardly vain, they take pains to stay well groomed and generally like being groomed with the appropriate brush for their type of fur. Virgo cats are fastidious about everything. If you want to make your Virgo kitty happy, make sure their cat litter (they prefer not to share) is scooped twice a day and their food bowls are spotless. A pretty nonstick mat under their bowls would be appreciated. They can be finicky about food but not in a fussy pampered Leo way. They like what they like and if they’re happy, don’t change their food. When stressed they are prone to digestive woes like vomiting and diarrhea.

As far as beds or kitty condos, they like a spot of their own but don’t need anything fancy, fussy or expensive. The simple lines of this bed are pure Virgo.

What Virgos need more than anything is consistent routine and order. They want a place for everything and everything in their place. They’ll nudge you if dinner is five minutes late and won’t be amused if you stumble home at 2AM. Paradoxically they’ll look calm, hiding their anxious interior but then vomit in your shoe.

They thrive on having some kind of work whether mousing, helping you work at your computer, snoopervising imaginary intruders, care-taking other cats or yourself. If you’re ill, a Virgo will purr and coo until you’re feeling better. Gris Gris loves being Merlin’s seeing eye cat outdoors and herds him like a Border Collie.

If you respect these bright, independent souls (and yes they don’t mind being solo kitties), they’ll reward you with their quiet intelligence, sly humor and acrobatic elegance.


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