meow like a pirate day
Cat Saturday,  Cats,  Holidays

Ahoy, The Best Curse For Meow Like A Pirate Day!

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Aaargh, it may be Caturday but it’s also Meow Like A Pirate Day. We’ve celebrated the feline version of Talk Like Pirate Day (aye, it’s a real holiday) for years. This year we joining the party (or at least Captain Odin is) at Speedy, the Cheeky House Bunny with a bunch of me blog wenches and scallywags for grog and grub. Who know, maybe some rum and rhumba or digging for buried treasure.

meow like a pirate day

Every year, I find some old lore. The best curse I found that a cat could say is: “Eat what drops from my tail!” It’s no accident that cats are a natural match to meow like a pirate. Sailors, whether pirates or not, tend to be superstitious. The sea is unpredictable and those who sail her rely on extra luck. For hundred of years, cats were a sailor’s or pirate’s lucky charm. Cats kept rodents and bad luck at bay. Black cats and polydactyls were considered the luckiest. Having extra toes made for nimbler climbing and rat catching. Sailors believed if the cat was well fed and taken care of, nothing bad would happen. Woe to anyone who would dare to throw a cat or “Ship’s Cat” as they were called, overboard. Stormy misfortune was sure to follow. I’d like to see a reversal of superstition to thinking black cats as lucky feline friends again.

Well, shiver me timbers, it’s time to weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! Come sail with us. We promise not to make you swab the deck. You may find buried treasure or at the very least, rum and rhumba lessons on some exotic port-of-call.

meow like a pirate day-black cat dance



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